Covid restrictions will return in the fall? There is one condition
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The number of coronavirus infections in Poland has been increasing for several weeks, and the peak of the summer wave is yet to come. So far, with an upward trend noticed, there have been announcements of the introduction or restoration of covid restrictions. Will it also be this time?

  1. The last week was marked by record-breaking statistics – both the number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations increased
  2. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said that the peak of the summer wave of infections should be expected this or next week
  3. At the same time, the Ministry of Health is silent on any restrictions that could be introduced during the peak of the wave or in September, before the expected fall of the coronavirus
  4. The only announcement is the reintroduction of the obligation to wear protective masks, but it is unlikely to apply to all citizens
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The masks are the most reliable

Waldemar Kraska, Deputy Minister of Health, spoke recently about the obligation to cover the nose and mouth. – The obligation to wear face masks will almost certainly return in connection with the next wave of coronavirus. It is very possible that the obligation to cover the mouth and nose will be imposed on people from the sensitive group, i.e. over 60 years of age – he replied when asked about the restrictions related to COVID-19.

Kraska did not specify what conditions must be met in order for this obligation to be restored. It is also not known how its respect would be enforced.

However, the deputy minister added that the government has already prepared a plan for the fall. It takes into account various scenarios related to both the number of new infections and patients admitted to the hospital due to infection. The choice of the best one is to be dictated by the current epidemiological situation.

– It appears that an increase in new infections is inevitable in the fall. Now the only question is whether it will be the beginning of October or whether it will be in the long term. But there will certainly be a larger number – said the deputy health minister.

The rest of the text below the video.

Hospitalization is the most important

As for other restrictions, no specific announcements have been made so far from the Ministry of Health. At the end of July, the head of the ministry, Adam Niedzielski, said that decisions will be made rather on an ongoing basis, when disturbing signals are perceptible. What are these signals?

This is primarily the number of hospitalizations due to COVID-19, because the more people infected with the coronavirus go to hospitals, the greater the risk of strain on the healthcare system. However, as Adam Niedzielski assures, for the time being, despite the fact that the number of patients in hospitals is growing, the situation is under control.

– We carry out analyzes, we rescale our own forecasts – Niedzielski said during a meeting with journalists on August 12. – At the moment, we are observing approx. 4 thousand. infections per day – this is the weekly average. [The peak of the summer wave of infections] will come this week or next week. We also forecast that the number of infections with a slight shift will translate into an increase in the number of hospitalized patients, and it will take place in the second half of August. The projected number of hospitalizations is a maximum of 4. – said the minister.

The covid situation at the end of August will also affect the restoration of at least some restrictions. It is the end of the holidays and the holiday season, which means that children are returned to school and many employees are returned to places where they perform their professional duties.

There is also a certain risk that a boost in the urge to increase infections may quickly occur in September – children go back to school, we have to go back to work, more time spent in confined spaces. Then we will consider, depending on what this level will be at the end of August, whether any regulations, for example regarding masks in means of transport, should not be applied in September – he said during a press conference in Puławy at the end of July.

What covid restrictions are in force in August 2022?

Let us remind you that despite the cancellation of the epidemic and the announcement of the state of epidemiological emergency, we are still bound by sanitary and epidemiological rules.

The obligation to wear protective masks should still be respected in medical facilities and pharmacies. The use of this form of protection is also still recommended in particularly crowded places, where the air flow is difficult and / or it is difficult to keep social distance. This includes means of public transport, including public transport, shops, churches and mass events.

It is still worth avoiding crowds, keeping an eye on the distance from other people, and taking care of hand hygiene by using disinfectants or gels and washing your hands frequently.

Hand protection against bacteria and viruses will be ensured by, among others Smedical hand disinfection gel. You will find it in Medonet Market.

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