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Coronavirus attacks the pancreas and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to the latest research. This also applies to people who have had COVID-19 mildly. Therefore, in the event of a coronavirus infection, you should pay attention to any warning signs.

  1. Fatigue, frequent urination and increased thirst – these are symptoms that may signal the onset of diabetes
  2. Research by German scientists has shown that even a mild COVID-19 infection can lead to this disease
  3. – The risk of developing type 2 diabetes after coronavirus is 28%. higher than other acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, says one study author
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Coronavirus increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

People who have even mild COVID-19 have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study by three German research centers. Their results were published in the journal “Diabetologia”.

Several previous studies have shown that human pancreatic cells can also be targeted by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. In COVID-19 patients, the following has been observed: reduced number of secretory follicles (granules) in the beta cells of the pancreas. These vesicles are responsible for the secretion of insulin.

In addition, some people who were previously completely healthy develop insulin resistance after contracting COVID-19. According to scientists, the reason may be that the SARS-CoV-2 infection by triggering the so-called a cytokine storm damages beta cells. Such excessive activation of the immune system and the accompanying long-term inflammation weaken the effectiveness of insulin.

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“Until now, however, it has not been clear whether the metabolic changes we are talking about here are temporary or increase the risk that diabetes will persist forever,” emphasize the authors of the publication. Therefore, an intercenter team of scientists (from the German Diabetes Center, the German Diabetes Research Center and the IQVIA company) conducted a retrospective cohort study.

“Our goal was to assess the incidence of diabetes after SARS-CoV-2 infection,” says the lead author of the publication, Dr. Wolfgang Rathmann. He explains that the data for the study came from 1 medical practices in Germany, and were collected in the period from March 171 to January 2020. In total, they included 2021 million patients.

Important symptoms: fatigue, frequent urination, and increased thirst

The control group consisted of people with acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, which are also caused by viruses. Both groups (research and control) were matched according to gender, age, period when infection with COVID-19 or other respiratory virus was diagnosed, and comorbidities (obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease). Patients treated with corticosteroids were excluded from the experiment.

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During the study period, nearly 36 thousand people have been diagnosed with COVID-19. – Our analysis showed that patients with COVID-19 developed type 2 diabetes more often than people with other respiratory infections. The incidence of diabetes after SARS-CoV-2 infection was 15,8 per 100 people, and for other acute infections of the upper respiratory tract, it was 12,3 per 1000 people. In other words: the relative risk of developing type 2 diabetes was 28 percent. higher in the COVID-19 group, concludes Dr. Rathmann.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

The researcher emphasizes that although type 2 diabetes is unlikely to be a problem for most people who have had COVID-19, anyone who has the disease (even very mildly) should be alert to any warning symptoms, such as fatigue, frequent donation urine and increased thirst. If they occur, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Author: Katarzyna Czechowicz.

See also:

  1. Thrombosis following AstraZeneki vaccine. New research reveals why
  2. The Chinese were furious with the restrictions. «Companies want us to vaccinate»
  3. Israel: R soared, new infections rising. Why?

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