- Covid-19 Exercises at home: the most effective so as not to lose what has been achieved in the gym while the coronavirus lasts
- The abdominal plank, the «burpees», the «jumping jacks», the push-ups and the climbers or «mountain climbers» are some of those that should be included in your daily home routine to keep you in shape.
- How to sign up for #YOMEMUEVOENCASA, the fitness gurus’ home training plan
The abdominal plank, the «burpees», the «jumping jacks», the push-ups and the climbers or «mountain climbers» are some of those that should be included in your daily home routine to keep you in shape.
How to sign up for #YOMEMUEVOENCASA, the fitness gurus’ home training plan

El gym closings and the sanitary recommendation of stay at home to contain the expansion of Covid-19 has caused a flood of online consultations to personal trainers, who have seen an increase in requests for advice both through social networks (comments, requests, questions …), as well as in downloads or access to their personalized training programs. training. This is stated by the personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, who each week elaborate for ABC Bienestar a routine of drill designed to turn physical activity into a habit. «Since the crisis of the Coronavirus We are already doing the trainings that we previously did face-to-face via Skype and this situation has made us accelerate the project to offer online trainings that we already had underway ”, they explain.
In turn, the personal trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado, who in addition to providing videos of exercise routines on Instagram has his own fitness «app», assures that for two days he has not stopped receiving requests on his online training platform, because even though they have closed the Most of the gyms in Spain and there are no schools, people want to continue exercising at home.
Exercises to work at home
Estos son los de algunos basic, effective and complete home exercises that cannot be missed in a home routine, according to the Pin Twins:
— «Burpees». The “burpee” is an exercise that measures anaerobic endurance. It is performed in several movements (born from the union of push-ups, squats and vertical jumps) and with it the abdomen, back, chest, arms and legs are worked.
When practicing it, the Pin Twins remember that it is important to keep the hips aligned with the body and avoid bringing the knees and feet together when the necessary flexion is made to return to the starting position.
— Pushups (with knees or without knees, varying the amplitude). One of the most effective for beginners is the one done with your knees. To do this, the traditional flexion is performed but supporting the knees and the tips of the feet so that we do most of the force with the arms. To properly practice the exercise, the personal trainer Esther Pineda reminds us that we must keep the distance of the hands at the width of the shoulders.
— Squatting (with jump or without jump, depending on the level). The jump squat is one of the most complete exercises. To put it into practice, a squat and a jump are performed, keeping the distance from the feet to the width of the shoulders and in the case of the jump it is done by touching the ground with one hand each time and opening and closing the legs. One of the most frequent mistakes in the practice of this exercise is bending your arms too much, as revealed by the Pin Twins. It is also important to avoid bringing your knees together.
“To do these exercises you do not need any type of material, no dumbbells, no rubber bands, no elastic bands, no accessories, only body weight is used,” they explain.
Personal trainer Miguel Ángel Peinado shares the recommendations of the Pin Twins, who in addition to burpees, jump squats and push-ups, proposes these other exercises, which are also effective because, as he assures, they are aerobic exercises Suitable in this situation because they allow the whole body to work, activate the respiratory and cardiovascular system and help all those who have to spend time without going to the gym to stay active and not lose the state they have already achieved. These other exercises are:
– The abdominal plank. It can be done, according to the coach, different varieties, the static plate, which is carried out by opening and closing the legs, the side or the plate going up and down. This exercise allows you to work the “core”, strengthen the back and improve resistance and balance. To practice this exercise correctly we must place ourselves face down, supporting the tips of the feet and the forearms. You raise your body to form a horizontal straight line and hold in position for 30-60 seconds (time varies depending on the level) and then lower to the starting position. It is important to keep the tension on your abs and not spread your feet more than shoulder width apart.
— Escaladores o mountain climbers. With the body in the plank position, we will bend the knees to the height of the hips alternately. This exercise is used to burn fat, strengthen muscles and improve endurance.
— «Skipping» on the site. The race on the knees or «skipping» is one of the best known exercises for training and learning the running technique. To practice it, it is advisable to take care of the position so that we avoid leaning the trunk forward.
— Jumping Jacks, with or without jump. To practice this jumping exercise, you must do a vertical jump raising your knees to your chest after doing the “Jumping Jacks” exercise several times, which consists of opening and closing your arms and legs while jumping at the same time. To practice it correctly, avoid landing with the tips of your feet on the ground and when performing the vertical jump, do not bring your chest to your knees.
— Lunges, forward and backward. In the static stride, glutes, quadriceps and hamstrings are worked while the body is lowered and the weight is mainly supported by the front leg. To do the exercise correctly it is important that the flexion of the knee does not exceed the tip of the foot.
— Scissors in the air. When practicing this exercise you should lie on your back with your arms stretched along your sides, raise your legs to a handful of the ground and execute the scissor movement. It is important to keep your abdomen activated, your legs straight and not arch your back.