
Krachai is one of the relatives of ginger, which has become an integral part of Asian cuisine. People call it Chinese ginger. The ingredient has a pleasant, slightly burning, but delicate taste. The aroma of crab is similar to traditional ginger, but gives a subtle spicy notes that are characteristic only for this product.

The main trump trub – structure. The root is so soft and elastic that it does not need to be removed from the dish at the end of cooking (such manipulations are always performed with ginger and galangal). The ingredient is used to make Thai curry soup and the most common dish is tom-yama. In Asian countries, krachai is sold in every supermarket chain. The product is sold fresh with an additional set of vegetables and spices for the preparation of traditional dishes.

General characteristics

Among the relatives of ginger Asians especially loved krachai. Locals call it “wild ginger” and practically at every corner they sell it in a ground, ground or dried form. The root is used not only in traditional cooking, but in medicine and cosmetology.

The smell of crying is more delicate compared to ginger. The aroma is composed of tart spicy notes, bright chords of citrus and indescribable plant smells. The root is very soft, as it is completely saturated with juice (similar in structure to soaked carrots).

The outer part of the plant reaches 50 centimeters, which is an average and makes the process of picking cracks easier and faster. Grassy branches converge down into one massive stem, from which grow wide leaves (about 40-45 centimeters long and 12 wide). From the plexus of branches and small shoots are formed, which turn into amazing inflorescences. Flowers bloom in wide, but visually weightless, pink-purple circles.

The Indonesian islands are considered to be the historical homeland of the krach. Today, the root grows in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, southern China and Malaysia. The plant prefers a humid climate and lives in dark low-lying slopes filled with underground waters. Cracie likes to “hide” from a person, to hide not only beautiful wide inflorescences, but also edible root, peel, leaves.

Useful properties of the product

Krachai is one of the varieties of the root of a perennial herbaceous plant of the ginger family. Like all members of the family, Chinese ginger is endowed with similar healing properties.

The product affects the inflammatory processes in the body and minimizes their harm. Cracay clears the blood vessels, relieves headaches and soothes the nervous system.

Healthy Drink Recipe

Prepare a ginger drink with a headache, a feeling of malaise, runny nose and a cold (not forgetting the therapeutic course of treatment). Peel 2-3 large pieces of fresh crying, pour the root with boiling water and let it brew. Add honey, favorite jam, mint leaves and other healthy ingredients to the spicy mixture to taste. While drinking, inhale the ginger vapors. So you can at the same time clean your sinuses and, due to monotonous deep breaths, find harmony.

Kracay copes with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates digestion and whets the appetite. Nutritionists recommend administering root in diabetes, migraines, and bouts of nausea. The ingredient not only relieves the symptoms, but also affects the cause of the ailments.

Krachai, like all ginger, has a good vitamin composition. The product can easily cope with the first manifestations of the common cold, runny nose, or poor health. A drink or a crab dish will fill the body with B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vital amino acids.

Features of ginger detox

Detox is a kind of “restart” of all processes inside the body. Systems are cleared of toxins, organs become more functional, faster and more efficient. As a result, a person moves faster, learns more easily, thinks rationally and looks better. Detox is provided by the so-called “superfoods” – new generation plant products that bring tangible benefits to the human body. Krachay, despite its ancient history and significant place in Asian medicine, can be attributed to superfoods.

It has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, which:

  • accelerates metabolism;
  • copes with gastrointestinal ailments such as problems with the stool or eating disorders;
  • increases the percentage of absorption and digestibility of useful components from food.

Ginger Headache Pills Replacement

Dyeing root is able to relieve tension and inflammatory processes in blood vessels (it is they that cause pain in the head). To alleviate the condition, you need to drink the most warm (but not hot) drink from ginger root and ordinary water. Simply pour boiling water over a few pieces while crawling and drink it after 3-4 minutes. Do not forget to inhale the steam of the drink. Thus, the sinuses are cleansed, and due to interval breathing, the mind is also cleansed.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value (based on 100 grams of dried root)
Caloric value80 kCal
Proteins1,82 g
Fats0,75 g
Carbohydrates15,75 g
Ash0 g
Water70,5 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams based on 100 grams of dried root)
Thiamine (V1)0,025
Riboflavin (V2)0,034
Choline (B4)28,8
Pyridoxine (V6)0,16
Folic acid (B9)0,011
Ascorbic acid (C)5
Tocopherol (E)0,26
Nicotinic acid (PP)0,75
Nutrient balance (micro and macro in milligrams based on 100 grams of dried root)
Selenium (Se)0,0007
Manganese (Mn)0,229
Copper (Cu)0,226
Zinc (Zn)0,34
Iron (Fe)0,6
Phosphorus (P)34
Potassium (K)415
Sodium (Na)13
Magnesium (Mg)43
Calcium (Ca)16

Use in cooking

Cracay favorably differs from ginger in a milder taste and strong aroma. The ingredient is used not only as a spice, but also added to the dish as a whole. In Asian cuisine, the root is consumed in a granulated or ground form.

From the sodden one can cook:

  • soup;
  • spicy snack;
  • paste;
  • sauce;
  • biscuits (many people didn’t like ginger biscuits because of their sharp bitter taste, and cracked cookies completely exclude bitterness);
  • salad;
  • marinade;
  • curry;
  • refreshing / medicinal drink.

In addition to a whole range of useful properties, crayfish has another advantage – low calorie content.

The product may well be included in the strict menu of those who lose weight or are engaged in scrupulous calculation of kilocalories on the “dryer”. There is no need to eat fresh buckwheat and boiled chicken breasts without salt. The unconventionally soft, but spicy taste of crying will dilute not only medicinal drinks, but also salads, meat marinades, dressings for meat / fish and vegetable dishes.

Green Curry Recipe

Green curry is one of the most common dishes in Thai culture. Cooking soup takes no more than 30 minutes, after which you will plunge into a surprisingly new culinary world.

We need:

  • olive oil – 10-20 ml;
  • uncut chickens – 1 kg;
  • green curry paste – 80 g;
  • palm sugar – ¼ head;
  • coconut milk – 2,5-3 cans;
  • fish sauce – 2 tablespoons;
  • Thai eggplants – 6 pieces;
  • krachai – 5 pieces.


Cut the chicken carcass into small pieces. It is important to use all parts of the chicken to get a richer flavor in the finished dish. Fry chopped pieces on a drop of olive oil (add a little more oil if necessary). For frying chicken, it is recommended to use a grill pan. As soon as the meat gets a beautiful golden crust – remove from heat.

Take out a saucepan with a tight bottom, pour coconut milk into it and put it on medium heat. Milk should be heated, made warm (closer to hot), but do not bring to a boil. Add the green curry paste to the liquid and mix well. The paste should “disperse” in capacity and slightly adjust the shade of the liquid. As soon as the temperature is close to the boiling point – reduce the heat and maintain a constant temperature of coconut milk until the very end of cooking.

Take ¼ palm sugar, wrap the head in a towel, and swipe several times on a flat surface. So the sugar crumbles, and the ground ingredient is much easier to use. Add the product to coconut milk with green curry paste.

A few minutes after the addition of palm sugar, send the whole liquid roots to the hot liquid. Chop the finished meat and also send it in coconut liquid. After 2-3 minutes, enter the fish sauce. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly and leave to “simmer” for 2 minutes.

Prepare Thai eggplants: cut them lengthwise and lower them into a common saucepan. Now the milk can be brought to a boil. Make the fire stronger, stir the dish slightly and boil the contents for another 3 minute after boiling. It is recommended to serve the dish immediately after cooking.

Root selection rules

In our area krakai most often sold in the form of powdered powder. Much less frequently realized peeled root, cut into thin strips. Fresh unprepared krachai cannot be found. The only way out is to order through special sites abroad. As long as people are not ready to give up their usual spices and enter the world of new unconventional spices, the market will be adamant and will provide only the product for which there is a demand.

Buy root only in certified stores or retail chains. If you choose a powder – check the implementation period, taste the taste (if possible) and evaluate the aroma. The smell should be pure, spicy, without putrid impurities and unusual accents (ginger, citrus and derivatives should be felt).

If the choice fell on the crushed strips of the dark, then focus on the appearance. Hue should be yellow-brown with a margin of any of the shades. The root must be solid, free from mold, damage and putrefactive areas.

Root storage rules

The method of storage determines not only the shelf life, but also the benefit of the product. The crushed root (in the form of spice) is allowed to be stored in pottery or glass. A suitable container must be tightly closed and sent to the refrigerator. It is necessary to use ground crabs for the month of 2-3.

Fresh root should be wrapped in craft paper and put in the lower compartment of the refrigerator. The shelf life of fresh redfish is minimal – 5 days. Hurry up during this time to make the maximum number of new dishes and drinks to please the family not to let the money down the drain.

Tip: if you want to double the expiration date of the root, then wrap it in a craft and send it to the freezer. Neither quality, nor chemical composition, nor taste will suffer from it.

Contraindications to use

Unfortunately, the benefits of sneaking is not available to everyone. Before you enter the root in the diet, make sure that you have no health problems, namely:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage (gastritis / ulcers, etc.);
  • liver function problems;
  • periodic bleeding from the sinuses;
  • high body temperature, heat, regardless of the cause of manifestation;
  • hypertension (blood pressure level above normal).

It is not recommended to get carried away krank during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Ingredient can cause an allergic reaction or poor health of the mother, which will immediately affect the baby.

Eat the root in the morning and in no case do not delay the reception of health ginger tea for the evening. You risk losing sleep (because of the stimulating effect) and health (the gastrointestinal tract is less functional at a later time, so it will be difficult for the body to cope with the intake of the root).

Remember, all you need to adhere to the measures and do not go to extremes. If the patient, feeling unwell, decides for days to eat only crabs, then within a few days he will feel a mountain of new unpleasant symptoms. The active ingredient irritates the mucous membranes, reduces the functionality of the organs, makes the person less efficient if it comes in unlimited quantities. 1-3 tablespoons of dried root will be quite enough to strengthen the immune system and not endanger the health.

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