Cowberry – properties, application, precautions

Lingonberry is a type of blueberry, which is also called red bilberry, red bilberry, as well as evergreen blueberry. This inconspicuous plant has found application in herbal medicine, thanks to its healing properties. The production uses not only fruit, but also lingonberry leaves.

When can lingonberry prove to be helpful?

Brusznica it can be used by people who struggle with various ailments. Leaves lingonberries They are used, among others, in diseases of the urinary system, for example during inflammation of the bladder and kidneys or urolithiasis. In the leaves of this plant there is a substance – arbutin – which has a strong disinfecting effect on the urinary tract and additionally has a diuretic effect. As a result, the development of inflammation in the urinary system is limited. Leaves cowberry they also have an anti-diarrheal effect. They contain tannins, thanks to which the mucous membranes of the digestive system tighten, then the fluidity of the stools decreases. In addition, they have a bactericidal effect on the bacterial flora of the stomach and intestines. This variation blueberries, or rather, water extracts from its leaves, which contain tannic acid, have antibacterial properties against certain bacterial strains. Scientists have found that this is the case with Helicobacter pylori, which is closely associated with the occurrence of about 80 percent of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Can cowberry protect us from the epidemic of the XNUMXst century, i.e. from obesity?

Possible that brusznica proves to be helpful in the fight against obesity. This is due to the presence of peliphenols that affect the activity of pancreatic lipase, an enzyme involved in the digestion of fats. It turned out fruit extracts lingonberries they are rich in polyphenols, and thus – they inhibit pancreatic lipase, which affects the digestion of fats and energy consumption by the human body. The result of this phenomenon is the inhibition of lipase activity, which contributes to reduced digestion of fats and their increased excretion unchanged by our body. As a result, the reduced amount of free fatty acids is directly absorbed into the blood, and their storage in the form of adipose tissue is reduced.

With blueberries in the kitchen

lingonberry it has also been used in the kitchen. It is used, among others, for the production of jams, preserves and other preserves. Importantly, the products retain their own propertieswhen fruits and leaves are properly picked and then properly prepared. Leaves cowberry are harvested from June to August. Then they are dried in dryers. The leaves do not have any smell and the taste is bitter and slightly tart. The fruits of this plant appear in August. In the first stage bilberry it is creamy white and turns red as it matures. Interestingly, in the southern part of our country it often happens that brusznica it blooms a second time. Then it bears fruit in October and even in November. Fruits that come from the second bloom are usually smaller, but they are more durable and more colored. The durability of this fruit is of great importance because brusznica it is used as a preservative that extends the shelf life of food. On the label we can find it as the symbol E210. On the basis of the plant, you can also prepare medicinal infusions and tinctures. In England brusznica it is used in cooking as the basic ingredient of cumberland sauce, which is served with venison.

Cowberry in cosmetics

lingonberry it is also used in cosmetics as it brightens pigmentation changes and skin. This is due to the arbutin content in the leaves of the plant. This organic chemical compound inhibits the synthesis of melanin, the content of which determines the color of the skin. It’s an action cowberry has been confirmed by scientists.

Can cowberry harm?

lingonberry despite its numerous applications, it can adversely affect the human body. With prolonged use of high doses of plant leaf extracts, vomiting, cramps, agitation or anemia may appear. Additionally, tannins contained in decoctions may cause stomach irritation and poisoning.

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