Cream for age spots on the face: how to choose the best

Our relationship with pigmentation is always in the status of “everything is complicated”. In youth, freckles irritate us, at the age of 30+ – much less attractive age spots. Special cosmetics will help to cope with them. You will find them in the top 5 best whitening creams, according to the editors of Healthy-Food.

Causes of the appearance of age spots


The tendency to hyperpigmentation is genetically determined. If your mom and grandma have skin blemishes, it makes sense to invest time, effort, and money into preventing them. And if you are late, you will have to deal with the correction.

We will not talk about moles and birthmarks now. All attention is on light brown spots that begin to appear after a vacation spent on the sunny coast. Such a nuisance happens mainly at the age of 35+.

Not a single sunburn passes without a trace and is eventually realized in hyperpigmentation.


These spots indicate excessive UV exposure and that the skin’s internal defense system is no longer able to work without fail. Melanin, which previously acted as a protector of intracellular structures from the damaging effects of the sun, is now produced chaotically, in vain.

Dermatologists are sure: not a single sunburn passes without a trace and manifests itself in the end as hyperpigmentation (at best).

From the moment the first age spots appear, it is important to use a product with a high SPF every day. And if you do this from youth, the chance of avoiding or at least reducing the likelihood of their occurrence increases.

Hormones and drugs

Sometimes hyperpigmentation is caused by disorders in the hormonal system or by taking certain medications. First, it is important to clarify the reasons, and only then choose a bleaching agent or go for special procedures.

“The localization of age spots is the epidermis, dermis, as well as the border between them. The effect of the treatment depends on the depth of the pigment and the accumulation of melanin,” says Oksana Makarevich, SkinCeuticals brand consultant.

Surface stains can be treated with home care products.

The cream from age spots is able to lighten them and make them less noticeable.

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Brightening face creams: composition

Until recently, the basis of most whitening cosmetics was hydroquinone. But it turned out to be toxic and is now banned for use in cosmetics.

His close relative arbutin (which can be converted to the ill-fated hydroquinone) is still found in cosmetics. But there is also the question of its “disqualification”, so experts avoid formulas based on this substance.

Akhromin, long known as a brightening agent, has also faded into the background, giving way to more effective whitening ingredients with scientifically proven effects.




Retinol (vitamin A)

Promotes the restoration and regeneration of cells of all layers of the skin (epidermis, dermis), strengthens it, restores natural protection. It normalizes the production of melatonin and thus gradually “erases” age spots.

Slow effect. Individual intolerance.

Vitamin C

In addition to a powerful antioxidant and restorative effect, it directly affects the synthesis of melanin.

Individual intolerance.

Glycolic acid

It has a powerful exfoliating effect, helps to deal with superficial age spots.

Individual intolerance.

Salicylic acid

Softens the upper layer of the epidermis, stimulates the renewal of skin cells, helping to get rid of age spots in the surface layers.

Individual intolerance.


Contained in apple leaves and some other plants, it has established itself as an effective and safe bleaching agent.

Individual intolerance.

kojic acid

Affects the enzyme tyrosinase, which stimulates the production of melanin.

Individual intolerance in rare cases.

Ellagic acid

Restores the balance of melanin synthesis in melanocytes.

Individual intolerance.

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How to use creams for pigmentation

Modern bleaching agents are designed for long-term use, because the task facing them is not solved quickly. The composition of such cosmetics does not pose a threat to health even with long-term use.

In addition to brightening the pigment, the anti-pigmentation cream gives the skin a radiance.

Most products are used in daily care 1-2 times a day, more often in the evening.

Particularly noteworthy are preparations with retinol, which are usually applied at night and in Russia are not recommended for use in the sunny season.

In parallel with the means for hyperpigmentation, it is important to use a good sunscreen daily (not at night, of course), so as not to nullify the whitening effect.

Many whitening products are contraindicated for people with pronounced dark skin.

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Top 5 Best Whitening Creams

Healthy-Food’s ranking of the best anti-blemish creams will help you navigate the brightening category and choose the right one for your skin type.

Night care cream Retinol 0.3, SkinCeuticals

Contains high concentration of retinol. In addition to hyperpigmentation, it eliminates wrinkles, acne and solves almost every conceivable skin problem. The tool is so powerful that the first week it is used once every three days, and then every other day. And only in the evenings.

Serum for even skin tone Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution, Kiehl’s

Lightens age spots and prevents their reappearance due to vitamin C, peony extract and white birch. With regular use, the tone evens out, and the skin becomes radiant.

Firming cream against the first signs of aging at different stages of formation Slow Age, Vichy

Begins to correct age spots (and wrinkles) as soon as they begin to form. And all this thanks to the antioxidants baicalin, vitamins E and C (the latter is the main anti-pigment player in the formula). The cream contains a probiotic that enhances the skin’s defenses.

Concentrated anti-aging care with retinol Redermic R, La Roche-Posay

It acts on the main signs of skin aging in a complex way – smoothes wrinkles, reduces hyperpigmentation, evens out skin tone, and visibly restores its elasticity.

Serum Re-Plasty Laserist Concentrate, Helena Rubinshtein

Thanks to a complex of vitamin C, brightening ceramides, lipohydroxy acids and algae extract, the product reduces age spots, redness and uneven skin.

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