COVID-19 won’t let go. The most important thing we have to do. Dr. Kuchar: only chance
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«Coronavirus does not give up. In most countries of the world, the number of cases is rising or remains high. Therefore, it is difficult to expect that it will be different in Poland »- says the vaccinologist Dr. hab. n. med. Ernest Kuchar. The expert also notes that “the new variants are so contagious that the restrictions, especially if not strictly followed, will not do much” and advises to focus on something else. What exactly?

  1. Dr. Ernest Kuchar: the situation of Poland in the context of the coronavirus can be applied to Portugal. Unfortunately, we are distinguished from it by the percentage of vaccinated people
  2. As the specialist noted, in Poland there is a huge population of people over 65 who have not been vaccinated at all
  3. Referring to the restrictions, Dr. Kuchar says: the high contagiousness of the current variant of the coronavirus allows us to assume that what worked earlier will not work now 
  4. “So let’s forget about lockdowns, let’s focus on vaccinations,” he emphasizes
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

“It is the number of hospitalizations that counts”

According to dr hab. n. med. Ernest Kuchar, the situation of Poland in the context of the coronavirus can be compared to Portugal. «It is a country with a similar economic level, also in Europe, but of course with a slightly different climate. Portugal has a fairly gentle seventh wave behind it. There were many cases there – over 100. per day, but relatively few hospitalizations and deaths. This comforts our authorities »said the head of the Pediatrics Clinic with the Observation Department of the Medical University of Warsaw.

However, what, in his opinion, distinguishes Poland from Portugal is the percentage of vaccinated people. “In Portugal, vaccination rates are high, especially among the elderly, who are more severely affected by COVID-19, increasing their risk of hospitalization. In Poland, these percentages are incomparably lower. And from the point of view of the efficiency of our health care system, it is the number of hospitalizations that counts »- emphasized the specialist.

The rest of the text is below the video.

«What will happen if 200 people become infected in a short time. people? »

«You can comfort yourself that – as reported by the Minister of Health – 91 percent. of the population have antibodies, which means they have been exposed to the coronavirus or have been vaccinated. But it also means that 10 percent. has not had contact with the virus and will be ill for the first time – and it is known that the first illness is the most serious »- emphasized Kuchar.

Have you been infected with COVID-19? Be sure to check your health. The Healing Blood Test Pack, available on Medonet Market, can help you with this. You can also make them at home.

The doctor noted that in Poland there is a huge, numbering over 200. the population of people over 65 who have not been vaccinated at all. “These people have somehow avoided contamination by wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing, but given the much more contagious new coronavirus sub-variants, now they are unlikely to avoid contamination. The BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants are much more contagious than the previous ones. So it may turn out that actions that are sufficient for those who have not yet suffered from illness will fail. What will happen if in a short period of time 200 people get infected? This will certainly translate into numerous hospitalizations »- he noted.

Children in Poland started suffering from COVID-19

«An old proverb says: Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war). We all want the next wave of coronavirus to be mild, but that doesn’t mean we have to passively wait for the situation to develop. You have to prepare for it. The fact that we have 200 the still unvaccinated people at the highest risk are gross negligence. We also have too few people in Poland who took the third dose – about 20-30 percent. » The specialist said.

He pointed out that children in Poland started suffering from COVID-19. «At the moment, the department I run has 30 percent. beds used by children with COVID-19. They are mostly newborns and infants. Children are only part of the population, of course, but they are a great indicator of what is really going on. Not a single covid patient was in my ward a month ago»- he said.

“Let’s forget about lockdowns, let’s focus on vaccinations”

When asked about the need for possible restrictions, Kuchar indicated that the high contagiousness of the current variant of the coronavirus allows us to assume that what worked earlier will not work at all.

You can find a quick SARS-CoV-2 antigenic for home-made nasal swab at Medonet Market.

«Especially masks worn» in Polish «under the nose. It must be made clear: you do not enter the same river twice, especially in the context of infectious diseases. Lockdowns did not do anything, the more so as there was social consent and tolerance of the authorities for non-compliance. The only chance is vaccinations. The new variants are so contagious that the restrictions, especially if not strictly followed, will not do much. So let’s forget about lockdowns, let’s focus on vaccinations »- said Kuchar.

«We should also remember that vaccinations only work if they are given earlier. All those who have not yet had a third dose should take a third dose, and older adults who have never vaccinated should start doing so. Yes, the tendency is that viruses that mutate frequently become more contagious over time, but also milder at the same time. Let us not be too reassured, however. The death rate from covid is still many times greater than from the flu. And yet the flu epidemic could cause economic and social paralysis »- emphasized the specialist.

Agata Zbieg / PAP

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