Cream for pigmentation

Skin pigmentation can hardly be called an adornment of both the female and male face and body. This applies to both large spots and small defects. A healthy skin color, free from any formations, is the goal to strive for, and high-quality pigmentation creams will help to achieve it.

How do they work?

Cream for pigmentation

Whatever cream is chosen as a bleaching agent, it will destroy the substance that caused pigmentation. A similar effect is due to the active chemicals included in a particular cream. Therefore, choosing a particular product, you need to carefully read the composition indicated on its packaging.

In order for the product to really whiten the skin, the following components must be present in it:

  • Arbutin. This substance is a plant glycoside extracted from bearberry leaves. Arbutin acts gently, gradually destroying the pigment that provoked the appearance of the defect.

  • Hydroquinone is an organic antioxidant. Its action is aimed at reducing the work of melanocytes. Hydroquinone creams should be used with caution, as the substance has a toxic effect. It is not recommended to use such funds for more than a year.

  • Gluconic acid. This substance is synthesized by jellyfish. It is added to creams as an enhancer of the whitening effect.

  • Koyeva acid. This substance is extracted from plants, it is present in mushrooms, in cereals. It is a powerful bleach, but can provoke severe allergic reactions.

  • Beta-carotene As part of a whitening cream, it prevents the accumulation of pigment in skin cells.

  • Ascorbic acid promotes skin regeneration, reduces the action of melanin.

  • Grape seed oil, jojoba oil, lemon extract, cucumber, parsley have a mild whitening effect.

To buy whitening creams, you should go to a pharmacy, since the chances of buying a quality product there that matches the declared composition are higher than in a cosmetic store.

What is the effectiveness of whitening creams?

Cream for pigmentation

You should not expect that after the first application of a whitening cream on the skin, it will be possible to immediately get rid of pigmentation.

As a rule, quality products have the following effects:

  • It will be possible to notice the first result no earlier than on the 3rd day from the start of using the cream. As for home-made products, the effect will be more delayed in time, it can be seen no earlier than 4-5 days from the start of using the product. This is due to the fact that the active substances, penetrating the skin, destroy the coloring pigments gradually, and not at lightning speed.

  • You should not stop treatment after the area of ​​pigmentation has become a little lighter. The course must be completed, this may take about a month, but not less than 3 weeks. It is important to follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations and apply the cream to the skin regularly.

  • Gradually, age spots will become less noticeable, and then disappear altogether. The skin will become light, elastic, healthy and radiant.

  • Whitening cream not only eliminates pigmentation, but also helps to reduce inflammation. This means that with its help you can get rid of acne, as well as smooth out shallow wrinkles.

Evaluate the effectiveness of whitening creams should be objective, not expecting any magic. This will avoid disappointment from unfulfilled hopes. In addition to the positive effects, most whitening products also have side effects. Therefore, in this regard, it is safer to use homemade whitening products. But their disadvantage is that the effect will be delayed in time and not as noticeable as when using purchased creams.

10 popular creams for facial pigmentation

Cream for pigmentation

The ideal pigmentation cream is the one that suits a particular skin type, a particular person. To pick it up, you will need to experience the effects of a number of creams.

Professional cosmetologists have created a rating of 10 popular creams for facial pigmentation:

  • Belgian cream Elure. It is the most expensive of all the creams on this list. When the cream is applied to the skin, melanin is destroyed in the upper layers of the epidermis. This is possible due to the natural enzyme lignin peroxidase that is part of the cream. It is especially effective to use this remedy for photodamage to the skin, with melasma, as it allows you to even out the color of the dermis, give it brightness.

  • American cream Lakshma Maxi (Lakshma MAXXI), the cost of which can reach 1700 rubles. Its use allows you to quickly and safely remove age spots and freckles. The tool can be used even on the most delicate skin, for example, in intimate places and armpits.

  • French cream Uriage, at a price of 1500 rubles apiece. The composition of the product includes licorice extract, green tea extract, vitamins and acids. Good for dry skin, maintains the achieved effect due to the high sun protection factor.

  • Another French Vichy cream (Vichy Idealia Pro), its price is 1400 rubles. This tool allows you to get rid of pronounced skin pigmentation, is perfectly absorbed, does not leave a greasy sheen.

  • French cream Lierac (Lierac Sunific Extreme), for 1300 rubles. Corrects the signs of photo-aging, moisturizes the skin, fights inflammation, protects against the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

  • French cream Isis Pharma (Isis Pharma) for 1300 rubles. Contains glycolic acid, cyclopentasiloxane, salicylic acid and other components. After application to the skin, a decrease in the intensity of the color of age spots is observed, the action of free radicals is neutralized, the epidermis is gently exfoliated, and excess melanin is eliminated.

  • Ukrainian cream Biokon for 200 rubles. Lightens the skin, makes freckles less noticeable, reduces the synthesis of tyrosinase, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

  • Belarusian cream Bielita Vitex at a price of 130 rubles. The cream evens out complexion, brightens age spots and freckles, smoothes fine wrinkles.

  • Bulgarian cream Achromin (Achromin) for 100 rubles. Allows you to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation, eliminates pigmentation due to inhibition of melanin synthesis.

  • Indian cream Himani (Himani Boro Plus) for 60 rubles. In addition to the whitening effect, the cream has an antiseptic effect, helping to fight acne.

Based on the above list, you can choose the right tool for the price and quality. The best option would be to pre-apply a sample of cream to the skin, which will allow you to evaluate the result without overpaying for the whole package. In the event that the cream does not fit, you should not give up and put up with the existing cosmetic defect. It is necessary to continue the search and a suitable cream will be found. If this still did not happen, or there are any doubts about the safety of a particular product, then you can prepare the bleaching composition yourself.

5 best creams for facial pigmentation

Cream for pigmentation

There is another list of pigmentation creams, which includes the five most effective face whitening products:

  • Cream “Performance Anti-taches” by Chanel, created in the laboratory of Endormeline Chanel. Using this tool, it will be possible to whiten even the darkest skin in people in adulthood. It contains licorice extract, narcissus bulb extract and ascorbic acid in a stabilized form. The price for a package of such a cream reaches $ 100.

  • Another slightly less expensive cream from Clinique called Even Better Clinical. It costs about 80 dollars, but the effect of its use is simply amazing. Importantly, the cream does not cause allergic reactions even on the most sensitive skin, its safety has been experimentally confirmed. In addition to the whitening effect, the product helps the skin resist the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

  • Prodigy Age Sport Reducer by Helena Rubinstein has a pronounced whitening effect, helps fight wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new age spots, makes the skin toned and fresh. By applying the product on the face, you can not worry about the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, skin protection will be provided. The price of this cream is equal to 120 dollars.

  • A more expensive product from Yves Saint Laurent called “SPF 12-Temps Majeur” costs $180 apiece. In addition to the whitening effect, the cream protects the skin from ultraviolet and infrared rays, tightens the oval of the face.

  • The most expensive and effective cream is produced by Guerlain, it is called “Orchidee Imperial White” and costs an average of $500. This treatment leaves skin delightfully soft, smooth, and hydrated at the deepest level. Pigmentation will disappear without a trace thanks to the white orchid extract included in the cream.

You can whiten the skin, tighten the oval of the face, and protect yourself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays with the help of these expensive, but very effective products.

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