Cracked, double, prone to injury. Life is not an easy one for this male organ

Male genitalia, although for many people it is a symbol of masculinity, contrary to appearances, it is a very delicate organ. It is exposed to many injuries and cracks, and anomalies in its structure and functionality may affect its entire life. Here are the most surprising diseases and injuries of this part of the body.

  1. Brazilian doctors operated on a two-year-old boy who was born with a double birth. Difalia is a condition that occurs once in six million cases
  2. The analysis of almost 260 collected cases shows that almost 89 percent. injuries of this organ is related to sexual activity, and the most dangerous position is the so-called “doggy style” position
  3. British Association of Urological Surgeons recommends operative intervention within 24 hours in case of «fractures» to reduce the risk of long-term complications, including erectile dysfunction
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Recently, information about a young boy with difalia appeared on the Internet a congenital defect in which one man has two members. Although the boy was born two years ago, information about him appeared only now, when Brazilian doctors performed surgery to remove the extra penis (we wrote more about this case hereHowever, this is not the only surprising medical problem in recent times.

You can find the rest of the article under the video.

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Some time ago A 40-year-old from Great Britain went down in the history of medicine sexual intercourse he broke the genitalia longitudinally. The male member hit his partner’s groin in the area between the anus and genitals, as a result of which a three-centimeter wound opened at the base of the penis.

There is no bone in the penis, but fractures usually happen when a man’s penis slides out of his partner and suddenly becomes bent. This causes a sharp increase in pressure inside the organ, exceeding the tensile strength of the whitish casing. As a result, there is a tear tissuewhich colloquially is called the term fracture. In such cases, the British Association of Urological Surgeons recommends surgical intervention within 24 hours to reduce the risk of long-term complications, including erectile dysfunction.

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All because of sexual activity

Penis injuries have been studied by the Brazilian Society of Urology for two decades. The analysis of almost 260 collected cases shows that almost 89 percent of them is related to sexual activity and the adoption of specific positions by partners.

Up to over 43 percent all injuries occurred in the so-called doggy style. A little less (40 percent) was recorded when the man was on top, 12 percent. when my partner was upstairs. For the remaining 5 percent. all other positions and layouts match.

The most common injuries include hematomas (83% of cases), damage to the cavernous bodies (69%) and damage to the urethra (19%).. Only 15 percent. patients were diagnosed as a result of penile curvature (the percentages do not add up to 100 because some of the injuries occurred simultaneously).

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