COVID-19 deaths in Poland – what do we know about the victims? There is a report by epidemiologists
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Coronavirus killed or killed over 36 Poles. Which age group of the dead are the most numerous? What comorbidities were most common among the victims? The Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases has just published detailed data. Who are the fatalities of the coronavirus in Poland?

  1. In Poland, 19 have already died due to COVID-36. 780 people
  2. Among those who died due to or with the involvement of COVID-19, almost a quarter (exactly 22,6%) were over 80 years old
  3. Report of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases: the greatest harvest (25,6% of deaths) COVID-19 was collected among people struggling with cancer
  4. More current information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Mortality due to CIVID-19 in Poland – data

Data from the Ministry of Health for January 29 say about 36. 780 died since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic in Poland (there are over 2,2 million of them worldwide). From the available epidemiological data, we know what the mortality rate due to or with the participation of SARS-CoV-2 looks like from the beginning of the epidemic.

In spring and summer, the number of dead was between 20 and 70 a day, we exceeded the number of one hundred for the first time on October 14. From then on, rates rose sharply until they hit a record 25 deaths on November 674. This is the worst day of the epidemic so far. And let it stay that way.

  1. Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus [MAP]

Since then, the number of deaths has started to decline, although it still stands at several hundred a day (although there are, of course, exceptions). January started with information about 400 deaths from COVID-19, and the worst day of the month was January 6 with 553 deaths from SARS-CoV-2. The latest data from January 29 shows 336 new deaths.


Almost from the beginning of the pandemic, we also know that although everyone is really at risk of contracting the coronavirus, it is the most dangerous for the elderly, with reduced immunity, as well as for those who already have other comorbidities.

  1. How does the immune system work?

Now, thanks to the study of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases (the author is Prof. Robert Flisiak), we have detailed information about Poles who died due to the coronavirus. They were prepared on the basis of data from the SARSTer database (as of January 26). Let us recall the SARSTer project commissioned by the Minister of Health and is an important element of the strategy to combat the pandemic. Its purpose is to assess the effectiveness and safety of various COVID-19 therapy options used in Poland and to indicate the optimal treatment conditions.

Deaths due to COVID-19 in Poland. Mortality in age groups

As noted above, SARS-CoV-2 infection is the most dangerous for the elderly. This is confirmed by SARSTer data. When looking at the chart, you can clearly see that mortality increases with age.

Among those who died due to or with the involvement of COVID-19, almost a quarter (exactly 22,6%) were over 80 years old. 15,1 percent the deceased were between 70 and 80 years old. In the 60-70 age group, 7,7 percent were dead. In the 50+ group, the death rate was 2,8%, and in the 40+ group it was 2,3%.


When it comes to young people, fatal cases of coronavirus infection have been reported in people in their 30s.

Deaths due to COVID-19 in Poland. Hospitalization and condition of the patient

The study by prof. Flisiaka also takes into account deaths among people hospitalized due to COVID-19 infection and depending on the patient’s condition. Let’s take a closer look at them.

Of all SARS-CoV-2 patients treated in hospitals, 7,3% died. As for hospitalized adults, the figure was 8,3%. Most of the dead, as much as 66,7 percent. it concerned patients requiring mechanical ventilation (ventilator).


36,8 percent deceased patients were over 80 years old and saturation (blood oxygen saturation; SpO2) below 90%. Over 20 percent deaths concern adults whose oxygen saturation on admission to hospital was lower than 90%, if blood oxygen saturation was higher than 95%, this percentage was 12,6%.

Deaths due to COVID-19 in Poland. Comorbidities

We know that one of the most important factors that increase the risk of death in the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection is multi-disease (comorbidities). This term should be understood as having two or more conditions in a patient at the same time.

The report of the Polish Society of Epidemiologists and Doctors of Infectious Diseases shows that the greatest harvest (25,6% of deaths) COVID-19 was collected among people struggling with cancer. Not much less, because 24,3 percent. it concerned patients with stroke. The third place in the infamous ranking is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – 22,5 percent.


This was followed by: ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, other comorbidities, and hypertension.

Deaths due to COVID-19 in Poland. Multiple illness and age

The most important factor in multiple diseases is age. The older a person is, the greater the number of chronic diseases and medical problems. It is estimated that multi-morbidity (understood as the coexistence of two or more chronic conditions) affects up to 95% of people. population over 65 years of age. It is also increasingly observed in the working-age population.

What dependencies in this respect are shown by the study of Polish epidemiologists? Neoplastic diseases are coming to the fore again. Among the deceased COVID-19 patients, 27,6% were over 60; 15 percent – this age did not live to see.


Interestingly, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases are the next most common comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients over the age of 60, but they have not been reported among patients under 15,5. When it comes to diabetes, 60 percent struggled with it. of those who died 5,6+ and XNUMX percent. younger patients.

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