Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Cranberries, without a doubt, are one of the most useful berries growing in Our Country. But heat treatment, which is used to preserve berries for winter consumption, can destroy many of the beneficial substances contained in them. Therefore, cranberries mashed with sugar are one of the most convenient and healing preparations for the winter from this valuable berry. Moreover, the preparation will not take much time and effort in cooking.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Classic recipe for cranberries with sugar for the winter

To save cranberries for the winter according to this recipe, you will not need much effort and time.


The ingredients that will be used in the classic recipe for cranberries mashed for the winter are the simplest: cranberries and sugar.

For those who do not accept the use of sugar, it can be advised to use fructose or a special green sugar obtained from a plant called stevia.

Honey is the healthiest substitute for sugar. Indeed, not only do they perfectly combine with cranberries, they also complement and enhance the healing properties of each other.

Proportions: cranberries with sugar

The proportions that are used to make cranberries mashed with sugar depend not only on the taste preferences of the one who prepares this dish. Much is determined by the conditions under which it is supposed to store the mashed berries in winter. Health indications are also important – some can consume sugar, but in limited quantities.

So, the generally accepted proportions adopted in the classic recipe for cranberries mashed with sugar are 1: 1. This means that, for example, 500 g of sugar should be prepared for 500 g of berries. To taste, the preparation turns out to be pleasant, not sugary, sweet and sour.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

It is allowed to increase the proportions up to 1:1,5 and even up to 1:2. That is, for 500 g of cranberries, you can add 750 or even 1000 g of sugar. In the latter cases, cranberries mashed with sugar can be stored at room conditions throughout the winter – the berries will not deteriorate. But on the other hand, the taste, sweet and cloying, will resemble real jam.

The workpiece prepared in the usual proportions is recommended to be stored in cool conditions, preferably in the refrigerator.

Other types of sugar substitutes are usually added to cranberries in a 1:1 ratio. Honey is enough to add 500 g per 1 kg of berries. True, such blanks should be stored in a cold place.

Preparation of berries for processing

Since cranberries will not be subjected to heat treatment, for their successful storage, special attention is paid to the selection and preparation of berries for processing.

It does not matter which berries are used, fresh or frozen, first of all, they must be rinsed under running water or rinsed, changing the water several times. Then they are sorted to remove any damaged, spoiled or badly dented berries.

After a thorough enumeration of all the berries, they are laid out to dry on a flat, clean surface, preferably in one row.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

It is important to pay attention to the dishes in which the cranberries, grated with sugar, will be stored in the winter. If glass jars are used for these purposes, then they must not only be washed, but also sterilized. Plastic lids are dipped in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Metal lids are kept in boiling water for 5 to 10 minutes.

How to grate cranberries

According to the classic recipe, cranberries must be chopped or rubbed in any convenient way. Most often, an immersion or conventional blender or food processor is used for these purposes. This is really the fastest and most convenient way. Since when using a conventional meat grinder, the process can be complicated by the fact that the peel with cake will clog the small holes of the device, and it will often have to be unscrewed and cleaned.

But it should be remembered that cranberries contain a lot of various natural acids that can interact with the metal parts of a blender or meat grinder.

Therefore, since ancient times, cranberries and other sour berries have been ground exclusively with a wooden spoon or pusher in wooden, ceramic or glassware. Of course, this method will be more time-consuming compared to using kitchen appliances, but on the other hand, you can be 100% sure of the quality and healing properties of the resulting wiped workpiece.

Attention! It is not necessary to achieve complete grinding of absolutely all the berries – there will be nothing wrong with the fact that a couple of berries will remain in their original form.

For those who are used to achieving an ideal state in everything and are not afraid of difficulties, we can additionally recommend grinding cranberries through a plastic sieve. In this case, the consistency of the resulting mashed product is surprisingly tender and resembles jelly.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

At the next stage, the pureed cranberries are mixed with the required amount of sugar and left in a non-hot place for 8-12 hours. It is best to do this at night.

The next day, the berries are mixed again and distributed in small, sterilized jars. Covers are most conveniently used with finished threads. Depending on the amount of sugar used, pureed cranberries are stored in the winter either in the refrigerator or in a regular kitchen cabinet.

Cranberries mashed with orange and sugar

Oranges, like lemons and other citrus fruits, go well with cranberries and complement it with their aroma and beneficial substances.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Moreover, to prepare a tasty and at the same time healing preparation for the winter, you will not need so much:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • about 1 large sweet orange;
  • 1,5 kg of granulated sugar.

Method of preparation:

  1. Pour boiling water over oranges and grind the zest with a fine grater.
  2. Then they remove the peel from them, remove the bones, which contain the main bitterness, and grind them in the chosen way: with a blender or through a meat grinder.
  3. The sorted, washed and dried cranberries are also crushed into puree.
  4. Powdered sugar is prepared from sugar using a coffee grinder or food processor.
    Comment! Powdered sugar is much easier and faster to dissolve in berry-fruit puree.
  5. Puree from oranges and cranberries is combined in a non-metallic container, the required amount of powdered sugar is added and, after mixing thoroughly, left for 3-4 hours at room conditions.

    Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

  6. Mix again, lay out in jars and screw with sterile lids.

Treats for the winter are ready.

Recipe Cranberry We Varkey

This method of harvesting cranberries for the winter is the easiest.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar.

According to this recipe for preserving cranberries for the winter without cooking, you don’t even need to grind it. Prepared, thoroughly dried after washing, the berries, without rubbing, are laid out in sterile dry jars, abundantly sprinkling each centimeter layer with sugar.

Advice! It is important that the berries are absolutely dry before laying, so for these purposes you can even use an electric dryer or a weak oven mode (no more than + 50 ° C).
  1. Banks are filled with berries, not reaching two centimeters to the edge.
  2. The remaining sugar is poured into each jar almost to the very top.
  3. Each jar is immediately sealed with a hermetically sealed sterile lid and stored in a cool place.

Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Cranberries in powdered sugar

According to this recipe, you can cook mashed cranberries for the winter with less sugar than the classic technology. Therefore, the recipe may be of interest to those who are forced to limit themselves to the use of too much sugar. True, it is still desirable to store this blank in a cool place – in the refrigerator or on the balcony in winter.

For manufacturing, you will need all the same ingredients, only the proportions will be slightly different:

  • 1 kg of cranberries;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar.

The cooking process, as before, is simple:

  1. First you need to turn half of all granulated sugar into powder using any convenient device: coffee grinder, blender, food processor.
  2. Cranberries are prepared for processing in the usual way. Particular attention should be paid to drying the berries so that they do not leave excess moisture.
  3. At the next stage, the berries are ground in a convenient way, turning them into puree if possible.
  4. Add 300 g of the resulting powdered sugar and mix the pureed cranberries for some time, achieving a uniform consistency.
  5. Sterilize a small volume of jars (0,5-0,7 l) and lids.
  6. The prepared berry puree is laid out in sterile jars, not reaching a little to their edges.
  7. From parchment (baking paper) circles are cut out, with a diameter exceeding the diameter of the opening of the cans by several centimeters.
  8. There should be exactly as many circles as there are jars of mashed berries.
  9. Each circle is placed on top of the berry puree and sprinkled with a few tablespoons of granulated sugar on top.

    Cranberries mashed with sugar for the winter

  10. The jars are immediately sealed with sterile screw caps.
  11. The sugar plug formed on top will reliably protect the cranberry puree from souring.


Cranberries mashed with sugar are prepared very simply and quickly. But this simple dish has the properties of a real home doctor, and at the same time it tastes very attractive.

Cranberries with sugar pureed

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