Covid-19 The Pin Twins exercises to relieve back pain
Esther and Gemma Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, have created a very calm workout to improve posture and say goodbye to back pain

Who has never suffered back pain? Bad position when sleeping, muscle tension if we are in a certain position … However, it seems that now this ailment has increased given that due to the isolation of coronavirus, millions of people do telework, which implies that we do not have the means We used to work with and have adopted new sendentary lifestyles that do our bodies no good, built for movement.
Circumstances have made society adjust to the conditions we have at home and that means, among other things, that the long hours we spend sitting, working at tables or desks that are not designed for our backs, and that leads to suffering, muscle tensions, headaches and even fatigue.
Therefore, and given the circumstances, Esther and Gemma Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, have created an easy fitness routine with remarkable results to overcome this isolation in the best possible way and that sedentary lifestyle does not affect our body causing serious ailments. . «It is very important that these exercises let’s do them slowly and being aware of how we make each movement “, explain the experts.
What does this training consist of? It is based on five exercises, three sets of 15 reps and the ideal would be to do it at least three times a week. You do not need any type of material, although a mat would be ideal so that the spine does not suffer excessively when we lie on the floor.
Train every day with the Pin Twins
Although the epidemic by Covid-19 has us confined to home, the Pin Twins share fitness routines to do every day on their Instagram account. Now that we have more time, it is ideal to be able to continue being in shape and with the help of personal trainers like them.
Exercise 1: The cat
A very easy and relaxing exercise! All you have to do is get into a feline position, with your hands and knees resting on the ground, and slowly raise your back as much as possible until it is round, as if someone is drawing it towards the ceiling. Afterward, relax by lowering your slouching as slowly as possible.
Exercise 2: Cross Raise
It is an exercise with slow movements. In the quadruped position, we will extend the opposite arm and leg at the height of the hip, keeping the back straight.
Exercise 3: Lumbar Cross Raise on the Floor
Face up, we will perform the same movement as in the previous exercise, but in reverse. Important! According to the Pin Twins, you have to keep your lumbar always glued to the ground.
Exercise 4: quadruped
In the initial position with the knees supported at an angle of 90º and the arms extended at the height of the shoulders, we will perform a upper body rotation with a slow movement to the side, trying to keep the hips neutral looking at the ground.
Exercise 5: Arm Glides
To finish the routine, touch this exercise more than relaxing. Lying on the floor with the knees bent, we will slowly slide our arms towards the head without lifting any part of the body or taking off the lumbar, and with the elbows fully glued to the ground. We will repeat the same movement in the opposite direction, as seen in the video.