Crazy poisonous – symptoms of poisoning

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Crazy venomous is otherwise hemlock. The properties of the plant were known already in ancient times, hemlock was used to carry out sentences, for treacherous plans, the mad venomous was also used by suicides, one of the most famous people who reached for the poisonous plant was Socrates himself. What is poisoning in the tick? Where does the maddening poison grow? What are the symptoms of plant poisoning?

  1. Crayfish poison is also known as hemlock, nonsense, blotch, parsley, water lice
  2. It is a plant that is very rarely found in homes. Since it needs a lot of water to grow, it can most often be found near the shores of large water reservoirs, in peat bogs, swamps
  3. Crazy poisonous looks very inconspicuous. Flowers can be confused with the common dandelion. The leaves are triangular in shape, the stem is hollow. The flowers are gathered in umbels
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Crazy poisonous – symptoms of poisoning

What is poisonous in the tick. Botanists and environmentalists agree that raging venom is poisonous in its entirety. However, most of the toxin called cicutotoxin is found in the stem and rhizome. What exactly is cicutotoxin? It is a toxic, poisonous polyunsaturated alcohol.

Cicutotoxin, or spasmodic venom, which, when it enters our body, attacks the medulla, i.e. the part of the hindbrain in which there are nerve centers responsible for reflexes independent of us, for example for breathing, circulatory system, motor system, vasomotor system . The raging venomous plant is one of the most poisonous plants in the world, a small dose of cicutotoxin is enough to cause seizures. The toxin stimulates centers in the brain called parasympathetic, which leads to paralysis of the vagus nerve.

See also what the symptoms of yew poisoning look like

What are the symptoms of poisoning with the poisonous toxin? Initially, intoxication resembles alcohol intoxication, only in this case the symptoms appear much faster, even after a few minutes. 2-3 grams of the toxin is enough for a severe poisoning.

After the first symptoms caused by the raging poison, there are the following:

  1. burning sensation in the mouth
  2. salivation
  3. nausea
  4. muscle cramps
  5. numbness
  6. diarrhea
  7. foam rolling out of the mouth
  8. dilated pupils

The last stage of poisoning that causes the venomous rampage is convulsions, which are characteristic because they begin with grinding of the teeth. Then there is paralysis of the respiratory system, the person has difficulty breathing. The last stage is, unfortunately, death, very often it occurs with the full consciousness of the poisoned person.

Ravage poison should not be torn with bare hands, if tearing is necessary, wear gloves as the toxin can penetrate even through undamaged skin. Poisoning occurs most often as a result of a tragic mistake, because mad venom can easily be mistaken for wild growing carrots, celery, parsnips or parsley. Even the scent that is wildly poisonous can resemble the spicy-sweet scent of the above-mentioned celery plants. You cannot plant hemlock near ponds at home or decorate the table in the living room with it. Unfortunately, when poisoning with hemlock, gastric lavage, most often used in poisoning, will not work, because the toxin enters the bloodstream. However, if you suspect poisoning with a toxic poison, you should contact the emergency services as soon as possible, the toxin penetrates the body even within moments, a quick response is key.

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