Covid-19: the appearance of redness, a skin symptom of the coronavirus?

Covid-19: the appearance of redness, a skin symptom of the coronavirus?


Prof. Enrique Casalino, head of emergencies at Bichat Hospital, replies that 18 to 19% of patients have skin manifestations of the coronavirus which do not however indicate complications. 

Alterations in the skin are among the symptoms of Covid-19, such as hives or the occurrence of kinds of frostbite on the fingertips. If such symptoms appear, it is better to consult a dermatologist or doctor. As a reminder, a tele-consultation is possible. The advice given by health authorities during the coronavirus epidemic, not to go to the doctor’s office, is still valid.

The symptoms are now well known: cough, muscle aches, fatigue, headaches with or without fever. Loss of smell (anosmia) and loss of taste (ageusia) are characteristic signs commonly seen in Covid-19 patients. 

Interview carried out by the journalists of 19.45 broadcast every evening on M6.

The PasseportSanté team is working to provide you with reliable and up-to-date information on the coronavirus. 

To find out more, find: 

  • Our disease sheet on the coronavirus 
  • Our daily updated news article relaying government recommendations
  • Our complete portal on Covid-19


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