Crackling hip (jumping hip)

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A snapping (jumping) hip is a tactile, visible or sometimes audible movement of a tense fascial band over the bony protrusion of the femoral trochanter. The symptom arises when a limb bent in the hip is added or twisted outward. Sometimes the patient is able to induce the skipping symptom at will. It is an extra-articular symptom that has nothing to do with the internal displacement of the femoral head in the joint.

What is a snapping (jumping) hip?

It is a condition characterized by the feeling of loud but painless jumping or crackling of the hip joint as it moves. The crackling may be felt by touch. This symptom usually occurs during adduction of a hip bent in the hip or twisting it outwards. Some people are able to make the hip jump by themselves with specific movements. It is worth mentioning that hip hopping is not related to the displacement of the femoral head. It is the result of the conflict between soft tissues and protruding bone elements. Clicking hip condition is quite common and occurs in 10-20% of people. population, while some people are not aware of it.

A crackling hip doesn’t cause any major pain at first, apart from a little discomfort. Patients usually see their doctor when they experience severe hip pain or have problems walking. What are the causes of this ailment? It is not entirely known. Perhaps the jumping hip is related to past injuries or joint diseases.

Note: The hip can jump one-sided or two-sided.

Crackling (jumping) hip – causes of formation

As mentioned above, the hip may pop / jump when there is a conflict between soft tissues and protruding bone fragments (improper distribution of muscle forces moving the hip joint). In turn, the most common places for jumping are:

  1. groin area – there the iliopsoas tendon rubs against the head of the femur or the ilio-pubic elevation; then the crash of the hip is caused by the change of hip position from flexion or abduction to protrusion;
  2. lateral surface of the hip joint – this is where the fibrous iliotibial band conflicts with the greater trochanter of the femur; the popping noise occurs when the hip shifts from extension to flexion.

The conflict between the tissues and protruding bone fragments arises due to the excessive tension of the fibrous structures or due to the asymmetry of the muscles of the hip joint. The factors that increase the risk of this conflict include:

  1. various types of posture defects, e.g. valgus knees, flexion contracture of the hip joint,
  2. joint problems, e.g. degeneration of the joints or RA – rheumatoid arthritis,
  3. past injuries in the hip area,
  4. performed surgical procedures in the hip area,
  5. overstrain of the hips as a result of sports, e.g. running over long distances,
  6. abnormalities in the construction of the hip joint,
  7. inflammation of the muscle tendons or their scarring.

What are the symptoms of a snapping hip?

The following symptoms appear in the course of clicking (jumping) hip:

  1. pain in the hip joint area (at an advanced stage of the disease); having a dull character,
  2. discomfort
  3. crackling or jumping heard by the patient, often loud and painless and deeply felt in the joint
  4. faster fatigue,
  5. trouble walking.

Snapping (jumping) hip treatment

Jumping itself does not require treatment. However, persistent crackling can cause gait impairment due to increased fatigue. In addition, walking pains may occur, especially when the synovial bursa above the trochanter becomes inflamed. Surgical treatment is then recommended.

Anyone suspected of slamming hip should consult a physician. During the visit, the specialist performs a physical examination to provoke a crackling in the hip, sometimes with the help of the active patient. To confirm the final diagnosis, an X-ray examination is necessary, which usually does not reveal changes in the bones in the area of ​​the affected joint.

Treatment of this ailment is based primarily on rehabilitation and pharmacological therapy. It is impossible to determine the specific time needed to heal, it all depends on the individual factors and the patient’s condition, but it is usually a period from several weeks to several months. In pharmacological treatment, patients are given anti-inflammatory drugs, and in the case of severe pain, steroids are given.

The persistence of symptoms over a longer period of time causes problems with walking, which in turn leads to inflammation of the synovial tissue. Then, unfortunately, surgery is necessary.

The operative method is usually arthroscopyin the course of which the doctor performs plastic surgery of the tense tendon. This is to decompress it; reducing tension and getting rid of any abnormalities in the hip joint that may cause friction when moving or sticking. After arthroscopy, rehabilitation (usually several weeks) is necessary. It is not recommended to perform surgeries in patients whose hip slamming is painless, and most importantly – it does not interfere with everyday functioning, due to the high risk of such procedures. Some patients after plastic surgery complain of joint pain (knee, hip, ankle) after prolonged walking or due to weather changes. Sometimes it is necessary to walk on crutches for some time to save the operated limb as much as possible.

Physiotherapy treatments

They reduce the inflammation of the soft tissues in the periarticular area and reduce pain. Types of physical therapy methods used:

  1. laser therapy,
  2. high intensity ultrasound waves (so-called shock waves) – under the influence of high pressure, the waves go deep into the body and go straight to the sick places,
  3. the magnetic field,
  4. local cryotherapy of a diseased joint,
  5. ionophore with an analgesic (administered with direct current),
  6. electrostimulation with low-frequency currents.

Another method of treating a snapping hip is to tape the affected joint with elastic plasters (so-called kinesiotaping). They work in a sensory way, extend to the required length, and most importantly, they do not restrict movements in any way. This method is often recommended at the initial stage of the disease to relieve the joints and speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of injury during physical exertion.

Therapeutic exercises can also be used, the advantage of which is to reduce the tension in the iliopsoas muscle or the iliotibial band. The best are stretching exercises (accompanied by a therapist), which restore elasticity to contracted soft structures that may increase pain. It is worth implementing exercises to improve the stabilization of the body and exercises of the entire lower limb, which increase the movement control and strength of the patient.

Crackling hip (jumping hip) – can it be prevented?

The most important thing in the prevention of popping hip disease is the treatment of postural defects from an early age. Be aware that childhood disorders can have consequences in adulthood. It is worth remembering that a defect in one area of ​​the body may affect the other, e.g. the asymmetry of the lower limbs may cause the Jumping Hip Syndrome in adulthood. People who actively engage in physical activity should always remember to properly stretch and strengthen their muscles (the most important thing before training is warming up!).

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