Crab meat: how to cook a crab? Video
Crab meat is very tender and juicy in taste and goes well with almost any side dish. Like any seafood, it is rich in protein, as a result of which, its inclusion in the menu has a beneficial effect on the figure. And there is nothing difficult in preparing it. The only difference is whether you buy ready-made crab meat or take live crab.
Crab meat: how to cook a crab?
It is a mistake to think that only three ingredients are involved in the process of boiling a crab – the crab itself, water and salt. After all, crab meat should not only be cooked, but cooked deliciously. As a result, the answer to the question: how to cook crabs and preserve their taste becomes obvious: you need to add spicy spices and roots.
Pour water into a saucepan in a ratio of 1: 5 – for every 0,5 kg of crab there should be 2,5 liters of water, add salt to it at the rate of 50 g per liter of water, put chopped onion and celery. Dip the crab and cook for 15 minutes. The finished crab should be deep red in color.
After cooking, the seafood must be cut up. To do this, place the crab on its back on a board. Separate the claws and legs and set them aside. Break the upper carapace and remove the gills. Take out the white meat.
Wash the rest of the shell, dry and coat with oil. Place the meat in it, drizzle with white wine or lemon juice and garnish with parsley.
On the shelves of shops you can find ready-made frozen crab meat. Using it, you can greatly diversify the menu, for example, by making crab balls or crab salad. For the first course you will need the following products: – 400 g of crab meat; – 1 clove of garlic; – 100 g of pork; – 1 tsp salt; – 1 tsp dry wine; – 2 chicken proteins; – 2 tsp starch; – peanut or corn oil; – bread crumbs; – pepper and other spices to taste.
Chop crab meat and pork finely. Scroll them through a meat grinder. Add crushed garlic, starch, wine, proteins, salt and spices to the resulting minced meat. Mix everything well and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Roll the minced meat into balls the size of a walnut, roll them in breadcrumbs. Fry the crab balls in a deep fat fryer in well-heated oil.
To make it easier for guests to eat crab balls, stick special skewers into them
The second crab recipe is even easier to prepare, but this does not diminish its taste. To cook crabs in a green salad, take: – 150 g of canned crabs or ready-made crab meat; – 30 g each of green salad and soy sauce; – 5 g of sesame oil, vinegar.
Tear the green salad into several pieces with your hands. Peel and butcher the crabs. To prepare the dish, you only need their meat. Place the salad on a flat plate. Place the crab meat on top. Drizzle with soy sauce, sesame oil and vinegar.