Cream Cheese

Cream cheese, or cheese cream, called soft creamy type of cheese that has a creamy taste. It is made from the milk of various farm animals (cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats). All cream cheeses, regardless of their recipe, are dairy products with a soft consistency, in the manufacturing process of which there is no ripening stage and no additional processing methods (smoking, melting) are used.

Types of cheese creams

In the modern world there are a large variety of soft cheeses. Many of them have won worldwide popularity, and some are a cheese product of local importance, that is, purely national cheese, which is prepared at home.

The birthplace of the first cream cheese – feta – is considered Greece. The first mention of feta dates back to the time of Homer, who lived in the eighth century BC. Many cream cheeses that are popular today come from Italy: mozzarella, mascarpone, ricotta. French cream cheese Gervais and Neuchatel are also known in the world. Another extremely popular variety is Philadelphia cheese, which is made by the American food company Kraft Foods.

Greek Feta

Classical feta is made from goat or sheep milk. This is a fat soft salty cheese. It is dense in texture, easy to crumble. The color of feta may vary depending on the source of raw materials and vary from snow-white to light beige. Goat feta has a peculiar smell. Sheep milk produces fatter and softer cheese.

Philadelphia cheese

Cow Milk Philadelphia Cheese is currently the most popular cream cheese in the world. It is produced as a classic recipe, and fat-free, with additives and fillings. This cheese is required by the American milkman Lawrence, who tried to repeat the French cheese neuchatel, and as a result received its more affordable analogue. Subsequently, this recipe was launched into mass production by the American company “Kraft Foods” under the name “Philadelphia”.


This is the French version of cream cheese – a prototype of Philadelphia. It is made from cow’s milk, adding rennet for curing, and then a special yeast fungus. After 10 days, Neuchatel cheese is considered ready. The surface of the cheese at this point dries up and is covered with velvety mildew of white color, which gives it a specific mold aroma and fresh taste.

Mozzarella and Ricotta

Mozzarella and ricotta are tender creamy Italian cheeses. According to the classic recipe, they are prepared from milk of black buffalo (mozzarella) and whey remaining after making mozzarella (ricotta). On an industrial scale, these cheeses are made from buffalo milk of other breeds, cow’s milk and their mixture, less often from sheep or goat milk.


Italian Mascarpone cheese is a special cream cheese of very high fat content. Previously, it was also made from buffalo milk, but on an industrial scale it is produced from cow’s milk. The production process of this product is different in that rennet is not added to it for souring. Instead, tartaric acid or white wine vinegar is added to milk to coagulate proteins. It is the absence of animal rennet that makes this product vegetarian.

Chemical composition

Cream cheese is a nutritious, healthy and high-calorie product, because it has a special creamy consistency of fats contained in large quantities. The bulk of milk fat consists of saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides. In addition, these fats also contain unsaturated acids concentrated in comparison with milk fats, including omega-3 and omega-6.

In addition to fats, cream cheeses are present:

  • milk proteins (casein, lactoalbumin, globulins);
  • carbohydrates, including lactose – milk sugar;
  • organic acids, in particular lactic acid;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • vitamins.

The energy value of cream cheeses ranges from 170 to 390 kcal, which depends on the type of cheese and its fat content. The exceptions are low-fat varieties of cheeses, for example, low-fat Philadelphia cheese, which has a caloric content of all 80 kcal.

The protein composition of these cheeses depends on the type of milk used for their preparation. So, if the cheese is made from cow or goat milk, there will be a lot of casein in it. If a buffalo or serum is used for making cheese, the product will contain a lot of albumin and globulins.

Cream cheese proteins are more complete in their amino acid composition than fish and meat proteins. Essential for the human body are the essential amino acids methionine, glycine, lysine, tryptophan, which these curd products are rich in.

The main carbohydrate of cream cheeses is milk sugar – lactose, which is a substrate for the formation of lactic acid, useful for the intestinal flora. This carbohydrate, consisting of glucose and sucrose, is a source of energy, but it does not increase blood glucose levels as sharply as sugar.

Lactic acid, which is formed as a result of the breakdown of lactose, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora in the human intestine. In addition, the acidic environment created by lactic acid, promotes the absorption of vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus.

Cream cheeses are a source of many minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, which are represented in these products in a bioavailable form, that is, they are well absorbed in the intestine. These products also contain many vitamins: both fat-soluble (A, D, E and K), and water-soluble vitamins C, PP, group B.

Useful Properties

Such a rich chemical composition of cream cheese makes them the most useful food products. They favorably affect the work of all organs and systems of the human body, increase immunity, supplement energy reserves.

Milk fine fats are sources of fat-soluble vitamins, and also promote their absorption from the intestine. Phospholipids of milk fats together with proteins go to the construction of cell membranes. Omega-fatty acids in cream cheese promote bile secretion and prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder and ducts.

Proteins of cheeses are plastic material for building blood cells, vessels, mucous membranes, internal organs and skin, participate in the synthesis of enzymes, protein hormones, antibodies.

Methionine, which is found in large quantities in cream cheeses, is a good detoxifier. It activates enzymes that destroy toxic substances in the body, and promotes the elimination of their breakdown products with bile. The amino acid glycine normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation in the central nervous system, improving brain activity and exerting an antidepressant effect. Lysine is included in the structure of all the “frame” proteins of the human body, so its daily intake is very important for a growing organism. Tryptophan is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, therefore, it has a calming effect on the nervous system, improves skin condition.

The benefits of cream cheeses are also explained by the presence of vitamins and minerals in their composition. Vitamins and vitamin-like substances:

  • maintain the normal functional state of the nervous system, eyes;
  • protect the body from the harmful effects of environmental factors (solar radiation, infections, viruses);
  • have an antioxidant effect on the cells of the body;
  • improve digestion, normalize stools;
  • prevent fatty degeneration of the liver and bile stasis;
  • restore normal intestinal microflora, increase immunity;
  • prevent premature aging of the skin;
  • improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • strengthen the bone system;
  • contribute to the proper formation of the nervous system of the fetus.

The mineral substances of these products have an antiarrhythmic and hypocholesterolemic effect, maintain water balance in the body, strengthen bones, and promote tissue regeneration.

Possible harm

But not all people using cream cheese can be beneficial. Eating them is not recommended for lactose intolerance, casein allergy or other food allergies.

The high protein content of these dairy products can trigger a gout attack in people with purine metabolism disorders or exacerbation of urolithiasis.

Salty cream cheeses are not recommended for violations of renal excretory function, edema, heart rhythm disorders. Obesity is also a contraindication to their use.

How to choose and store

To buy high-quality cream cheese, you must be able to choose it. To do this, follow certain rules:

  1. It is only necessary to buy the product in stores with a good reputation.
  2. Cheese packaging must be in a refrigerator with temperature + 2 … + 6 ° С.
  3. The container must be intact, clean, with a label.
  4. Information on the label must be in Russian and contain data on the composition of the product, its value, production date, shelf life, manufacturer.

Carefully study the product label. Natural cream cheese should not contain vegetable fats, starch, gelatin, dyes, flavors or other food additives. Shelf life should not exceed 3 weeks. If it is longer – this indicates the presence of preservatives in the product.

Cream cheese in brine is stored well. After opening the packaging, the cheese can be stored in the original packaging or in a clean glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

If you want to extend the shelf life, this product can be frozen (but only at home!). In this case, its shelf life will last up to 2 months. To defrost curd cheese after freezing is necessary in the refrigerator. If after defrosting it exfoliated or acquired a foreign smell, the use of such a product must be abandoned.

Cooking application

Cream cheese is eaten without heat treatment, but even heat treatment during the preparation of various dishes does not lead to a deterioration in its taste or a decrease in its beneficial properties.

The slightly salty taste of cream cheese goes well with tea, chocolate, herbs, spices, fresh cucumbers, seafood, bacon.

Most often, cream cheeses are eaten as a separate snack or dish, sprinkled, for example, with aromatic herbs. You can spread creamy curd cream on toast. The sliced ​​product is added to salads, rolls. From it is prepared sauces, creams for cakes, desserts.

Cream cake

To prepare a cream for a cream cheese cake, you can take 400 g of any unsalted kind, 400 g of powdered sugar, a bag of vanillin, 100 g of butter. The oil must first be softened at room temperature. Mix cream cheese with butter and whisk until white. Continuing to beat, add vanillin and a tablespoon – icing sugar. When the mass becomes homogeneous, it must be removed in the refrigerator.


Cream cheese – soft curd cheese with a pleasant creamy taste and creamy consistency. There are many types of cream cheeses. Many countries have their own national cream cheeses, for example, Italian mascarpone, mozzarella, ricotta, Greek feta, American Philadelphia.

Cheeses contain a lot of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts. The rich chemical composition of cream cheeses determines their beneficial properties. The use of these products in food improves the functioning of the digestive system, brain, kidneys, heart. They normalize the metabolism, remove toxic substances, increase immunity.

However, due to the high content of proteins and fats, cream cheeses are not recommended for people who suffer from food allergies, casein or lactose intolerance, gout, urolithiasis, or obesity. Salty types of cream cheeses are contraindicated with a tendency to edema, kidney disease.

In cooking, these products are very popular. They are used as a separate dish, added to salads, sauces, creams for cakes, desserts, pastries.

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