Cramp – causes, symptoms, diagnostics, first aid

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A cramp is a sudden shortening of muscle fibers (smooth or striated skeletal muscles) caused by various factors (e.g. trauma, stress or physical exhaustion) and metabolic disorders, usually due to hypoxia and potassium deficiency.


Our body is made of muscle tissue, which consists of muscle fibers. It has a predisposition to contract, so we can make even the smallest movements (bend an arm or a leg). Muscles are about 45 percent. the total weight of the human body. They allow you to maintain proper posture, and their contractility is the result of impulses that flow from the nerve centers to the muscle fibers.

Cramps lead to an increase in the tone of the muscle fibers, a feeling of pain and impaired mobility. Sometimes cramp pain the so-called skeletal muscles may overlap with primary spasmodic pain in smooth muscles, vascular walls or hypoxia due to atherosclerotic vascular stenosis, e.g. recurrent muscle contractions in the blood vessel walls of the legs trigger muscle hypoxia and paroxysmal cramp pain in the calves (accompanied by physical fatigue in the legs and increased demand for oxygen) there is an “accumulation” of excess lactic acid in the muscles, which triggers these contractions), causing symptoms intermittent claudication.

The cramps go away temporarily during periods of rest. The occurrence of this type of cramp pain also causes potassium and magnesium deficiency. These deficiencies are exacerbated by, for example, excessive sweating and taking diuretics. It should be remembered that potassium deficiency 4 times and magnesium deficiency 10 times increases the risk of the so-called. sudden cardiac death.

Where do the cramps come from?

The occurrence of muscle cramps depends largely on external factors and the “training” of the muscles. Cramps are very common in people who engage in intense physical activity or work harder than before. Probably everyone has experienced a painful tearing of a specific part of the body at least once in their life. Cramps are a common affliction of athletes, especially those practicing water sports. It is associated with staying in one position for a long time and straining a specific part of the body.

Cramps also appear by sedation, when we are legged and stuck in that position for a long time. This position means that less blood flows to the legs, making the muscles malnourished and defending themselves with cramps.

Repeated cramps can be caused by a lack of potassium, calcium or magnesium in the body. Then the attack often occurs during sleep. From a medical point of view, the cause of cramps may lie in insufficient blood supply to the smallest areas of the muscles or in disorders of metabolism and poor nutrition. Even an insufficient amount of fluid in the body can cause painful cramps, including taking dehydrating and laxative preparations.

The group of people particularly vulnerable to the occurrence of cramps are diabetes and people struggling with abnormal blood pressure. Cramps can also affect people who regularly take certain medications. In addition, people with atherosclerosis may be exposed to cramps, although the cramps are not strong, they attack the entire legs and hips (usually after exercise).

Chicken – types

There are several types of cramp:

  1. neck muscle spasms – lead to reduced neck movement, head tilts, especially towards the front, together with the radiation of pain to the occipital area,
  2. spasms of the back muscles, especially paraspinal groups – they limit the mobility of a specific part of the spine along with pain,
  3. “tetany” cramps (conditioned by calcium deficiency) of the muscles of the carpal-radius and metacarpophalangeal joints – lead to flexion in the above-mentioned joints with addition of the thumb, giving the image of the so-called obstetrician’s hand.

Cramps and symptoms

Symptoms of striated muscles. They can lead to a painful increase in the tension of a specific muscle depending on the location (or a group of muscles), a change in the shape of a specific part of the body and impairment of the mobility of a given part of the musculoskeletal system, e.g .:

  1. spasms of the glottis muscles – there is pain in the larynx and shortness of breath resulting from the “closure” of the larynx, accompanied by silence or hoarseness and a feeling of an obstacle in the upper respiratory tract,
  2. upper limb muscle cramps – cause similar symptoms and ailments, such as lower limb muscle cramps, with impairment of their efficiency and mobility in the appropriate joints,
  3. muscle cramps in the lower limbs – they cause excessive tension in these muscles and, for example, pain in the calves and problems with walking or swimming,
  4. muscle cramps in the thighs or buttocks – there are similar symptoms together with impaired mobility in the hip joints, and thus in the joints of the shins and knees.

Cramps – diagnosis and first aid

The diagnosis of muscle spasms is very simple and usually does not require consultation with a doctor. A careful observation of the symptoms is sufficient for diagnosis.

Pre-medical aid in cramps depends on their type and location and, above all, on the circumstances of their occurrence. Cramps are an ailment that cannot be eliminated after taking a magic pill. Of course, in the case of repeated cramps, muscle relaxants and sedatives are used.

In the first period it is necessary to:

  1. offload a specific group of skeletal muscles (e.g. by resting),
  2. gently massage a group of muscles in which cramp pain appeared and excessive tension as a result of this cramp,
  3. apply a warm compress to the sore area to relax shrunken and excessively tense skeletal muscles (or smooth muscles of specific organs of the abdominal cavity or chest), bearing in mind that if a warm compress does not bring relief, it is absolutely necessary to discontinue its use and urgently contact a doctor,
  4. take calcium tablets, in the case of “tetany” cramps of the muscles of the hand or face, which – as mentioned – are conditioned by calcium deficiency – and in their absence, drink 0,5-1 liters of milk (it contains relatively much calcium),
  5. in cramps caused by insufficient supply or excessive loss of potassium (most often in the calf muscles), often at night, in people using dehydrating agents (e.g. in the treatment of heart failure or high blood pressure) or after excessive sweating or increased urination – take potassium in the form of a medicine or supplement its deficiency by consuming significant amounts of juices, vegetables or fruits,
  6. in the case of an attack of bronchial muscle spasm and asthmatic dyspnea – use an anti-asthmatic preparation,
  7. in the case of magnesium deficiency cramps – take 1-2 tablets of any magnesium aspartate preparation or larger amounts of vegetables or green fruits, or drink their juices for 2-3 days,
  8. in all kinds of spasms (e.g. larynx, bronchi, esophagus, stomach, bile ducts, intestines, etc.) in overly nervous people or after experiencing stress or a sudden emotional stimulus – use one of the sedatives,
  9. in the course of painful cramps and increased muscle tension of the anal sphincters – use warm baths in ordinary water or with the addition of potassium permanganate, and even better chamomile or sage,
  10. in the case of perimenstrual pains – use painkillers that have already been tested before.

How to prevent cramps?

Cramps can be prevented by daily stretching. Stand facing the wall and lean on it while placing both feet on the floor. Then hold this position for 20 seconds and repeat the exercise several times (preferably several times a day). In addition to exercising, it is also important to supplement the deficiencies of potassium and magnesium in the body. It is also beneficial to drink plenty of fluids, a minimum of 1,5 liters a day. Do you want to avoid unexpected cramps? Take care of your physical condition, but remember to rest and not overload your muscles.

So far, no complications have been reported in the case of muscle spasm.

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