Cranberry for diseases of the urinary system. Who can eat cranberry fruit?

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There are many benefits of consuming cranberries. Most often, however, we hear about the fact that cranberry is used to support the treatment of urinary tract infections. In fact, cranberries have antifungal and antibacterial properties. It is effective not only in the treatment of the bladder, but also may be helpful in dealing with stomach ulcers. What ailments will cranberry help you?

Cranberry is an evergreen shrub that develops well in wet, even marshy terrain. The cranberry harvest lasts from mid-September until the beginning of November. Two species grow in Poland: large-fruited cranberry and blueberry cranberry. The large-fruited variety is more often used in the food industry.

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Cranberries are small in size. They are red in color. They can be eaten raw or dried. They will work as an addition to muesli or cocktails. You can make preserves from cranberries.

Thanks to its health-promoting properties, cranberries are also used in the cosmetics industry. They are a component of anti-wrinkle creams and lip balms.

Cranberry – a wealth of plant compounds

Cranberries are rich in plant compounds. It contains proanthocyanidins – these are compounds with strong antioxidant properties, i.e. those that help the body age more slowly. Proanthocyanidins also improve eyesight, increase joint flexibility and contribute to lowering cholesterol levels (they lower the concentration of the LDL fraction while increasing the concentration of the HDL fraction).

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In addition, thanks to the content of proanthocyanidins in cranberries, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. Interestingly, cranberries protect us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, cranberry is one of the best sources of quercitin, which helps inhibit the release of histamine, which is responsible for allergic reactions. It also protects the circulatory system. Cranberry also contains myricetin, peonidin and ursolic acid with anti-inflammatory properties.

Cranberry – what nutrients does it contain?

Cranberries contain large amounts of vitamins A, E and C, as well as a lot of B vitamins. Cranberries also contain anthocyanins – natural pigments that protect blood vessels. Cranberry fruits contain substantial amounts of fiber, carotene, as well as minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, iron and sodium. Therefore, it is worth consuming both fresh and dried fruits, and also at the right moment to stock up and freeze the cranberries. They can be added to oatmeal, yoghurt or baked goods.

Cranberry for urinary tract infections

Normal urine is slightly acidic. In the case of bacterial infections (usually Escherichia coli infection occurs), the urine pH increases, which promotes the growth of bacteria. Cranberries are acidic, so when used in the treatment of bladder infections, they will lower the pH, reducing the multiplication of bacteria.

Thus, cranberry reduces the amount of bacteria in the urine, and additionally impairs the adhesion (adherence) of E. coli bacteria to the walls of the bladder epithelium. Studies show that women are more likely to develop urinary tract infections than men. Additionally, cystitis tends to recur. Cranberry protects the body from re-infection.

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Cranberry juice, in addition to its beneficial effects on the urinary tract, can also prevent the development of kidney stones. Due to the high content of oxalates (compounds naturally occurring in plants), however, you need to be careful about their consumption.

Cranberry fruit can inhibit the formation of kidney stones. In the case of nephrolithiasis, it is worth consulting a doctor whether we can introduce cranberries into the diet.

Cranberry for cholesterol

Due to the content of polyphenols, cranberry helps to lower cholesterol, thus contributing to the reduction of the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In the case of diabetes, however, be careful about eating cranberries, especially dried cranberries, which can be additionally sweetened. This also applies to juices and preserves.

However, diabetes affects the urinary system, especially in women, so cranberry (despite its high glycemic index) can be found in the diet of diabetics. In this case, however, it is worth consulting its consumption with a doctor.

  1. Know the symptoms of high cholesterol

Cranberry to strengthen immunity

The high content of vitamin C and other minerals makes it worth reaching for cranberries with colds and flu. The juice can be drunk especially in the autumn and winter season.

In addition, cranberry turns out to be effective in caries prophylaxis, as it fights bacteria responsible for its formation.

Cranberry is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It will work primarily in the case of recurrent urinary tract infections. In this case, however, it is better to use natural juice without added sugar or dried fruit, because cranberry tablets may contain dehydrating ingredients that are not suitable for pregnant women and the puerperium.

As already mentioned, special care should be taken when consuming cranberries in patients diagnosed with nephrolithiasis (especially oxalate and gout).

People with diabetes should avoid fruit in the form of juice with added sugar and dried fruit. Cranberry is also not recommended for osteoporosis. It should not be combined with anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin) as it may cause haemorrhage.

Cranberries can be eaten raw. When buying dried fruit, it is worth checking the content of sugar or other sweeteners. The same concerns apply to juice and cranberry preserves.

Do you want to buy cranberries? On Medonet Market you will find various products:

  1. 100% Natjun cranberry juice,
  2. cranberry oil from Oleiq,
  3. freeze-dried cranberries by weight,
  4. dark chocolate cranberries Anka Dziedzic,
  5. organic cranberry juice,
  6. cranberry juice Herbal Monasterium,
  7. cranberry viridian extract.

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