Yevgeny Komarovsky, 60, explained how to distinguish COVID-19 from a seasonal illness.
A couple of weeks ago, Sberbank predicted the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. In Russia, it will be on November 8 or 12, and in Moscow, perhaps even earlier. So how do you distinguish the ill-fated COVID-19 from the commonplace flu?
Dr. Komarovsky noted that even with the flu, the scent “often disappears”: “But this happens for other reasons – the nose is stuffy, runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes and swelling of cells that are sensitive to odors. And with coronavirus, a runny nose is a penny, but there is no sense of smell. “
Instead of measuring the temperature, Komarovsky advises everyone to carry out another test in order to calculate the person who is sick with the coronavirus – to play the game “What smells like?”
“If you are a teacher at school or are in charge of thermometry and admission to work at your enterprise, then rub a cloth with garlic and ask everyone who has a fever every morning what it smells like. If he discerns a smell, then this is a banal ARVI, ”the eminent doctor explained.
Komarovsky also hastened to reassure: loss of smell with covid is a temporary phenomenon. The ability to smell smells will return to those who have recovered in about three weeks. In more severe cases, the body will take up to three months to recover.
“Unfortunately, a person cannot influence this process. So no lotions, pills, herbs and other scent will return you faster, “Komarovsky summed up.
Doctor Komarovsky – a native of Kharkov
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Note: recently, Japanese scientists from the National Center for Global Health and Medicine found out that the coronavirus can have very unpleasant consequences.
“Four months after recovery, symptoms of dyspnea remain in 11% of patients, weakness in 10%, impairment of smell — in 10%, cough — in 4%, and disturbances in taste — in 2%. 25% of those who have had coronavirus complained of hair loss, ”the Japanese TV channel NHK reports.
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Photo: @uakomar, @ doctor_komarovskiy / Instagram