COVID-19 in Israel: Serious Cases Are on the Rise. «It doubled in 10 days»
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The fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic attacks Israel. Although the daily number of new coronavirus infections has not exceeded 3,8 thousand for several days, there are still more and more patients in a serious condition. And this despite the tightening of restrictions that were to stop the spread of the Delta variant. Israel heading for another blockade?

  1. COVID-19 in Israel: despite tightening restrictions, the number of serious cases is increasing
  2. There are currently 360 patients in serious condition. Coronavirus statistics, prof. Eran Segalz points out that the number of people suffering from COVID-19 has doubled in 10 days
  3. Prof. Segalz: This means that when doubled, we can exceed the critical limit for hospitals
  4. Israeli Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz declares that another blockade of the country is the “last resort” and that the government will do everything in its power to avoid this measure
  5. Several restrictions were reintroduced in Israel since Sunday, including green passes
  6. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Israel. What’s happening?

Israel, which fully vaccinated more than 62 percent. society and the first to start using the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, it is struggling with the fourth wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. “The number of infected and seriously ill is increasing every day, the effect of vaccination is weakening,” wrote the Al-Monitor news service at the end of July. At that time, the daily number of new infections exceeded 2, and in the following days – over 3,8.

The optimistic news is that the current new infection statistics appear stable, the bad news is that the number of severe COVID-19 cases continues to rise despite tightening restrictions.


On August 9, the Israeli Ministry of Health reported 3372 new coronavirus infections; 3,87 percent the tests carried out gave a positive result (for comparison, during the last wave of the pandemic, this indicator was 9%). Regarding the severe cases of COVID-19 Currently, there are 360 ​​of them, only 83 seriously ill patients have arrived during the day.

– The number of seriously ill COVID-19 patients doubled in 10 days – said in The Times of Israel, a coronavirus statistician from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Prof. Eran Segal. – This means that after doubling, we can exceed the critical limit for hospitals – he emphasized on August 8, recalling: – During the last wave, we had 1,2 thousand. patients in serious condition and this seems to be a critical limit. If that happens, we should go to the blockade, says Segal.

The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Israel. Will there be another lockdown?

Will the epidemic really force Israel to introduce another blockade? This question arises more and more often. These concerns were referred to by the local health minister, Nitzan Horowitz, stressing that general quarantine is a “last resort” and that the government will do everything in its power to avoid this measure. – The coronavirus is not going to go away any time soon. We are creating an infrastructure that will allow us to live with the coronavirus in the long term – emphasized Horowitz.

In what situation will there be no alternative other than reaching for this measure? Prof. Nachman Ash, who supervises the fight against the pandemic in Israel, points out that the health ministry has not yet decided what data will entail the decision to lockdown. – It’s a complicated matter. It’s not just about the number of seriously ill patients. It is also the number of people using respirators, the infection rate, the number of confirmed cases – he emphasized. “We will see in the coming days if the morbidity is slowing down and if we need to take additional steps,” he added. In addition, there are also the expected benefits of taking a booster dose of the vaccine (so far, approximately 420 elderly Israelis have received them) – but the effects have yet to be seen.

  1. Third dose. What side effects, how many infected? There is the first report

Prof. Nachman Ash once again called on Israelis to vaccinate themselves against COVID-19. At the same time, he informed that the ministry is not planning any action against those who refuse to vaccinate.

The fourth wave of COVID-19 in Israel. Green passes and other restrictions apply again

To contain the spread of the coronavirus, Israel restored several restrictions. Again, the so-called green passes, i.e. documents confirming vaccination against COVID-19, having the status of a recovering person or a valid, negative test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2required from participants of cultural and sports events, clients of hotels, restaurants, gyms, cinemas, cafes.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Protective masks are obligatory during outdoor meetings attended by over 100 people. Israel has decided to tighten the rules on crossing the country’s borders. If the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) accepts the changes to the rules (which, according to the Ha-Arec daily, is almost certain), newcomers from all over the world (except ten) will have to undergo an extended quarantine regardless of whether they are vaccinated or not.

This exception applies to travelers from Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Hungary, Moldova, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan (these will have to isolate for 24 hours or until they are tested negative for coronavirus).

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