Cracks in the nipples during feeding – what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams, prophylaxis

Cracks in the nipples during feeding - what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams, prophylaxis

Often, nursing mothers face a very delicate issue when it comes to breastfeeding. This problem is cracked nipples.

Often the scale of the problem is such that a woman is forced to give up breastfeeding altogether, leaving the child without the natural and most useful source of nutrition, and depriving herself of one of the most important functions, which, in general, during normal lactation should not cause noticeable discomfort, and even the more painful.

In addition to the discomfort that cracks cause, damage to the skin of the nipples can lead to infection and the development of the so-called. lactational mastitis – inflammation of the structures of the mammary gland.

In this article, you will learn about the mechanism of crack formation, methods of prevention, modern methods for solving such a delicate problem with the help of traditional and alternative medicine.

Why do nipple cracks occur?

Most often, this problem develops from the very first days of breastfeeding. There may be several reasons for this:

  • Incorrect attachment of the baby to the breast. The baby may not latch on properly. This is the most common and most likely cause of cracks. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all how long the mother gives the baby a breast, 3 minutes, 30 minutes or more. But with frequent feeding, irritation of the nipples becomes more intense, which means that cracks with a characteristic pain syndrome appear more actively and rapidly.

  • violent interruption of the feeding process. The skin of the nipples is extremely delicate and it is unacceptable to have an increased effect on it. This is exactly what happens if the mother tries to forcibly interrupt the feeding process and “pull out” the nipple from the baby’s mouth. Reflexively, the child squeezes his jaw harder, trying to hold his chest, the skin is irritated and cracked. The same thing happens with improper attachment of the child to the breast, when the child’s stomach is directed upwards, and not pressed against the mother’s body.

  • Insufficient or incorrect hygiene of the breast skin. Human skin is covered with a natural lubricant that prevents drying and exposure to adverse external factors. Often, mothers are too diligent in caring for their breasts: they wash their breasts with soap and dry them with a towel, treat them with aggressive household chemicals, as well as antiseptics, etc. In this case, the natural protective layer of the skin is washed off, making the epidermal structures vulnerable.

There are many other possible reasons for cracked nipples:

  • Increased skin sensitivity (an individual feature, in particular, we are talking about the skin of the nipple, which is already sensitive to friction).

  • Dryness of the skin of the nipple itself and areola.

  • Lack of vitamins (in particular, we are talking about a lack of vitamin A, which is precisely responsible for the normal synthesis of connective tissue).

  • The development of lesions of the oral mucosa in a child (thrush, etc.). It leads to irritation of the skin of the nipples by fungi – candida.

  • Incorrect pumping technique excess milk or using a breast pump.

  • Mechanical damage to the nipples when feeding (if the child already has teeth, he can bite the nipple).

  • Milk leakage.

The above reasons are far from exhausting the whole set of possible reasons, however, knowing them, one can prevent the appearance of cracks. But if the cracks have already appeared and made themselves felt, it is important to take the necessary measures in time to eliminate them.

What do cracked nipples look like?

Cracks in the nipples during feeding - what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams, prophylaxis

Identifying a crack in the nipple is not difficult even for a primiparous mother. The crack looks like a longitudinal incision, originating from the base of the nipple and running along to its periphery. In the most severe cases, the areola of the nipple may also crack.

Cracks are diverse in their appearance and size: they can be either multiple or single, affect one or both breasts at once, be located near the surface or capture deep layers of the skin. From time to time, cracks can bleed, ichor can stand out from them.

Any, even the most insignificant mechanical impact on the nipple (for example, touch) causes pain and discomfort, not to mention the child’s attempts to suckle the breast. This causes even more intense pain. It is often because of severe pain that mothers refuse to breastfeed.

Cracked nipples – a direct gateway for infection, so the process, which is often safe at first glance, is complicated. Infectious mastitis may develop, followed by inflammation of the nipples and suppuration of the tissues, deep ulcers, erosions, etc. may form.

Should I stop breastfeeding with cracked nipples?

Of course, refusing to breastfeed a child is not the most reasonable decision. This will quickly lead to a natural cessation of milk production, and therefore the child himself will quickly refuse to accept the breast.

If the cracks are single or multiple, but shallow (in a word, the process of tissue damage is not too intense), special silicone breast pads (Tippee, Avent, Tommee, Medela, Contact, Pigeon, Lindo, Conpol, Nuk, Chicco, etc.) can save the situation. .d.). They protect the nipples from injury, while at the same time allowing you to keep breastfeeding. But if the volume of damage is large, the lesions of the nipples are significant and bleeding, even this measure will not be enough.

In this case, you can not do without special treatment. During treatment, the child should not be breastfed. This does not mean that the child will not receive milk. Milk is expressed into a container, and then it is necessary to feed the baby from a pipette or spoon. It is better to refuse bottles immediately. Of these, it is much easier to suck, and therefore the child may refuse to breastfeed.

If tissue damage is complicated by the development of infection, breastfeeding is also refused, and the baby is fed with breast milk after its preliminary pasteurization.

What can not be done with cracked nipples?

As it was said, cracks in the nipples form very quickly (perhaps even after the first attachment of the baby to the breast). Inexperienced mothers are baffled by this, and they begin to fuss in search of treatment. It is clear that extremely rarely taken measures can be called adequate, and improper treatment is much worse than inaction.

In order not to aggravate the course of the process, it is important to follow the tips:

  • When carrying out hygiene procedures, soap should be discarded. Soap washes away the natural fatty layer of the skin, in addition, the alkali, which is part of the soap, corrodes the damaged areas, causing unbearable itching and burning.

    It is better to refrain from taking antibacterial agents, both local and general (oral), for two reasons:

    1. At first, the antibiotic can penetrate into milk, and the child will receive it with milk.

    2. Secondly, antibacterial agents seriously inhibit the natural protective functions of the body. The antibiotic should be taken only for its intended purpose, in a strictly limited number of cases and only as directed by a doctor.

  • You should refrain from treating the nipples with aggressive alcohol-based antiseptics, i.e. brilliant green and iodine. They dry out the skin even more and contribute to the formation of new cracks. Also, after their application, there is a pronounced itching and burning sensation.

  • The use of alcohol is also prohibited. in general (boric acid, medical alcohol). Applying cotton wool to such a delicate area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe skin can cause a burn.

  • The chest should be dry. If special milk leakage pads are used, they should be changed as often as possible. It’s best to keep your chest open.

Treatment of cracked nipples

Cracks in the nipples during feeding - what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams, prophylaxis

The first thing to start with is to visit a gynecologist. With the appearance of the first cracks, the development of complications (infections, etc.) is possible. It is important to identify complications in the early stages, and only a specialist can do this.

Local treatment: ointments and creams for cracked nipples

Lubricate the nipples with special ointments immediately after feeding. Before the next feeding, the ointment (or cream) should be absorbed. If the product does not have time to be absorbed, it should be washed off with water. The composition of the funds includes several components at once, so ointments can contain dexpanthenol, lanolin. Depending on which active substance in the composition is more, it is possible to classify the funds on this basis.

Preparations and creams based on dexpanthenol

Dexpanthenol is a derivative of pantothenic acid. Dexpanthenol has an active wound healing effect. Lubricate the nipples immediately after feeding. Before the next feeding, the ointment is washed off.

There are a number of trade names:

  • Dexpanthenol (in the form of an ointment, the approximate price is 100 rubles).

  • Bepanten (the most popular ointment, costs about 300 rubles).

  • Korneregel (itself used in ophthalmology, but suitable for the treatment of cracks in the nipples, the approximate price is 250-270 rubles).

  • Mama (special cream from CJSC Elfa, the cost is about 150 rubles).

  • Panthenol and D-panthenol (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 180 rubles).

Zinc oxide products

Zinc oxide has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, and also prevents infection of damaged skin. Means based on it must be applied in a thin layer.

Trade names:

  • Zinc ointment (approximate price – 30 rubles).

  • Desitin (in the form of an ointment, the approximate price is 250 rubles).

  • Zinc paste (approximate price – 30-50 rubles).

  • Sudocrem (approximate price – 200 rubles).

  • Tsindol (solution, approximate price – 80 rubles).

Cream and caress on the basis of lanolin

Lanolin-based preparations have softening and anti-inflammatory effects. You can’t rub the drug, you need to apply it with the thinnest layer of 1 mm and wash it off before the next feeding of the child.

Trade names:

  • Lanovit with sea buckthorn oil (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 300-350 rubles).

  • PureLan 100 (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 400 rubles).

  • Lanolin from Mommycare (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 1000 rubles).

  • BabyLine (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 250 rubles).

  • BabyDream (in the form of a cream).

  • NippleCream (from Avent, in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 450 rubles).

  • Carelan (in the form of a breast skin care cream).

  • Sanosan (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 350 rubles).

  • Lanolin from Lansihon (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 750 rubles).

  • Nipple cream (manufacturer – Pigeon, approximate price – 250 rubles).

  • MultiMam by Ameda (in cream form).

  • Dawn (in the form of a cream, the approximate price is 150 rubles).

Means based on retinol

Retinol-based preparations soften the skin and promote rapid regeneration of the epidermis. They are based on vitamin A.

Trade names:

  • Retinol acetate (vitamin A in oil form, approximate price – 50-70 rubles).

  • Videstim (ointment, approximate price – 200 rubles).

  • Radevit (vitamin complex, approximate cost – 350 rubles).

  • Retinoic ointment (approximate price – 250-300 rubles).

Preparations and creams based on natural oils

  • MammaDonna (serum, approximate price – 600 rubles).

  • NaturaHouse (soothing cream, approximate price – 500 rubles).

  • MamaComfort (nipple cream, approximate price – 300 rubles).

Creams based on plant extracts and hydromineral raw materials (Vulnuzan)

Increase the resistance of the skin to cracking and other mechanical damage:

  • 9 months (Mustela balm, about 800 rubles).

  • Vulnuzan (in the form of an ointment, about 100 rubles).

  • Babe Laboratories (крем).

Special wound healing preparations

Promote accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues:

  • Actovegin (ointment or gel, about 200 rubles).

  • Solcoseryl (ointment, about 200 rubles).

Folk and non-traditional methods of treating nipple cracks

Cracks in the nipples during feeding - what to do, how to treat? Ointments, creams, prophylaxis

Many drugs of a medicinal nature can really harm the child, which is what mothers fear. In this case, you can resort to the use of natural methods of treating cracks.

  • Treatment with own breast milk. Breast milk can have a self-healing effect. To achieve the result, you need to lubricate the nipple with breast milk. Do not wipe the milk, keep the chest open.

  • Sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil is a natural remedy for wound healing. It has no contraindications and is available to almost everyone. In addition, sea buckthorn oil softens the skin and prevents re-cracking of the nipples. Sea buckthorn oil is applied to the skin of the nipple after each feeding.

  • Olive oil. Nourishes the skin, initiating an active metabolism. Has a good softening effect. Ideal for repairing cracks in the initial stages and as a preventive measure. Apply like sea buckthorn oil.

  • Cedar oil. It is a natural vitamin complex (contains vitamins B, E). Nourishes the skin and activates regenerative processes. Does not allow the skin to crack. It is applied like sea buckthorn oil.

  • Oily solution of chlorophyllipt. Made from eucalyptus extract. It has an antiseptic effect, preventing the process from growing to an infectious lesion. Apply to the skin after each feeding. Wash off before next feeding.

  • Aloe juice. Aloe juice (or Kalanchoe) has wound healing and bactericidal effects. Relieves inflammation and pain. A few drops of juice should be dripped onto the damaged area, then cover the area with sterile gauze and drip a few more drops of juice.

  • Infusion of calendula (flowers). Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. A tablespoon of flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiling water (a whole glass). Within 15 minutes, the remedy is infused. Then moisten sterile gauze in the resulting solution and apply to the affected area. It is better to use only in the daytime.

  • Mullein scepter. It has healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Sprinkle the powder on the wound and slap it with your finger. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times during the day.

  • Zorka and the Power of the Forest (drug for people). Activates regenerative processes in the layers of the skin. Good for softening the skin. Apply to damaged skin in a thin layer 2-3 times a day. Rinse before next breastfeeding.

  • Cabbage leaf (fresh). Fresh cabbage is a source of riboflavin. This substance actively heals wounds, moreover, it effectively acts with mastitis. Attach a cabbage leaf to your chest. Walk with the leaf during the day, put a fresh cabbage leaf on the chest at night.

  • Birch infusion. Disinfects tissues and promotes rapid healing of cracks. It is prepared and applied similarly to calendula infusion.

Some important rules of prevention

The best way to eliminate cracks is to prevent them from occurring. No one is safe from them, neither primiparous nor experienced mothers. To avoid cracks, you need to follow preventive measures:

  • Avoid forcible removal of the baby from the breast.

  • The chest should be washed frequently (1-2 times a day) but without the use of soap and aggressive products.

  • To soften the skin of the chest (especially after a shower), you should use special ointments and creams (the most effective in this regard are products based on lanolin).

  • Immediately after feeding, lubricate the nipples with your own milk.

  • Breast skin should not be constantly moisturized. As often as possible, it is worth ventilating the chest and changing pads when milk leaks.

The most important thing is to properly attach the baby to the breast:

  • The whole torso of the baby should be turned towards the nipple, and not just the head, as mothers usually do. This recommendation is most fully fulfilled if feeding takes place in a position on the side, belly to belly.

  • The baby’s head should be at the junction of the mother’s forearm and shoulder. Thanks to this, the child will be able to independently move his head.

  • It is impossible to help the child and put the nipple in his mouth. He has to manage on his own.

  • The chin and nose of the child should be tightly pressed to the chest.

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