Cream for narrowing the pores on the face

Not every owner of enlarged pores on the face is able to ignore them. Many consider this a problem (in fact, it is not) and try their best to solve it. One way to visually narrow the pores is to apply a special cream.

What is pore narrowing

The pores expand with increased sebum secretion. And this, in turn, causes black dots. But with enlarged pores and increased oiliness of the skin, you can fight at home. For example, with the help of cosmetics, as well as adjusting the diet and lifestyle in general.

In addition to nutrition, the size of the pores of the skin of the face is affected by temperature. Heat, for example, promotes sweating, and the pores expand.

Surprisingly, pores also become more visible from fatigue, as skin turgor decreases.

You can rinse your face with cool (but not cold) water to narrow the pores, but you should not wash your face like this all the time.

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Features of means for narrowing pores

You can narrow the pores on the face using products from several categories of cosmetics with different mechanisms of action on the skin.

Cleansing the pores, clay contributes to their narrowing.

  • A popular method is clay masks. With oily skin, it is advisable to do them regularly.

  • Primers are used after cream before applying makeup. They are formulated with skin-smoothing polymers that visibly tighten pores.

  • BB-creams for oily and combination skin combine moisturizing and other caring properties with the functions of decorative cosmetics. They not only hide enlarged pores, but also regulate sebum secretion.

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Features of composition

  • Clay helps to cleanse the pores of excess fat – freed, they narrow. One of the most effective types of clay is kaolin.

  • Salicylic acid It is used to care for problematic and combination skin. This substance has a sebostatic effect, effectively narrows the pores.

  • Lipohydroxy acid has an exfoliating and renewing effect.

  • Vitamin V3 stimulates collagen synthesis and helps moisturize the skin, reduces pigmentation, improves elasticity, soothes, tightens pores, improves microcirculation.

  • witch hazel extract soothes, activates microcirculation, slows down skin aging.

  • Citrus (extracts of lemon, tangerine, grapefruit) help to narrow pores, dry the skin.

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Who needs a cream to narrow the pores on the face

Enlarged pores can be hidden with the help of cosmetics that combine the functions of makeup and care.

The sebum that we fight has a protective function, and the pores bring it to the surface of the skin. That is why the cream for narrowing the pores is not suitable for everyone, but only for certain indicators. If you have a combination or oily skin type (you can determine this with our test), then you will most likely need an sebum regulating product to avoid the following problems:

  • oily sheen;

  • rashes;

  • the formation of black dots;

  • dull complexion.

An important point: oily skin becomes drier with age, but at the same time, the pores may remain enlarged, especially if mechanical cleaning of the face was often carried out.

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How to choose products to reduce pores

  • Consider your skin type. The drier the skin, the more it needs extra moisture.

  • Pay attention to multifunctional tools. It’s easier to use products like BB creams that both care for your skin and cover up imperfections.

  • Read the label carefully. Choose products that include moisturizing ingredients – without them, the fight against wide pores can do more harm than good.

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Cream rating for shrinking pores

We’ve compiled a list of products that, according to the editors of Healthy-Food, are best suited for narrowing pores.

BB-cream “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier

An incredibly convenient formula for owners of oily problem skin: the cream allows you to immediately hide or at least visually reduce imperfections and at the same time performs the function of moisturizing. The formula is enriched with salicylic acid, tightens pores and mattifies.

Lotion to narrow the pores Effaclar, La Roche-Posay

The composition includes LHA (lipohydroxy acid), which has the ability to effectively cleanse the pores, preventing them from clogging.

BB cream, complex moisturizing care “The secret of perfection” for combination and oily skin, Garnier

Designed specifically for oily skin. It not only evens out the complexion, but also visibly tightens the pores. Formulated with grapefruit extract and perlite to help mattify, the formula hydrates skin and protects from UV rays.

Cleansing pore-tightening lotion Normaderm, Vichy

The product cleanses pores, eliminating oily sheen, visibly reduces imperfections – the effect is visible after a week of use. The composition includes active peeling ingredients combined with soothing ingredients to cleanse problematic skin.

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Application rules

  1. Cleanse your face with a cleansing foam or gel.

  2. Apply toner.

  3. Apply BB cream.

Expert advice: “Before cleansing, the skin can be steamed with a steam generator or special warming masks to make it easier to get rid of impurities from the pores,” recommends Ekaterina Turubara, medical expert of the Vichy brand.

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Safety measures

  • Use the cream correctly, follow the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, try to give preference to products with moisturizing ingredients.

  • Pay attention to the composition to avoid potential allergens in the composition.

  • When in doubt, test the formula for tolerance by applying a small amount to your wrist and waiting for a few hours. If the skin reacts with redness or itching, the cream should not be used.

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