Cranberry tincture on alcohol

Cranberries are able to enrich the body with useful substances, strengthen the immune system, give vigor and vitality. And cranberries prepared at home with alcohol have healing power and in moderation will help get rid of many health problems.

Cranberry alcoholic drink is one of the best-selling products with a high degree after the classic cognac, vodka. But you can prepare tincture, liquor at home, they will turn out no worse than store-bought ones, they will even surpass them several times, since the recipe includes the use of exclusively natural ingredients.

Cranberry tincture on alcohol

Cranberry tincture on alcohol

Homemade tincture is prepared from fresh, frozen fruits. Due to frost resistance, the berry is able to retain its taste properties from the moment of ripening in September until the very spring. Many experienced winemakers recommend freezing fresh cranberry fruits a little before preparing the liqueur, tincture, in their opinion, the berries will acquire a suitable structure, allowing the future alcoholic masterpiece to have a persistent berry aroma.

This option is suitable for those who decide for the first time to try to make homemade cranberry tincture. You should prepare a set of ingredients:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 500 grams of sugar;
  • 1 l of alcohol.

To make cranberry tincture, you need to follow a certain order and sequence of actions:

  1. Sort cranberries, getting rid of spoiled fruits, wash, chop, using a meat grinder.
  2. Fill the jar with the resulting cranberry mass, add alcohol, stir with a spoon.
  3. Hermetically cover the jar, send to infuse for 15 days in a warm room without access to light.
  4. After the specified time, strain the composition using a sieve, cotton-gauze filter.
  5. Combine the resulting drink with sugar, stir, close the lid tightly, leave to infuse for another week in the same conditions.
  6. Pour the finished cranberry tincture into bottles. Send to a cold room. Glass bottles should be used as containers.

The time during which cranberry tincture retains its taste properties is 7 months, provided that appropriate storage conditions are created for it. In the future, its taste will deteriorate.

Another recipe:

Cranberry tincture, homemade recipe

Cranberry liqueur on alcohol

The liqueur is not as strong as the tincture, and is sweeter, so this exquisite drink is more popular with the beautiful half of humanity. To get high quality liquor, you need to know how to cook it correctly. Ingredients needed to make the brew include:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 liters of alcohol;
  • 2 liter of boiled water.

Recipe for the liqueur:

  1. Wash cranberries, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Put a layer of cranberry puree on the bottom of the jar, then a layer of sugar, pour alcohol, top with water.
  3. Close the jar tightly with a lid and shake its contents and send for 1-2 months in a dark room.
  4. After the time has elapsed, filter the resulting liquor, fill the prepared bottles.

The result is a liqueur with a strength of 14-16 degrees, which has a perfectly balanced taste, a subtle forest aroma. Store the drink in a cool place away from direct sunlight. The shelf life of homemade cranberry liqueur is up to 1 year.

Cranberry tincture on alcohol

How to insist alcohol on cranberries at home

A simple recipe at home will not require excessive efforts from winemakers. Even a beginner can make an amazing cranberry alcoholic masterpiece. The main thing is to be patient and follow the recipe exactly. As a result, rich color, forest aroma, slightly tart taste with berry sourness, woody notes will delight even the most demanding gourmets. It is important not to include any additional components in the drink – cranberries are good in their pure form.

For cooking, you should use the following ingredients:

  • Xnumx C cranberries;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 220 ml of alcohol;
  • 200 ml water.
Advice! When choosing an alcohol base, it is better to give preference to medical alcohol with a strength of 96 degrees, or use home-made purified moonshine of high quality – 65–70 degrees.

Recipe for creating an alcoholic drink:

  1. Pierce each fruit using a toothpick or needle. This stage is painstaking and boring, but thanks to it, the drink will turn out transparent, and it will take less time to filter it.
  2. Combine alcohol with the berry mass, mix well, close tightly using a lid.
  3. Send the container with the contents to a warm room for 14 days.
  4. After the time has elapsed, pour sugar into the water, send it to the stove, boil. Reduce the heat, cook the composition for 5 minutes, stirring systematically, removing the resulting foam on the surface of the composition.
  5. Set aside the finished syrup to cool to room temperature, add to the alcohol tincture. Close the jar tightly, put to infuse for another week.
  6. Strain the dessert drink using a gauze cloth folded in 3-5 layers and cotton wool, pour into clean bottles.

Having prepared such a tincture, you can cheer up boring evenings, at family dinners, or skip a glass on holidays for appetite. It is important not to abuse the alcoholic beverage, so as not to harm the body.

Cranberry on alcohol

Klyukovka will please you with a pleasant taste, rich shade and will provide you with a great mood. In addition, the tincture will benefit the body, as it does not contain harmful chemical impurities, preservatives, but only a whole range of useful substances.

To prepare cranberries you will need:

  • 1 liter of cranberries;
  • 1,3 L of water;
  • 1 liters of alcohol;
  • 300 d Sahara.

The recipe for making berry liqueur requires the following steps:

  1. Place the washed cranberries in a saucepan, using a spoon, try to crush each berry.
  2. Combine cold water with sugar, leave to dissolve.
  3. Add cranberries, alcohol to the resulting sugar syrup. Mix the components with special care.
  4. Place the mass in a 3-liter jar, close using a nylon lid. Send to a dark room at room temperature.
  5. After 4 days, filter the liquor through gauze until transparent, pour into bottles.

Cranberry on alcohol is an excellent drink to celebrate the upcoming holidays, a great way to improve your health. After all, a bad mood, depression can cause many diseases. Cranberry liqueur, which is easy to create on your own, gives a double benefit: a good mood, an additional complex of vitamins and minerals.

Cranberry tincture on alcohol


Cranberries on alcohol will amaze every gourmet with their taste, naturalness. Due to the availability of ingredients, quick preparation, cranberry liqueur is deservedly considered the best home-made alcoholic drinks.

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