Cranberries, honey and grapefruit: how familiar foods help the body

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It seems that everyone around from childhood knows when to eat garlic, from which cranberry juice can help, or when you should especially lean on citrus fruits …

But do these products really have “magic” properties, or is it the power of popular belief? Let’s figure it out!

In fact, many products, or rather, the natural substances they contain, can actually have a certain effect on the body. They help him fight various inflammations, help him protect against toxins and other harmful substances due to antioxidant properties.

At the same time, it is very important to understand that, despite all their advantages, foods, herbs and plants cannot be a full-fledged alternative to classical treatment regimens! It is better to use them as an aid and preferably after consultation with a specialist doctor.

One of the most famous natural remedies that our great-grandmothers used is, of course, garlic… Its juice contains biologically active substances and protective phytoncide substancesand also has an antioxidant effect.

However, garlic also has disadvantages. Firstly, it is better to refrain from using it for problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, high acidity and other diseases). Secondly, let’s be honest, the legendary smell of garlic is not always appropriate and not everyone can appreciate it …

Another great (and delicious!) Natural helper is the queen of berries – Cranberries… It has excellent antioxidant properties and is rich in beneficial acids, vitamins and bioflavonoids. In particular, the bioflavonoids anthocyanins and organic acids contained in cranberries contribute to the creation of a more acidic environment (unfavorable for the growth of bacteria).

Honey и propolis – bee products – contain phytoncides, useful biological substance inhibin and have general tonic properties. However, it should be noted that both products are among the strongest allergens! Honey and propolis should be used sparingly and with caution. It is better for people with diagnosed allergies or diabetes mellitus to refrain from using them altogether.

Grapefruit seeds rich in bioflavonoids and especially naringin, another natural helper.

Naringin has an antioxidant effect, helping to remove various toxins and harmful substances from the body, including toxins formed during the vital activity of viruses. Of course, naringin is not a cure for ARVI, but it helps the body to cope with malaise and weakness.

Naringin also has its own limitations – it is difficult to imagine a person who can eat grapefruit seeds in their natural form … But, fortunately, there is no such need! The required concentration of naringin in a convenient form can be ensured by the reception of a well-chosen agent, for example, such as Citrolux.

Citrolux is made on the basis of an extract obtained from grapefruit seeds, and enriched with vitamin C. This combination is no coincidence, vitamin C enhances the antiviral, antioxidant activity of naringin and its ability to support the body’s defenses. It does not replace the classic treatment for ARVI, but it helps to cope with malaise, improve well-being and support performance!

And, of course, one should not forget that all measures are good in combination. There is no need to look for a single miracle cure – it is better to combine well-chosen treatment, natural support and a healthy lifestyle!

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