If you have never gone to kindergarten yourself or you have never had a child, you can safely close this text. The rest must read it. Perhaps in the characters you recognize yourself or your acquaintances.
On the Internet, you can easily find several dozen jokes about crafts for kindergarten. The most popular of them is this. Three o’clock in the morning. Telephone call:
– Marya Ivanovna, are you asleep?
– Sure! And who is it? Why are you calling?
– Because we just do not sleep: we paint cones, string acorns on a string, prepare an article for the contest “Hello, Autumn!”.
However, those who do not have children, or those with whom they grew up long ago, laugh at this anecdote. The others sigh sadly, confirming every word.
This version of the craft is certainly the simplest, but definitely not the most spectacular.
“When in the younger group of the kindergarten, the teacher asked the parents to make a craft on the autumn theme with their children, I was even delighted, because my daughter and I often made something together,” recalls our reader Olga Zaitseva. – On one of the walks, we collected leaves, cones, twigs and began to glue a funny picture. The daughter tried very hard. But it was still clear that a 4-year-old child was doing it! Imagine our surprise and even shock when, having come to the garden, we saw the handicrafts of other parents. These were real installations. Panel. Works of art! Wooden houses, around which were spread out fabulous gardens with real little birches and Christmas trees; artificial reservoirs in which graceful plasticine swans swam; fantastic animals with arms and legs moving and much, much more. My daughter burst into tears when she saw this splendor, and categorically refused to hand over our work. To be honest, I myself was already ashamed to get it out of my bag … So I took it home, where I put it neatly on the shelf and admired it for a long time, remembering how my daughter tried. “
“Have you ever tried to ask a query like“ crafts for kindergarten to order ”or“ buy crafts for kindergarten ”in an Internet search engine? If you haven’t tried, try! You will find many interesting things. It turns out that this is a whole business. And with a pretty good income. Some modest Christmas tree made of cones and then painted with silver paint costs from 500 rubles. You can also find real masterpieces made from natural materials. Not every artist or sculptor will do this. Prices – from five thousand and more. Here is a kindergarten for you … What kind of children’s creativity can we talk about here? This is a banal business! ” – a reader named Artem Matveev joins.
We have heard a lot of stories about what crafts are asked to bring to kindergarten. But, perhaps, it was the story of the mother of many children, Stella Nikolaeva, that surprised us most of all. This woman – a seamstress by profession – confessed that one day she realized that what she had done with her own hands was of no interest to anyone. Every educator requires that the craft be a work of art – and no less.
The main task of the parent is not to discourage the child’s interest in making crafts.
“Our group has fairly wealthy parents, and each of them wants to show that his child was the coolest and richest. Moreover, this should be demonstrated not only in clothes, but also in the brought handicrafts. For example, when I made a panel of autumn leaves and dried flowers, one of my parents brought a real herbarium to the garden, which they collected on different trips. Plants from the National Park of America were the pride of the herbarium. And after I sewed funny fantastic characters for winter crafts, one family brought a snowman covered with real Swarovski crystals. How can you keep up with this? And why? This is a kindergarten, not a vanity fair … Although I’m not sure of anything anymore. “
By the way, many parents take craft contests extremely seriously. They really hurt my soul. “My daughter and I didn’t do the job. Firstly, I understand perfectly well that all these contests are not for children, but for parents. Well, there are no such crafts among the crafts that the kids themselves would do. More often, children do not even touch these masterpieces with a finger, – says the mother of three-year-old Dasha, Olga Zubareva. – Secondly, I come home from work and literally collapse from fatigue. And there is still a bunch of chores to redo. And what, should I sit with this craft at night? No thanks. The child needs a living mom, not a zombie with a craft. So, for the fact that I did not do the craft, one of the mothers was terribly offended at me. He says, if not for our carelessness, the group could take first place in the competition. And we ruined everything. And in general, in her opinion, I am a terrible egoist. Well, yes, an egoist, health is more important to me. It seems to me that such moms do not have their own lives at all. Just a child and nothing else. If I have the time and energy – of course, no question, I will help Dasha with her handicrafts and drawings. But to the detriment of myself, I will not participate in this festival of ostentation. “