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Most European countries no longer require incoming tourists to show a covid passport. Countries where it is still compulsory are in a clear minority. It’s just France and Malta.

  1. A passport or a covid certificate is a document confirming full vaccination or a COVID-19 infection past – not more than six months ago
  2. It was introduced last year in EU countries, but is now required less and less frequently
  3. From July 1, it ceased to apply in Finland and in Portugal for tourists arriving by air
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage

Covid passport – what is it?

The covid passport, or the EU Digital COVID Certificate, is a document that was intended to facilitate travel between the countries of the European Union in times of a pandemic. It is a confirmation that the holder has been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus or has had COVID-19 infection behind him.

It can be in a paper or digital version – in the mObywatel application or mojeIKP.

The passport was originally valid for 270 days from the last dose of the vaccine or 180 days from a positive COVID-19 test. However, from the end of April, the Polish passports of people who took the third dose are valid indefinitely. This decision was made by the Ministry of Health, but in some countries they may not be respected. There they still have a time limit.

These countries do not require a passport upon entry

With the decrease in infections and the declining wave of the coronavirus, as well as the increasing percentage of vaccinated people, more European countries have abandoned the obligation to show covid passports when entering their territory. Denmark and Sweden loosened the rules for the first few months ago.

In June, Cyprus, Germany, Turkey, Italy, and then Spain joined the list. Currently, entry there is possible without any restrictions (this applies to Poles, i.e. EU citizens or residents of the Schengen region). In the case of Germany, the waiver of the passport requirement is to apply temporarily, until August 31. On July 1, the obligation to show covid passports was lifted by Finland, as well as Portugal for air traffic.

It is not known how long this situation will last, the numbers of infections have started to rise again in most countries of our continent.

The following countries do not require covid certificates for entry:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgia
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Chorwacja
  5. Montenegro
  6. Cypr
  7. Czechy
  8. Dania
  9. Estonia
  10. Finland
  11. Grecja
  12. Hiszpania
  13. The Netherlands
  14. Irlandia
  15. Iceland
  16. Litwa
  17. Łotwa
  18. Northern Macedonia
  19. Moldova
  20. Germany
  21. Norwegia
  22. Portugal (except Azores, restrictions apply there)
  23. Rumunia
  24. Serbia
  25. Słowacja
  26. Słowenia
  27. Szwajcaria
  28. Szwecja
  29. Turcja
  30. Węgry
  31. Włochy
  32. Great Britain

The passport is still valid here

In the following countries, tourists coming from abroad still have certificates, i.e. confirmation of full vaccination or recent infection (people who have not been vaccinated when crossing the border should show a current negative COVID-19 test result):

  1. Francja
  2. Malta

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