Cranberry juice protects against urinary tract infections

Researchers from the National Taiwan University Hospital (Taiwan) confirm that cranberry products prevent E. coli-induced urinary tract disease.

Researchers have found that substances in cranberries inhibit E.coli, which is responsible for 80 percent of the disease. cases of urinary tract infections, from settling on the walls of the bladder.

The results of their research also show that cranberry juice is more effective in preventive measures than products containing cranberry extract, which can be obtained in pharmacies.

Unfortunately, the antibacterial effect of cranberries only lasts eight hours after taking the product. Therefore, in order to avoid contamination, you should drink several glasses of juice a day for months or even years for its antibacterial effect to work as expected.

In addition, not everyone gets the same benefits from cranberry treatment.

The best results are seen in women who suffer from recurrent urinary tract infections.

I’m not sure how many of us would like to drink this (cranberry juice –

PAP) every day for an indefinite amount of time. It can be expensive and high in calories, and some people just don’t like the taste, says Ruth Jepson of the University of Sterling (Scotland), who, through her research, has come to similar conclusions about the positive effects of cranberries on the human body. (PAP)

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