COVID-19 took Mrs. Agata’s dad. “My world turned upside down” [LIST]
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«On December 3, when the day of covid national mourning took place in Poland, exactly one year has passed since my father died of this disease. On December 3, 2020, my world turned upside down and nothing will ever be the same again. This hurricane that swept through my life and my mother’s life actually began more than two weeks earlier, when we fought for healthcare professionals to start taking my father’s case seriously »- writes Agata in a letter to MedTvoiLokona. Get to know its history.

On December 3, I received the call that I was so afraid of

Dad ended up in the hospital with covid pneumonia. Back then, I still believed that our story would have a happy ending and that a few days under oxygen would allow the body to fight the virus. Unfortunately, this did not happen. After a week in the hospital, it got worse and Dad was put on a ventilator.

  1. On December 3, the day of covid national mourning took place in Poland. More on this subject in the text: A million Poles are in mourning. “Let’s stop another wave of the great dying”

It was the first time that the thought appeared in my head that there would be no happy ending for us. A few days earlier, I had read that the mortality rate in COVID-19 patients who required mechanical ventilation was very high (source at the end of the text – ed.), So I immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

During the two weeks of my dad’s stay in the hospital, I was afraid of my phone, I was afraid that I would see a foreign Polish number on the screen (I currently live in Berlin), that someone from the hospital would call to give me bad news. On December 3, I received the call that I was so afraid of. My dad died. I still haven’t fully realized what that means to me.

The rest of the article under the video.

I’m still alive. My dad doesn’t

Over the past year, I’ve learned a lot about the grief and loss process. Things I wish I didn’t know, such as losing a parent, has a huge impact, even on adult children. But I’m still alive. My dad doesn’t.

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My dad will never be a pensioner, although, as he mentioned in an interview with “One of Ten”, becoming one was his dream job (he planned to retire in December 2020). My dad will never go to the Nordkapp, a special place because it is described by Karol Olgierd Borchard in his favorite book “I mean the captain”. We have been planning this trip for many years. Dad’s work always got in our way.

My dad will never read the book I bought for him last fall (Bill Bryson’s “A Brief History of Almost Everything”) that now stands on my shelf and is one of the countless things that remind me of what happened every day.

My dad will never play a game show again, although he did win it a lot. When he contracted COVID-19, he was recruiting for several of them. My dad will never help any animal again, although in his 40 years as a vet he saved so many of them.

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I feel very angry with those who continue to disregard the pandemic

The list of all the experiences and experiences that COVID-19 took from my dad would be very long, and if you add to it everything that the disease took from other victims and their loved ones, it would probably be endless. That is why I believe that genuine covid national mourning is absolutely appropriate. The COVID-19 pandemic has claimed many lives, has buried millions of dreams.

Photo Private archive

I feel a great deal of anger towards people who still disregard her (despite innumerable evidence). I appeal to all those who wear masks incorrectly, who do not isolate themselves despite the symptoms of respiratory infection, travel to places with high rates of SARS-CoV-2 infections and behave irresponsibly in a different way. Think that through this type of behavior you can cause a lot of suffering to others, make someone close to lose what is most precious – life.

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My dad was only 65 and many happy years ahead of him. Think about it next time and cover your nose and mouth in a crowded room. Too much covid suffering already …

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