COVID-19: why does the vaccinated person get sick? [WE EXPLAIN]
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We are seeing an increase in the number of coronavirus infections around the world, largely due to the spread of a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, the Omicron. People vaccinated against COVID-19 are also among the sick. Why is this happening? What makes us infected with the coronavirus despite receiving the vaccine? Here are 6 reasons why a vaccinated person gets COVID-19.

  1. There is no vaccine that protects 100% of a given disease.
  2. Vaccine effectiveness declines over time, and our immune system responds differently at different times
  3. Despite vaccination, the lifestyle we lead also has an impact on coronavirus infection
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The vaccine does not protect against the infection itself

To begin with, the basic information about the effects of the vaccine (each, not only the one against COVID-19): the vaccine does not protect against the disease itself. Its role is to protect against the severe course of the disease and the associated hospitalization. Vaccination also reduces the risk of death due to contact with a pathogen, in this case SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Dr. Michał Chudzik, coordinator of the “STOP-COVID” program, spoke in an interview with Medonet about how the body can react to contact with the pathogen.

We have two immune system responses – cellular and humoral. Humoral is responsible for the production of antibodies, thanks to the vaccine, memory cells are formed, but how they will react in the event of an infection is another matter. Will they really produce antibodies when they come into contact with a real coronavirus? (…) The starting point is always the first line of defense, i.e. the cellular one. If we smoke and the environment around us is polluted, our respiratory system is not fully functional, the cilia do not effectively produce mucus and pathogens are not thrown out, so there are more viruses in the body. Then even the antibodies produced by the vaccine may not be able to overcome them. Everywhere, especially in medicine, there are some limitations and if the virus breaks both lines of defense, it will defeat us and we will get sick – explains the expert.

So there is no vaccine that would provide 100%. protection against disease. And what does it look like in the case of preparations by Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneka and Johnson & Johnson?

The Comirnata mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech) has been shown to be 95% effective in clinical trials. in protection against COVID-19 symptoms, and the Spikevax (Moderna) vaccine – 94,1 percent. For the Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca) vaccine, protection against the disease is 87%. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccine, Vaccine Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) is 67 percent.

  1. See also: What is the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines? [COMPARISON]

The vaccine does not protect against the infection itself, but it does significantly reduce the risk of hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Coronavirus infection in the vaccinated should therefore not be an argument confirming the ineffectiveness of preventive vaccinations.

Antibody levels decline over time

The effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine is highest in the first weeks after completion of the primary vaccination course (two doses) and declines over time. The fact that the level of antibodies produced in the body after vaccination fluctuates naturally.

According to the latest research post-vaccination immunity remains high for an average of about six months. This is why it is recommended to get a booster dose after this time, which significantly increases the level of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2.

When it comes to vaccines that are administered as a booster in Poland, the protection against infection increases after taking both Pfizer and Moderna. In laboratory tests, protection against coronavirus after taking the Comirnata booster increased up to 25 times. In turn, a 50 mg dose of Spikevax as a booster dose increases the level of antibodies 37 times compared to the level before vaccination, while a 100 mg dose of a booster dose increases the level of antibodies by 83 times.

  1. Also read: Moderna or Pfizer? Which booster provides better protection?

New variants of the coronavirus are emerging

SARS-CoV-2, like any virus, mutates. This is for a simple reason: the virus is trying to survive in new conditions, i.e. a world in which vaccines and drugs have emerged to eliminate it. The coronavirus is trying to adapt to new circumstances, changing the genetic sequence in such a way as to be able to continue to find more and more new hosts. There can be dozens or even hundreds of such mutations, and the new variants often differ significantly from the original strain.

  1. Also read: An expert explains why viruses mutate so easily

In the case of the coronavirus causing COVID-19, there are several variants that have been of particular concern, primarily due to their high infectivity. Such strains are designated by the World Health Organization (WHO) as VoC (ang. variants of concern, i.e. variants of concern). Each subsequent one is more resistant to the developed vaccinesTherefore, their producers improve them based on the available knowledge about new strains, so that the preparations are as effective as possible, preferably before each new variant of the virus.

  1. See also: Novavax vaccine strengthens immunity against Omicron. Soon it will go to Poland

The rest of the material for the video.

When we do not follow the DDM principle

Another, quite prosaic, but common reason why we contract the coronavirus despite vaccination is the loss of vigilance and disregard of the basic principles of personal protection. Many people, after being vaccinated, do not pay much attention to the principle of DDM (distance, disinfection, mask). First of all: he does not keep safe distances (1,5-2 m) in a crowded place and in a closed room where anonymous people are present (with an unknown vaccination status), does not care for hand hygiene and does not put on a mask or does it incorrectly way.

Under such conditions, when in contact with a person infected with SARS-CoV-2, the risk of contracting the virus soars.

  1. See also: Do ​​masks protect against Omicrons?

Old age, comorbidities, infections

Our overall immunity declines with age. This is why elderly people are at increased risk of developing the disease and suffering from severe COVID-19. Vaccination, of course, is very effective for them, but this protection may expire faster than in younger people. According to studies, after the age of 65, the body’s overall immunity decreases, which is related to the aging process of the cells of the immune system.

The effectiveness of the immune system also decreases when we suffer from comorbiditiesthat burden the body, including conditions characterized by chronic inflammation. Importantly, we may also be more susceptible to infection when we have recently had a disease, even if it was a common cold.

  1. Check: What are comorbidities?

The immune system has its “ups” and “downs”

Sometimes, despite taking all precautions, i.e. vaccinating, avoiding gatherings, keeping distances, disinfecting and covering the nose and mouth in places where it is mandatory, coronavirus infection is inevitable. This is because our immune response is not always the same, and many factors influence how the immune system works.

The immune system’s response may be weaker for very “mundane” reasons, such as when we live in high tension (chronic stress is the root cause of many ailments and diseases), eat poorly, sleep too shortly or irregularly, and do not engage in any physical activity.

Dr. Michał Chudzik, who deals with patients suffering from long covid, also talked about how susceptible to infection are people leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

– Research shows this in an extraordinary way: all lifestyle factors have a huge impact on our health. I’m tempted to say that SARS-CoV-2 is such a virus that catches unhealthy people who usually get sick. We’ve known for a long time that you need to eat well, get enough sleep, don’t stress, don’t work a lot, play sports, but in COVID-19 it comes out mercilessly. What is destructive is mainly the lack of sleep, working at night, going to bed late, and lack of regeneration – he explained.

  1. The entire interview with dr. Michał Chudzik, you can read here

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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