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Check how the COVID-19 pandemic developed in Poland from November to December 2020 day by day – how many new cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infections, as well as deaths from COVID-19 and the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.

See the current development of the coronavirus pandemic in Poland – Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus [MAP – CURRENT DATA]

See how the coronavirus pandemic is developing in individual provinces – Coronavirus in Poland – statistics for voivodeships [CURRENT DATA]

[31.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 13 397 new cases of COVID-19 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1739), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1517), Wielkopolskie (1469), Pomorskie (1288), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (1061), Śląskie (1046), Zachodniopomorskie (900), Dolnośląskie (804), Łódź (703), Lublin (564), Lubuskie (493), Małopolskie (387), Podlaskie (356), Opolskie (347), Podkarpackie (284), Świętokrzyskie (193). 246 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 104 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 294 (all positive / including deceased people).

[30.12.2020 update]

  1. 12 new cases of COVID-955 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Wielkopolskie (1600), Śląskie (1585), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1299), Pomorskie (1106), Zachodniopomorskie (1101), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (996), Łódzkie (988), Dolnośląskie (801), Lubelskie (674), Małopolskie (609), Podlaskie (541), Lubuskie (426), Podkarpackie (349), Opole (279), Świętokrzyskie (206). 159 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 125 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 281 (all positive / including deceased).

[29.12.2020 update]

  1. 7 new cases of COVID-914 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Śląskie (957), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (823), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (765), Zachodniopomorskie (720), Łódzkie (713), Wielkopolskie (671), Lublin (647), Pomeranian (490), Dolnośląskie (483), Lesser Poland (405), Lubuskie (251), Podlasie (208), Świętokrzyskie (203), Opole (129), Podkarpackie (120). 85 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Thirteen people died due to COVID-19, while 55 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 268 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[28.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 3 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (409), Pomorskie (404), Wielkopolskie (309), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (302), Zachodniopomorskie (282), Śląskie (224), Łódzkie (199), Małopolskie (190), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (136), Lubelskie (126), Dolnośląskie (109), Podkarpackie (76), Podlaskie (70), Świętokrzyskie (55), Lubuskie (49), Opole (49)
  3. 222 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 person died due to COVID-1, while 19 due to coexistence of COVID-28 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 261 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[27.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 3 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Pomorskie (678), Mazowieckie (536), Wielkopolskie (532), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (387), Śląskie (326), Zachodniopomorskie (279), Łódzkie (270), Warmińsko – Mazurski (199), Lower Silesia (188), Lesser Poland (153), Lublin (115), Opole (103), Podlasie (99), Podkarpacie (93), Lubuskie (68), Świętokrzyskie (65). 51 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 6 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 257 (all positive / including deceased).

[26.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 5 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (048), Zachodniopomorskie (741), Wielkopolskie (557), Pomorskie (518), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (487), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (472), Śląskie (315) , Łódzkie (285), Lubelskie (280), Dolnośląskie (268), Małopolskie (219), Podkarpackie (169), Podlaskie (132), Lubuskie (115), Opole (111), Świętokrzyskie (97). 82 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 4 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 253 (all positive / including deceased).

[25.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 9 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (077), Wielkopolskie (1166), Zachodniopomorskie (1045), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (990), Łódzkie (767), Śląskie (739), Pomorskie (695), Warmińsko -Mazurski (666), Lower Silesia (607), Lublin (474), Lubuskie (357), Opole (351), Podlasie (258), Podkarpacie (242), Lesser Poland (212), Świętokrzyskie (210). 89 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. 19 people died due to COVID-63, while 19 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-177 with other diseases. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 249 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[24.12.2020 update]

  1. 13 new cases of COVID-115 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Wielkopolskie (1824), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1605), Pomeranian (1311), Zachodniopomorskie (1107), Śląskie (1005), Łódzkie (1003), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (945), Dolnośląskie (839), Lublin (742), Małopolskie (598), Lubuskie (409), Podlasie (402), Podkarpacie (325), Opole (288), Świętokrzyskie (281). 166 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 132 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 239 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[23.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 12 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infections, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1509), Wielkopolskie (1391), Śląskie (1269), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1204), Zachodniopomorskie (989), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (981), Pomorskie (968), Łódzkie (859), Dolnośląskie (588), Lublin (569), Lesser Poland (528), Lubuskie (365), Podlasie (326), Opole (250), Podkarpacie (219), Świętokrzyskie (162).
  3. 184 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died due to COVID-104, while due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases – 368 people.
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 226 (all positive / including deceased).

[22.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 7 192 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (884), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (768), Śląskie (719), Pomorskie (697), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (578), Wielkopolskie (574), Lubelskie (524), Łódzkie (453), Dolnośląskie (409), West Pomeranian (391), Podkarpackie (225), Lesser Poland (196), Podlasie (172), Świętokrzyskie (153), Lubuskie (141), Opole (93)
  3. 215 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died from COVID-72, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-237 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 214 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[21.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 4 633 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (630), Zachodniopomorskie (561), Pomorskie (549), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (480), Wielkopolskie (302), Łódzkie (265), Lubelskie (245), Śląskie (240), Małopolskie (207 ), Dolnośląskie (206), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (171), Lubuskie (168), Opolskie (138), Podkarpacie (132), Podlasie (100), Świętokrzyskie (65). 174 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  3. 19 people died due to COVID-34, and 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-43 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 207 (all positive / including deceased).

[20.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 8 new and confirmed cases of #coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Wielkopolskie (594), Mazowieckie (1151), Pomorskie (1105), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (817), Zachodniopomorskie (788), Śląskie (773), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (694 ), Dolnośląskie (612), Łódzkie (486), Lubuskie (447), Małopolskie (320), Lublin (310), Podlaskie (299), Opolskie (178), Podkarpackie (173), Świętokrzyskie (142). 129 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Thirteen people died due to COVID-19, while 39 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 202 (all positive / including deceased).
  4. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections.

[19.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 11 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1383), Greater Poland (1197), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1114), Pomorskie (1040), Zachodniopomorskie (974), Śląskie (803), Łódzkie (762), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (707), Lublin (650), Dolnośląskie (593), Lubuskie (407), Małopolskie (391), Podkarpacie (366), Podlasie (341), Opole (222), Świętokrzyskie (164)
  3. 153 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died from COVID-108, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-375 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 194 110/25 254 (all positive cases / including deceased persons)

[18.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 11 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1422), Wielkopolskie (1148), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1050), Zachodniopomorskie (956), Pomorskie (951), Śląskie (918), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (827), Dolnośląskie (691), Łódzkie (656), Lublin (534), Lubuskie (427), Lesser Poland (399), Podlasie (266), Opole (250), Świętokrzyskie (180), Podkarpacie (168)
  3. 170 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died due to COVID-122, and 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-304 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 182 864/24 771 (all positive cases / including deceased persons)

[17.12.2020 update]

  1. 11 new cases of coronavirus from the following voivodeships: Wielkopolskie (953), Mazowieckie (1555), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1318), Zachodniopomorskie (1138), Śląskie (1124), Pomorskie (964), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (951), Łódzkie (935) ), Lublin (767), Lower Silesia (699), Lesser Poland (681), Lubuskie (351), Podkarpacie (320), Opole (288), Świętokrzyskie (251), Podlasie (231). 230 infections are data without addressing, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 93 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 171 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[16.12.2020 update]

  1. 12 new cases of COVID 454 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Wielkopolskie (1461), Śląskie (1373), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1340), Zachodniopomorskie (1181), Łódzkie (1064), Pomorskie (943), Warmińsko-Mazurskie ( 868), Lublin (815), Lower Silesia (641), Lesser Poland (629), Podlasie (538), Lubuskie (370), Podkarpacie (323), Opole (322), Świętokrzyskie (247). 181 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 155 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 159 (all positive / including deceased).

[15.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 6 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (768), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (750), Wielkopolskie (639), Śląskie (608), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (572), Dolnośląskie (519), Pomorskie (495), Łódzkie (446), Lubelskie (437), West Pomeranian (328), Podkarpackie (306), Lesser Poland (232), Świętokrzyskie (174), Podlasie (169), Lubuskie (150), Opole (129)
  3. 185 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died from COVID-77, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-272 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 147 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[14.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 4 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (715), Zachodniopomorskie (561), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (531), Pomorskie (460), Wielkopolskie (392), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (275), Śląskie (272), Dolnośląskie (258), Lubuskie (207), Łódź (190), Podkarpackie (180), Lublin (179), Opole (176), Małopolska (143), Świętokrzyskie (108), Podlasie (78)
  3. 171 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died from COVID-40, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-56 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 140 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[13.12.2020 update]

  1. 8977 new cases of COVID-19 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1280), Wielkopolskie (1132), Pomorskie (1003), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (756), Śląskie (668), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (646), Zachodniopomorskie (593), Łódzkie ( 572), Lower Silesia (498), Lublin (378), Lesser Poland (310), Lubuskie (300), Podlasie (231), Podkarpacie (204), Opole (133), Świętokrzyskie (132). 141 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 49 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 135 (all positive / including deceased).

[12.12.2020 update]

  1. 11 new cases of COVID-497 from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (19), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1522), Wielkopolskie (1083), Śląskie (1032), Zachodniopomorskie (993), Pomorskie (973), Lubelskie (752), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (745), Dolnośląskie (736), Łódzkie (698), Podkarpackie (695), Małopolskie (525), Lubuskie (404), Podlaskie (373), Opole (356), Świętokrzyskie (315). 183 infections are data without specifying the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 131 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 126 (all positive / including deceased).

[11.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 13 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1722), Wielkopolskie (1411), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (1198), Pomorskie (1147), Zachodniopomorskie (1110), Śląskie (1080), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1002), Łódzkie (838), Lower Silesia (797), Lublin (639), Lesser Poland (472), Lubuskie (447), Opole (337), Podlasie (308), Podkarpacie (260), Świętokrzyskie (218)
  3. 124 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 132 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 115 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[10.12.2020 update]

  1. 13 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (749), Wielkopolskie (1701), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1672), Śląskie (1404), Dolnośląskie (1251), Zachodniopomorskie (985), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (956), Pomeranian ( 897), Łódź (887), Lublin (863), Opole (618), Małopolska (493), Lubuskie (488), Podkarpacie (467), Podlasie (406), Świętokrzyskie (364). 215 infections are data without addressing, which will be completed by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 113 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 102 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[9.12.2020 update]

  1. 12 new cases of COVID-168 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Śląskie (1496), Wielkopolskie (1465), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1213), Pomorskie (1101), Zachodniopomorskie (933), Łódzkie (932), Dolnośląskie (821) ), Lublin (813), Warmian-Masurian (728), Lesser Poland (651), Podlasie (564), Lubuskie (360), Podkarpackie (349), Opole (253), Świętokrzyskie (224). 178 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 133 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 088 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[8.12.2020 update]

  1. 8 new coronavirus infections from the following voivodeships: Małopolskie (312), Mazowieckie (1072), Śląskie (960), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (852), Wielkopolskie (690), Dolnośląskie (580), Łódzkie (566), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (563 ), Pomeranian (528), West Pomeranian (515), Lublin (486), Sub-Carpathian (416), Podlasie (204), Świętokrzyskie (193), Lubuskie (182), Opole (174). 140 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 94 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 076 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[7.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 4423 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (609), Zachodniopomorskie (529), Wielkopolskie (424), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (351), Pomorskie (335), Dolnośląskie (287), Śląskie (265), Łódzkie ( 238), Warmian-Masurian (217), Lesser Poland (214), Opole (195), Lublin (177), Lubuskie (163), Podkarpacie (155), Podlasie (155), Świętokrzyskie (69)
  2. 40 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  3. 19 people died from COVID-10, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-82 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 067 (all positive / including deceased persons)

[6.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 9 176 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – the Ministry of Health announced in a release
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1170), Wielkopolskie (1096), Śląskie (908), Pomorskie (874), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (718), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (692), Zachodniopomorskie (674), Łódzkie (561), Dolnośląskie (476), Lesser Poland (380), Lublin (353), Lubuskie (325), Opole (307), Podlasie (223), Świętokrzyskie (187), Podkarpacie (184)
  3. 48 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection
  4. 19 people died from COVID-42, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-186 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 063 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[05.12.2020 update]

  1. We have 12 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Health reported
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1574), Śląskie (1283), Wielkopolskie (1195), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1091), Zachodniopomorskie (974), Pomeranian (969), Dolnośląskie (920), Łódzkie (897), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (762), Lublin (728), Lesser Poland (548), Opole (359), Lubuskie (339), Podlasie (287), Podkarpackie (255), Świętokrzyskie (209)
  3. 40 infections are data without indicating the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection – we read in the release of the Ministry of Health
  4. 19 people died due to COVID-104, while 19 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-398 with other diseases. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 054 (all positive / including deceased people)

[04.12.2020 update]

  1. 13 new COVID-239 cases from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Wielkopolskie (1643), Śląskie (1380), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1355), Zachodniopomorskie (1081), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (999), Łódzkie (964), Dolnośląskie (915), Pomeranian (828), Lublin (813), Lesser Poland (713), Lubuskie (599), Opole (482), Podlasie (449), Podkarpacie (373), Świętokrzyskie (324). 252 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 110 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 041 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[03.12.2020 update]

  1. 14 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (838), Wielkopolskie (1780), Śląskie (1755), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1531), Pomorskie (1354), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (1226), Zachodniopomorskie (1058), Łódzkie ( 939), Lower Silesia (889), Lublin (844), Lesser Poland (793), Opole (646), Podkarpacie (469), Lubuskie (413), Podlasie (358), Świętokrzyskie (356). 353 infections are data without specifying the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 109 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 028 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[02.12.2020 update]

  1. 13 new cases of coronavirus infection in Poland from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (855), Wielkopolskie (1626), Śląskie (1577), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1494), Pomeranian (1240), Łódzkie (1060), Dolnośląskie (1013), Małopolskie ( 844), Warmia and Mazury (823), Lublin (785), West Pomeranian (759), Podkarpacie (751), Podlasie (518), Lubuskie (393), Świętokrzyskie (387), Opole (276). 257 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 89 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 1 / 013 (all positive cases / including the deceased).

[01.12.2020 update]

  1. 9 new cases of COVID-105 from the following voivodeships: Kujawsko-Pomorskie (19), Śląskie (1214), Wielkopolskie (1084), Mazowieckie (796), Dolnośląskie (765), Łódzkie (717), Lubelskie (615), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (547), Lesser Poland (534), West Pomeranian (486), Pomeranian (461), Opole (443), Sub-Carpathian (361), Świętokrzyskie (346), Podlasie (264), Lubuskie (216). 187 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 68 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 999 / 924 (all positive / including deceased).

[30.11.2020 update]

  1. 5 new cases of COVID-733 from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (19), Zachodniopomorskie (659), Wielkopolskie (599), Dolnośląskie (532), Pomorskie (445), Śląskie (441), Łódzkie (421), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (375) ), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (327), Lublin (297), Lesser Poland (285), Lubuskie (280), Podkarpacie (259), Opole (201), Świętokrzyskie (198), Podlasie (192). 118 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 21 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 990 811/17 150 (all positive / including deceased people).
  4. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections.

[29.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 11 new and confirmed cases of #coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Wielkopolskie (483), Mazowieckie (1574), Pomorskie (1413), Śląskie (978), Łódzkie (977), Dolnośląskie (838), Zachodniopomorskie (781), Pomeranian (780), Warmian-Masurian (623), Lublin (618), Lesser Poland (616), Opole (440), Lubuskie (432), Podkarpacie (373), Podlasie (339), Świętokrzyskie (307).
  2. 124 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  3. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 46 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 985 / 075 (all positive / including deceased persons).
  5. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections.

[28.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 15 178 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1986), Wielkopolskie (1748), Dolnośląskie (1481), Śląskie (1402), Pomorskie (1026), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1004), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (950) , Lublin (937), West Pomeranian (902), Podkarpackie (713), Lesser Poland (661), Łódzkie (658), Podlaskie (481), Opole (429), Lubuskie (398), Świętokrzyskie (310). 92 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 85 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 973 / 593 (all positive / including deceased).
  4. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections.

[27.11.2020 update]

  1. 17 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Wielkopolskie (060), Mazowieckie (2072), Śląskie (2057), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1560), Dolnośląskie (1368), Pomeranian (1318), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (1258), Łódzkie ( 1065), West Pomeranian (1001), Lesser Poland (915), Lublin (868), Podkarpacie (802), Opole (790), Lubuskie (536), Podlasie (494), Świętokrzyskie (491). 406 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection.
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 112 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 957 / 666 (all positive / including deceased persons).
  4. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections.

[26.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 16 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (1824), Mazowieckie (1785), Wielkopolskie (1668), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (1210), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1207), Dolnośląskie (1112), Pomeranian (1105), Łódzkie (1099), Lublin (1027), West Pomeranian (991), Lesser Poland (914), Subcarpathian (649), Opole (587), Lubuskie (508), Świętokrzyskie (473), Podlasie (464)
  3. 64 infections are data without specifying an address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection, the Ministry of Health reported
  4. 19 people died from COVID-78, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-502 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 941 112 / 15 (all positive / including deceased people)
  6. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections

[25.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 15 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Health reported
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following provinces: Śląskie (1941), Mazowieckie (1577), Wielkopolskie (1420), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1321), Pomeranian (1126), West Pomeranian (1011), Łódzkie (1010), Lesser Poland (933), Lublin (932) ), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (858), Dolnośląskie (825), Podkarpackie (590), Lubuskie (504), Opole (459), Podlasie (449), Świętokrzyskie (303)
  3. 103 infections are data without indicating the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection – we read in the release
  4. 19 people died due to COVID-152, and 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-522 with other diseases
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 924 422 / 14 (all positive / including deceased people)
  6. Due to ongoing corrections by laboratories in the EWP system, the global number of infections since the beginning of the pandemic may not be the sum of the consecutive daily infections

[24.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 10 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1166), Dolnośląskie (1035), Pomeranian (979), Śląskie (945), Lublin (670), Greater Poland (630), Łódzkie (563), Podkarpackie (540), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (521 ), Opole (512), Lesser Poland (486), Warmian-Masurian (473), West Pomeranian (457), Świętokrzyskie (359), Podlasie (309), Lubuskie (267)
  3. 227 infections are data without indicating the address, which will be supplemented by the sanitary inspection – we read in the release of the Ministry of Health
  4. 19 people died due to COVID-55, while 19 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-485 with other diseases. Today, the global number of infections includes approx. 22 thousand. unreported cases reported by GIS yesterday
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 909 066 / 14 (all positive / including deceased people)

[23.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 15 002 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are residents of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (2295), Wielkopolskie (1899), Małopolskie (1401), Dolnośląskie (1035), Zachodniopomorskie (965), Pomorskie (959), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (931), Łódzkie (906), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (864), Lublin (795), Silesia (694), Podkarpacie (540), Opole (493), Podlasie (455), Lubuskie (406), Świętokrzyskie (364)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-38, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-118 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 876 333 / 13 (all positive / including deceased people)

[22.11.2020 update]

  1. 18 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (467), Wielkopolskie (2607), Śląskie (2070), Lublin (1611), Małopolskie (1511), Pomeranian (1444), Łódzkie (1139), Dolnośląskie (1136), Kujawsko – Pomeranian (1005), West Pomeranian (1000), Warmian-Masurian (960), Podlasie (890), Podkarpackie (865), Lubuskie (703), Opole (572), Świętokrzyskie (563).
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 74 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. “At the same time, we would like to inform you that due to the removal of 611 cases of infections by the WSEE in Lublin, we subtract them from the statistics of the voivodship and the country” – informed the Ministry of Health.
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 861 331/13 618 (all positive / including deceased people).

[21.11.2020 update]

  1. 24 new cases of COVID-213 from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (19), Wielkopolskie (3086), Śląskie (2525), Małopolskie (2263), Dolnośląskie (2213), Pomorskie (1792), Lubelskie (1715), Łódzkie (1600), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (1563), Warmian-Masurian (1257), West Pomeranian (1191), Podlasie (1101), Podkarpackie (927), Świętokrzyskie (872), Opole (760), Lubuskie (703).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 115 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 843 475/13 288 (all positive / including deceased people).

[20.11.2020 update]

  1. 22 new cases of COVID-464 from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (19), Śląskie (2679), Wielkopolskie (2666), Małopolskie (2258), Dolnośląskie (1999), Pomorskie (1626), Łódzkie (1551), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1472) ), West Pomeranian (1431), Warmian-Masurian (1276), Świętokrzyskie (1055), Podkarpacie (860), Opole (840), Podlasie (792), Lublin (722), Lubuskie (675).
  2. 19 people died due to COVID-149, while 19 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-477 with other diseases. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 819 / 262 (all positive / including deceased people).

[19.11.2020 update]

  1. 23 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Śląskie (975), Mazowieckie (4377), Wielkopolskie (3041), Dolnośląskie (2153), Małopolskie (1808), Pomeranian (1670), Łódź (1499), West Pomeranian (1288), Lublin (1185), Podkarpackie (1108), Warmian-Masurian (1096), Świętokrzyskie (1025), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (945), Opole (940), Lubuskie (682), Podlasie (641).
  2. Four people died due to COVID-19, while 124 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 796 798/12 088 (all positive / including deceased people).

[18.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 19 new and confirmed cases of #coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Mazowieckie (883), Śląskie (3340), Dolnośląskie (2214), Małopolskie (2091), Pomeranian (1608), Greater Poland (1313), Łódź (1174), West Pomeranian ( 1154), Świętokrzyskie (1146), Opole (870), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (861), Warmian-Masurian (854), Podkarpackie (788), Lublin (777), Lubuskie (627), Podlasie (586).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 112 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 772 823/11 451 (all positive / including deceased people).

[17.11.2020 update]

  1. 19 new cases of COVID-152 from the following voivodeships: Śląskie (19), Dolnośląskie (2442), Mazowieckie (2418), Małopolskie (2272), Greater Poland (1724), Pomeranian (1475), Lublin (1325), West Pomeranian (1294), Łódź (1191), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (1096), Opole (738), Świętokrzyskie (732), Podkarpackie (624), Podlasie (551), Warmian-Masurian (512), Lubuskie (463).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 70 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 752 940/10 848 (all positive / including deceased people).

[16.11.2020 update]

  1. 20 new and confirmed cases of COVID-816 from the following voivodeships: Śląskie (19), Mazowieckie (3322), Wielkopolskie (2436), Dolnośląskie (2400), Małopolskie (1784), Lubelskie (1295), Zachodniopomorskie (1163), Łódzkie (1110) ), Pomeranian (1083), Warmian-Masurian (1037), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (1040), Podkarpacie (896), Świętokrzyskie (842), Lubuskie (787), Opole (577), Podlasie (557).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 16 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 733 788 / 10 (all positive / including deceased people)

[15.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 21 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (3576), Wielkopolskie (2143), Dolnośląskie (2016), Małopolskie (1859), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1723), Mazowieckie (1642), Łódzkie (1389), Lublin (1248), Pomeranian (1046) ), West Pomeranian (1033), Podkarpackie (926), Warmian-Masurian (820), Podlasie (725), Świętokrzyskie (685), Opole (604), Lubuskie (419)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-36, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-267 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 712 / 972 (all positive / including deceased people)

[14.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 25 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (3453), Dolnośląskie (2794), Wielkopolskie (2742), Mazowieckie (2419), Małopolskie (2202), Łódzkie (1487), Lubelskie (1563), Pomeranian (1328), Świętokrzyskie (1177), Podkarpackie (1162), West Pomeranian (1045), Warmian-Masurian (990), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (955), Opole (799), Lubuskie (760), Podlasie (695)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-119, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-429 with other diseases
  4. The announcement also says: we inform you that the WSEZ in Warsaw and Wrocław removed a total of 2 deaths from 11.11 and 4.11 – we subtract them from the statistics
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 691 118/10 045 (all positive / including deceased people)

[13.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 24 051 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (3841), Wielkopolskie (2866), Dolnośląskie (2823), Małopolskie (2271), Łódzkie (1557), Pomeranian (1421), Mazowieckie (1410), West Pomeranian (1331), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1279) ), Podkarpackie (1264), Świętokrzyskie (920), Opole (802), Warmian-Masurian (746), Lubuskie (592), Lublin (526), ​​Podlasie (402)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-88, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-331 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 665 547/9 499 (all positive / including deceased people)

[12.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 22 683 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (3911), Wielkopolskie (2232), Małopolskie (2132), Dolnośląskie (1847), Mazowieckie (1746), Łódzkie (1528), Podkarpacie (1276), Pomeranian (1114), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1083) ), Podlasie (943), Warmian-Masurian (915), Opole (844), Lublin (831), Świętokrzyskie (825), West Pomeranian (768), Lubuskie (688)
  3. 19 people died due to COVID-52, and 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-223 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 641 496/9 080 (all positive / including deceased people)

[Update 11.11.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX]

  1. We have 25 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (4066), Wielkopolskie (3081), Małopolskie (2947), Dolnośląskie (2661), Mazowieckie (1976), Lublin (1449), Łódzkie (1443), Pomeranian (1321), Podkarpackie (1152), Opole (910), West Pomeranian (852), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (792), Lubuskie (791), Podlasie (662), Warmian-Masurian (618), Świętokrzyskie (500).
  3. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 75 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 618 / 813 (all positive / including deceased).

[10.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 25 484 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection – informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (4276), Wielkopolskie (3846), Małopolskie (2697), Mazowieckie (1982), Dolnośląskie (2541), Łódzkie (1431), Podkarpacie (1236), Pomeranian (1116), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1108) ), Lublin (985), Opole (762), West Pomeranian (738), Świętokrzyskie (753), Podlasie (714), Lubuskie (650), Warmian-Masurian (649)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-61, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-269 with other diseases
  4. The Ministry of Health also informed that due to 30 duplicate infections from the Łódź Province, they will be deducted in the current result from the total number of infected
  5. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 593 592/8 375 (all positive / including deceased people)

[9.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 21 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Śląskie (4373), Małopolskie (2650), Wielkopolskie (1983), Dolnośląskie (1719), Mazowieckie (1630), Łódzkie (1269), Podkarpackie (1260), Lublin (1201), Pomeranian (1122), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (1018), West Pomeranian (819), Warmian-Masurian (694), Opole (591), Lubuskie (543), Podlasie (497), Świętokrzyskie (344)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-45, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-128 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 568 138/8 045 (all positive / including deceased people)

[8.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 24 new and confirmed cases of #coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Śląskie (785), Małopolskie (4245), Mazowieckie (2806), Wielkopolskie (2099), Podkarpacie (1845), Dolnośląskie (1822), Lublin (1799), Łódzkie ( 1728), Kuyavian-Pomeranian (1576), Pomeranian (1439), Podlasie (1335), Opole (1053), West Pomeranian (858), Warmian-Masurian (723), Lubuskie (558), Świętokrzyskie (470).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 59 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 546 / 425 (all positive / including deceased).

[7.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 27 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodships: Śląskie (875), Mazowieckie (4290), Wielkopolskie (2998), Małopolskie (2451), Dolnośląskie (2450), Podkarpacie (2045), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1946), Lublin (1809), Pomeranian (1794), Łódzkie (1671), Świętokrzyskie (1549), West Pomeranian (1231), Opole (1072), Warmian-Masurian (765), Podlasie (679), Lubuskie (615).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 49 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 521 / 640 (all positive / including deceased).

[6.11.2020 update]

  1. 27 new coronavirus infections from the following voivodeships: Śląskie (086), Mazowieckie (3942), Małopolskie (2951), Dolnośląskie (2815), Wielkopolskie (2512), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (2063), Podkarpacie (1952), Łódzkie (1707), Lublin (1593), Pomeranian (1542), Świętokrzyskie (1451), West Pomeranian (1013), Warmian-Masurian (903), Opole (826), Podlasie (739), Lubuskie (580).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 58 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 493 765/7287 (all positive / including deceased)

[05.11.2020 update]

  1. Record of infections in Poland. 27 new cases of COVID-143 from the following voivodeships: Wielkopolskie (19), Śląskie (3888), Mazowieckie (3850), Dolnośląskie (2932), Małopolskie (2451), Łódzkie (2342), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1713), Podkarpackie (1663) ), Pomeranian (1553), Świętokrzyskie (1141), Podlasie (950), West Pomeranian (902), Lublin (866), Warmian-Masurian (805), Opole (795), Lubuskie (714).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 69 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 466 / 679 (all positive / including deceased).

[04.11.2020 update]

  1. 24 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Wielkopolskie (692), Mazowieckie (3952), Dolnośląskie (2797), Małopolskie (2324), Śląskie (2245), Łódzkie (2165), Lublin (1766), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1543) , Pomeranian (1429), Subcarpathian (1352), Świętokrzyskie (1280), West Pomeranian (767), Opole (747), Podlasie (644), Warmian-Masurian (625), Lubuskie (622).
  2. 19 people died from COVID-57, while 19 people died due to coexistence of COVID-316 with other diseases
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 439 536/6 475 (all positive / including deceased people)

[03.11.2020 update]

  1. 19 new cases of coronavirus infection from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (364), Śląskie (2959), Wielkopolskie (2407), Małopolskie (2114), Dolnośląskie (2106), Pomeranian (1964), Lublin (1317), Łódź (1290), and Podkarpacie (1110), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (929), Świętokrzyskie (565), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (551), West Pomeranian (551), Opole (454), Podlasie (445), Lubuskie (316).
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 31 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 414 844/6 102 (all positive / including deceased people)

[02.11.2020 update]

  1. 15 new coronavirus infections from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (578), Małopolskie (2218), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1746), Śląskie (1379), Greater Poland (1362), Łódź (1256), Podkarpacie (1180), Lublin (1049), Pomorskie (1043), Dolnośląskie (967), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (737), Zachodniopomorskie (582), Podlaskie (572), Opolskie (543), Lubuskie (355), Świętokrzyskie (295)
  2. Nine people died due to COVID-19, while 7 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases.
  3. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 395 480/5 875 (all positive / including deceased people)

[01.11.2020 update]

  1. We have 17 171 new and confirmed cases of infection, informs the Ministry of Health
  2. The infected are the inhabitants of the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (2380), Lubelskie (1768), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1734), Łódzkie (1670), Śląskie (1493), Małopolskie (1480), Podkarpacie (1241), Pomeranian (1020), Greater Poland (843) ), West Pomeranian (711), Podlasie (644), Warmian-Masurian (539), Dolnośląskie (524), Opole (461), Lubuskie (401) and Świętokrzyskie (262)
  3. 19 people died from COVID-20, while 19 people died from coexistence of COVID-132 with other diseases
  4. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 379 / 902 (all positive / including deceased)

Read on:

COVID-19 Coronavirus Coverage – Pandemic Development July-October 2020

Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus – pandemic development by June 2020

What You Need To Know About Coronavirus:

  1. COVID-19 – causes, symptoms, course, treatment
  2. Report of a Polish woman from Beijing: “The streets are empty, people do not leave their homes”
  3. Conspiracy theories about the virus are flooding the internet. We check how much truth there is in them

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