Covid-19: what is the health protocol planned for the start of the school year?

In the columns of the Journal du Dimanche of August 22, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer gave details on the health protocol that will come into force in schools for the start of the September 2, 2021. Here is what we must remember.
Level 2 health protocol
While four levels have been established by the authorities, the start of the 2021 school year will be placed under level 2. For the time being, the level 2 protocol provides for face-to-face lessons for all schoolchildren (schools, colleges and high schools), the wearing of the mask compulsory indoors from primary school, the limitation of the mixing of pupils as well as reinforced ventilation of the classes and the disinfection of surfaces several times a day. In addition, physical and sporting activities will be allowed outdoors and indoors, but contact sports indoors will be prohibited.
According to the Minister of Education, this device is ” one that allows us to have the most normal possible return to school, with students in class, while preserving everyone’s health “. As a reminder, moving from one level to another depends on the general health context assessed by region and on the opinion of the health authorities. This is why the protocol can be adapted at the local level ” if there were developments that justified it “. If the conditions of the re-entry will be the same everywhere in metropolitan France, the West Indies may have specific measures which could go beyond level 4. Details must be provided on this subject this week.
A vaccination campaign through schools
As announced by Jean-Michel Blanquer, a vaccination campaign through middle and high schools will begin at the start of the school year for students over 12 who wish. He thus declared: ” In all middle and high schools in France, students and staff will have access to the vaccine, near or within their establishment. “. For this, he specified that it will be ” either mobile teams “Who will come to vaccinate in the establishments,” either we will organize the movement of volunteer students, in connection with the health services, to the vaccination centers ».
Closing of classes and contact cases
In the event of contamination in a primary class, the protocol provides for the closure of the entire class for a period of seven days. However, the rule changes for higher levels. Indeed, in middle and high schools, contact cases can only remain in class if they are vaccinated. According to the Minister of National Education, it is ” the same rule as for the rest of the population ‘. “ An unvaccinated student is at greater risk than a student who has received at least one injection. Asking him to stay at home in case of risky contact is to protect him and protect others He explained.
No health pass
Schoolchildren, college and high school students will not be subject to the obligation to present a health pass during school outings in places where they are not mixed with the public. This is the case, for example, with swimming pools and libraries. On the other hand, the health pass will apply for 12-17 year olds from September 30 ” when mixed with the public, for example in museums, the sanitary pass will apply “. On this subject, Jean-Michel Blanquer recalls that the pass ” does not require vaccination since it is also possible to use a test ».
The same goes for the teachers for whom Jean-Michel Blanquer judged ” neither legitimate, nor desirable, nor useful »To require a health pass. He thus justified this choice by explaining that he prefers to bet on ” a logic of trust and responsibility ».