Cranberries with honey

The northern cranberry contains a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. Cranberries with honey are not just a delicacy, but quite an effective way to strengthen the immune system and maintain health in the winter.

Cranberries with honey

Useful properties of cranberries with honey

Individually, these products are a storehouse of vitamins and healing properties. In almost any recipe for treating a cold, milk with honey or cranberry juice is found. And when these products are mixed, the beneficial properties are enhanced. The mixture has the following effects on the body:

  1. Stimulates digestive processes.
  2. Stimulates cardiac activity and normalizes blood circulation.
  3. It is a natural antibiotic.
  4. Enhances the diaphoretic capabilities of the body.
  5. Improves health in colds.
  6. Thins the blood and helps in the treatment of hypertension.
  7. Helps with beriberi.
  8. Strengthens immunity.
  9. Treats cystitis.

After using cranberries with honey, the level of vitamin C rises in the body, as well as many essential trace elements. In the treatment of many diseases, not only cranberries themselves with honey are used, but also additional ingredients, most often lemon, garlic and horseradish. They also make tinctures for alcohol, but they have a number of contraindications: first of all, pregnancy and childhood, as well as any stage of alcoholism.

Folk recipes for cranberries with honey

Cranberry-honey mixture is present in many variations. In most cases, additional ingredients are added to it, which determine which specific disease this recipe applies to. The mixture can be directly from cranberries, as well as from its juice. Honey is used most often lime, but other options are possible according to the taste of the patient.

Folk recipes for a cranberry-honey mixture will help not only with colds, but also with asthma attacks, kidney disease and to strengthen brain activity. It is a tonic and general tonic. Cranberry recipes with honey are especially useful during the off-season, when the immune system is weakened and attacked by bacteria and viruses. During this period, for prevention, you can introduce cranberries with honey into a permanent diet. And the added garlic will be another remedy for colds and SARS.

Cranberries with honey

With garlic

Everyone knows about the benefits of garlic. But when added to the cranberry-honey mixture, the recipe becomes indispensable in the fight against infectious diseases. The recipe is simple:

  1. Mix one cup of honey with 1,5 cups of ripe cranberries.
  2. Add a third cup of crushed garlic.
  3. Mix and store in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon before bed. This will strengthen the blood vessels, give a healthy sleep, and also lower the pressure in hypertensive patients.

From the common cold

For a cold, a recipe is used that uses not the cranberry itself, but its juice. For this you will need:

  • 150 grams of cranberry juice, black radish and onion;
  • 100 grams of lemon juice;
  • 200 g of honey.

Mix all components and pour vodka. Keep refrigerated. Take a teaspoon twice a day. It is important to understand that this recipe contains alcohol, and therefore is not suitable for everyone.

From pressure

Cranberries with honey can lower blood pressure, which is very important for hypertensive patients. When using a folk recipe, you can keep the pressure at a normal level and not expect its jumps.

Cranberries and honey are mixed in equal parts in a blender. This mixture is consumed with tea twice a day. Under normal pressure, 1 teaspoon twice a day for a glass of tea is enough. If the pressure still jumped, then the dosage is increased to a tablespoon. In this case, the mixture should be taken half an hour before a meal.

Cranberries with honey

With angina

Angina is a constant sore throat and the inability to eat or drink normally. Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms, there is a folk recipe that is successfully used for any colds:

  • 200 g cranberry juice.
  • 75 g of honey.

Mix honey with juice and heat, stirring, in a water bath. Honey according to the recipe should completely dissolve. Take the resulting decoction of 25 g on an empty stomach. So that the throat is not too sweet, you can drink warm water. So use the cranberry-honey drink until the sore throat passes.

From cough

When coughing, there are several recipes for a mixture of cranberries with honey that will be effective. The most popular recipe with the addition of horseradish. It helps even if the cough has become severe, up to bronchitis:

  1. Grate the frozen horseradish on a fine grater.
  2. Add cranberries, crushed until smooth.
  3. Add honey
  4. Day insist.

A day later, the finished mixture can be taken. To do this, dissolve 10 grams of the mixture in your mouth up to 5 times a day. The taste can be unpleasant, and therefore you can drink it with plain water.

To clean vessels

The mixture perfectly cleanses the vessels of cholesterol, which leads to atherosclerosis and many other health problems. The recipe is simple:

  1. Grind 1 kg of cranberries in any way.
  2. Add 200 grams of minced garlic.
  3. Stay in a dark place.
  4. After 12 hours, add 500 g of honey.

It is recommended to use this recipe daily at 50 g per day, but not more than twice a day. When used in spring and autumn, in addition to cleansing the body, the mixture strengthens the immune system and stops the development of colds.

Cranberries with honey

For joints

To strengthen the joints, a cranberry-honey mixture with the addition of garlic is also used. This is a universal recipe that will help patients with arthritis, arthrosis and other problems of the musculoskeletal system.


  • 5 st. l. honey;
  • Xnumx C cranberries;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 heads of garlic.

Grind garlic, cranberries and lemon without peel and mix. Then add honey and pour into a three-liter bottle. Pour the rest of the place with warm water. Keep three days in a cold place. Then strain and pour into jars. Drink 100 ml on an empty stomach approximately 1 hour before breakfast.

For the liver

The cranberry-honey recipe helps cleanse the liver as well. To do this, you need to grind a lemon without a stone in a meat grinder, but with a skin. Then add a pound of cranberries and a head of chopped garlic. Mix the components and add 350 g of honey. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. It is enough to take 20 g 2 times a day for a month.


But there are factors why the cranberry-honey mixture is not recommended for some patients. Even such a useful product has its contraindications. These include:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Intolerance and allergic reaction to honey, cranberries or additional components.
  3. Ulcer in any part of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Gastritis with high acidity.
  5. Pathological problems with the liver.
  6. Children’s age up to three years.
  7. Thin tooth enamel.

In addition, experts do not recommend eating cranberries if there is irritation in the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Important! If the patient is prescribed medication, then before using alternative recipes, you should consult a doctor. For example, cranberries should not be consumed if a sulfanilamide group drug is prescribed for cough in parallel.


Cranberry with honey is a mixture that is both healthy and tasty at the same time. With weakened immunity, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and problems with blood vessels, folk recipes from bee products and northern berries are indispensable. But it is still necessary to take into account contraindications, since cranberries are a rather strong irritant for the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to carefully handle recipes where, in addition to cranberries and honey, alcohol is used. They should be limited in use to strictly defined quantities.

garlic, cranberries and honey – from joint diseases

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