COVID-19 explosion in China. Most daily cases since the start of a pandemic
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The coronavirus does not give up, even where some of the strictest covid restrictions in the world have been implemented. This is mainland China, which has recorded record numbers of new locally transmitted infections in recent days. These statistics are the highest since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the country’s zero tolerance policy towards SARS-CoV-2.

  1. In recent days, the daily number of new coronavirus infections in China has exceeded 300
  2. From our perspective, this is not much, but in a country where the “zero-COVID” policy is applied, these statistics are worrying
  3. Mainland China has focused on quickly identifying new cases and suppressing the emergence of new outbreaks since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. This is achieved, among others, by tracking contacts, mass testing and numerous border blockades, often cutting off individual provinces from the rest of the country
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Record number of COVID-19 cases in China

On March 6, the National Health Commission of China announced 329 new cases of COVID-19. Among them, as many as 212 were local infections, that is, diagnosed in individual provinces. It was the highest daily load since the beginning of March 2020. Furthermore, almost all cases (312) were asymptomatic. In Shanghai alone, there were 45 latent infections, while only three symptomatic.

More than 200 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in China daily since February 24. Previously, charts rarely exceeded the barrier of 100 infections per day. The last wave of cases was visible in January, when the average daily number of infections was 170-180. The current increases are most likely due to the spread of the Omikron variant.

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These figures, compared to data from European countries or the United States, may not be impressive, but the Chinese government is seriously concerned about them because they cast a shadow on the country’s coronavirus strategy since the start of the pandemic.

Further part below the video.

In the fight against the coronavirus, the Chinese are swimming against the tide

In mainland China, in the context of COVID-19, there is a “zero tolerance” policy, also known as “zero-COVID”. It is about detecting new infections very quickly and suppressing potential new outbreaks.

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The most important tools used to help achieve this goal are: compulsory isolation of the infected, tracking their contacts and referring them to quarantine, mass testing, numerous border blockades, and quarantining visitors. In addition, any person with a positive test result is also automatically referred to the hospital, regardless of the course of the infection. These principles are well reflected in the slogan “find, test, trace, isolate and support”.

This rather radical policy, used to a different extent by several Asian countries (apart from mainland China, including Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam), but also New Zealand and Scotland, is in contrast to the strategy of living with COVID-19 (Ang. living with COVID-19). It involves treating the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection as endemic, moving away from mass PCR testing in favor of rapid antigen testing, and focusing on severe infection courses, hospitalizations and deaths rather than positive cases. This is to enable a return to pre-pandemic normality. The recognition of COVID-19 as an influenza-like illness is the aftermath of increasing immunity to populations through vaccination and / or disease.

  1. See also: Experts: COVID-19 will become endemic. What does this mean for us? [WE EXPLAIN]

The new infections do not change the position of the authorities

While this strategy is gaining more and more support among experts in China, the authorities stand firm with their policy and do not intend to abandon it, at least in the near future. In support of this decision, low rates of new infections and deaths throughout the pandemic period, as coronavirus took a tragic toll in other countries, are presented.

According to from December 2019when the coronavirus appeared in Chinese Wuhan, in mainland China there were 111 thousand. 520 cases of COVID-19. 4 died due to the infection. 636 people.

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What is important, Chinese covid statistics do not take into account the coronavirus infections reported in Hong Kongwhich is a special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China. There are many more cases of COVID-19 there, almost 40. daily. Similarly, there are over 200 deaths each day. Since the start of the Hong Kong pandemic, 496 people have been reported. 767 cases of coronavirus infection and 2287 deaths due to COVID-19.

We encourage you to read:

  1. How to strengthen immunity and avoid COVID-19? Simple ways
  2. There is a new drug for COVID-19. But these are not the only new discoveries of scientists
  3. How do Poles get COVID-19? They told about the most common symptoms
  4. Two years of the epidemic in Poland from the editor-in-chief of MedTvoiLokony

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