Cramps in pregnant women in the legs at night: reasons for what to do
Convulsions in pregnant women can have different origins. This is usually associated with nutrition or weight gain. Although it will not be possible to get rid of these feelings completely, it is possible to reduce their effect on a woman.
Causes of involuntary muscle contraction at night
A sudden sharp pain in a limb is familiar to almost every pregnant woman. These sensations roll in a wave or a whole cycle, when, after muscle relaxation, a new spasm occurs, and so on several times.
During cramps in pregnant women, you need to stretch and warm up the compressed leg.
Lack of micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins, can cause this phenomenon. During pregnancy, this is due to:
- With toxicosis. Dehydration occurs during vomiting. The ejected mass washes out useful elements.
- With the development of the fetus. The baby needs nutrition for proper development, he pulls vitamins from his mother.
- With the use of diuretics, which, together with puffiness, deprive the expectant mother of useful substances.
- With poor quality food. Mom doesn’t eat the foods her body needs.
These are just some of the problems that cause muscle contraction. Improper diet can cause diabetes, which also provokes muscle spasms.
A sharp muscle contraction can cause varicose veins, excessive absorption of coffee, pressure of the uterus on the vena cava, and other complications during pregnancy.
What to do with a sharp contraction of the muscles in the legs?
First aid for severe pain is to pull the fingers of the lower extremity towards you. Then she needs to be relaxed. Do this 2-3 times, then:
- Massage your calf muscle lightly or put a mustard plaster on it.
- Walk around the apartment to restore blood circulation.
- Lie on the bed with a blanket roller under the affected limb so that the spasm does not recur.
Sometimes, during pain, you can jump to the bath and place the limb in hot water.
Typically, these pains lie in wait at night, when the muscles are relaxed, and sudden movement can cause a sudden spasm.
Spasm treatment is based on outgoing pathology, so you should immediately consult a doctor. You may need to reconsider your diet, your doctor may prescribe vitamins. Choose comfortable shoes during pregnancy with a heel height of no more than 5 cm. Eat often and in small portions, introducing foods rich in vitamins into the diet. Try to sleep on your left side to avoid putting pressure on the vena cava. When resting, place your heels on a high ground.
Cramps during pregnancy are not uncommon. Consult your doctor to eliminate provoking factors.