Cranberries in sugar: useful properties and calorie content, a classic recipe for cooking step by step with a photo + storage rules

Today, a variety of sweets and desserts can satisfy any, even the most demanding taste. However, many still prefer childhood favorites, such as sugared cranberries. From the article you will learn how to prepare and properly store this dessert.

Processing and preparation of berries

If you have high-quality berries, making a dessert at home is not difficult. The first stage is the processing and preparation of berries. If you grow cranberries at home, picking berries is connected to the processes. Both fresh and frozen fruits are suitable for delicacies.

Cranberries in powdered sugar

Before washing, cranberries must be sorted out to get rid of particles of branches and leaves, crushed and spoiled berries. Usually the largest and most attractive fruits are selected. Then they are placed in a colander or a large sieve and washed under running water. After washing, carefully lay out and dry.

If the fruits are frozen, then they must first be thawed. In this case, it is undesirable to use an oven or microwave for defrosting. Then the excess liquid must be drained, and the berries dried with a paper towel.

If it was not possible to find cranberries, then it can be replaced with lingonberries, which also have the sourness necessary for dessert.

Author’s advice

Video “Cooking cranberries in sugar”

From this video you will learn how to cook cranberries in sugar at home.

Homemade cranberries in sugar

Useful properties and calorie content of cranberries in sugar

If there are no individual contraindications, then this healthy delicacy, which can successfully replace sweets for a child, must be included in the menu. And in winter, the berry is simply necessary for the body to prevent and overcome common colds.

Vitamin C, which is part of the berries, in combination with vitamin PP, is perfectly absorbed by the body and can successfully replace citrus fruits. This is especially true for allergy sufferers. Vitamins of group B and magnesium maintain the normal tone of the skin, take care of the hair, and also contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system of the body.

Also, the composition of cranberries is enriched with phosphorus, potassium, iron, manganese and iodine. Natural antibiotic phytonicide helps to cope with various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

The calorie content of sugar berries is relatively small – 190 kcal. But overweight people should not abuse it. The berry is also contraindicated for young children suffering from gastritis and high acidity, diseases of the liver and teeth.

Traditional sugar cranberry recipe

Mass production of sugar berries is not common. You can buy cranberries from your hands, but it is better to make a delicacy yourself. Required ingredients: equal amount of cranberries and powdered sugar, 1 egg.

Method of preparation:

  1. Prepare the fruits: sort, rinse and dry.
  2. Break the egg, separate the yolk from the protein. The yolk is removed, it is not needed, and the protein is beaten, but not much.
  3. The berries are placed to the protein and shake them so that each cranberry is wrapped in a whipped mass.
  4. After the cranberries are selected with a slotted spoon so that the excess liquid is drained.
  5. Powder is poured onto a wide flat dish, and then the berries are placed in a small amount and gently rolled.
  6. Then the delicacy is laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper, and dried in the oven at a temperature of 50 ° C.

Made dessert meals

If the dessert was not eaten quickly, then you need to take care of its storage. You can make cardboard boxes or use ready-made candy boxes. Cookie tins are also great. You can also use glass containers to store dry foods.

Sugarberry can not only replace sweets or cookies for tea, but also add spice to sandwiches with spicy cheese.

We advise you to definitely prepare a dessert. It will not take much time, but the health benefits will be tangible.

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