Inflammation of the bladder is an unpleasant disease. Discomfort during urination and frequent urge, high temperature prevent a person from leading a normal life. Despite severe pain, few people immediately seek qualified help, preferring treatment with improvised means. Cranberry with cystitis is the best remedy to help quickly remove the inflammatory process in the urinary system. But before you start therapy with fruit drink or a decoction of wild berries, you should learn about its properties and contraindications.
Why cranberries are used to treat cystitis
Cranberries are a natural source of vitamins necessary for the development of the human body. If used correctly, it will help not only get rid of the symptoms of cystitis, but also have a beneficial effect on the whole body.
Oleanolic and ursolic acids help relieve inflammation.
Tannic-astringent components, such as tannins, easily bind together polysaccharides and proteins. This property of them has an antidiarrheal effect and stops bleeding.
Cranberries also contain a huge amount of flavonoids and ascorbic acid, which means that they help reduce vascular permeability and regulate the elasticity of their walls.
Magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus in the composition of the berry make it even more beneficial for the human body.
Immunomodulatory effect
Due to the high content of vitamin C in cranberries, the natural production of antibodies and interferons is activated, and they, in turn, help in the treatment of viral and bacterial infections. This action helps to maintain immunity during the onset of cold weather, when natural defenses weaken and cannot cope with negative external influences without additional help.
Anti-inflammatory effect
Another important effect of cranberries in kidney disease, restores the balance of alkali. During the active development of inflammation in the urine, a large amount of alkali is formed. It is she who is a favorable area for the formation of pathogenic bacteria that cause cystitis.
Cranberry juice oxidizes urine, which helps to slow down the spread of infection. It is thanks to this feature of the berries that it is possible to prevent the acute phase of the disease from turning into a chronic one.
60 minutes after taking cranberry juice with cystitis, up to 80% of bacteria die. The antibacterial effect lasts 12 hours.
Antimicrobial effect
Cranberry juice contains benzoic acid, which has an antifungal and antimicrobial effect. That is why berries in natural conditions are not affected by mold and fungi.
Proanthocyanidins complement the antimicrobial effect of benzoic acid and tannins. The main feature of this substance is that it is not digested in the stomach, so it easily enters the bladder through the blood and fights microbes that cause infection.
Taking cranberries in any form with cystitis, the body receives a large dose of antiseptics, which help to quickly cope with pathogens that cause inflammation of the bladder.
Although cranberries are useful for cystitis, they can also cause serious harm. It is not recommended to use:
- with peptic ulcer;
- with heartburn of various etiologies and gastritis.
With extreme caution, women should take it while carrying a baby, as well as people suffering from hepatitis.
After taking decoctions of cranberries or fruit drinks, it is imperative to rinse your mouth with water to remove the acid left on the teeth, because it destroys the enamel.
How to take cranberries for cystitis
The easiest way to take cranberries for pyelonephritis or other ailments that affect the genitourinary system is to eat 5 berries 4 times a day. But she has too specific taste, so it is better to prepare juice, fruit drink or decoction from it. The addition of water helps increase the diuretic effect and will allow the infection to clear out of the bladder more quickly.
Cranberry juice with cystitis
Preparing cranberry juice for the kidneys is easy if you have fresh or frozen berries on hand.
- It is necessary to take 0,5 kg of cranberries and chop using a blender to get a homogeneous mass.
- Strain it through cheesecloth.
- Add to the resulting fruit drink 10 tbsp. water, previously boiled and cooled to room temperature.
- It is necessary to drink it 3 times a day, 200 ml.
There is another recipe for making cranberry juice.
- You need to take ½ tbsp. frozen berries, pour 250 ml of boiling water over them and leave to stand for 10 minutes.
- After mash all the berries and leave for another 5 minutes.
- Divide the resulting amount of fruit drink into 3 parts and drink a day for three times.
How much to drink cranberry juice with cystitis
Cranberry juice with pyelonephritis or other diseases of the genitourinary system must be taken from 15 to 20 days. Drink it 100-200 ml 3-5 times a day on an empty stomach or two hours after eating.
Each person’s body is individual, so before proceeding with the treatment of cystitis with cranberries, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to cause harm.
Cranberry juice with cystitis significantly improves a person’s condition, but it cannot be the only remedy for the treatment of chronic inflammation, only as an additional one.
Cranberry decoction for cystitis
In the medical literature there is no mention of how to treat cystitis with cranberries, but in the folk there is a recipe for making a decoction:
- You need to take 1 tbsp. fresh or frozen berries and grind them with a blender.
- Using gauze, squeeze the juice and put it in the refrigerator for a while.
- Cake from cranberries pour 4 tbsp. boiled and cooled water, put on fire, wait for the boil and leave to simmer for another 7-10 minutes.
- After the broth has completely cooled down, add cranberry juice and 2 tbsp. l. honey.
- Take a decoction of 1/2 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.
This recipe allows you to make the decoction the most useful and tasty, while all the useful properties of cranberries are fully preserved.
You can simplify the recipe, just drink freshly squeezed juice from wild berries. But the drink turns out to be too concentrated, so before drinking it must be diluted with water 1: 3. Keep the juice in the refrigerator and no more than 24 hours.
Cranberry jelly with cystitis
There are many good cranberry recipes that can help you get rid of an inflamed bladder quickly, but this one is especially effective.
- 2 L of water;
- 2 Art. liter. starch;
- 1 st. berries and sugar.
Method of preparation:
- Boil the berries in water for 8-10 minutes, add sugar, mix and leave to cool.
- Boil starch.
- decant the berries, and put the resulting broth back on the stove to heat and slowly introduce starch into the mass.
- After the jelly has boiled, it must be removed from the stove and left for half an hour.
You need to drink jelly three times a day for 1/2 tbsp.
Cranberries for cystitis are used not only when the symptoms of the disease have made themselves felt, it can also be used as a prophylaxis. Decoction, fruit drink, juice, jelly will help to cope not only with inflammation, but also saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. The main condition is not to abuse and not to exceed the recommended dose.
How to properly prepare a healthy cranberry drink for cystitis, the video will tell.