COVID-19 antibody rapid test – how does it work against coronavirus? Interpretation of the results
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The COVID-19 coronavirus, which was first detected in late 2019, continues to be dangerous, even leading to the death of patients. For this reason, it is very important to do as many tests as possible to isolate healthy people from infected people. The antibody test can be done privately. We check what it looks like and where to make it.

Why is COVID-19 coronavirus dangerous?

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the COVID-19 disease is very dangerous as it affects the respiratory system of an infected person. The first symptoms appear within 2-5 days of infection, however, the incubation period of the virus can last up to 21 days. For this reason, a 14-day quarantine was introduced, which covered all persons returning from abroad, as well as those who had direct contact with an infected person.

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are cough, shortness of breath, and a fever greater than 38 degrees. They may be accompanied by muscle aches, runny nose, anosmia (lack of smell) and general weakness of the body. The disease may be asymptomatic, mild or severe, directly threatening the life of the patients. While many people do not have visible symptoms, this does not mean that they are not carriers, which is why protection measures are so important.

  1. Check: Why does the coronavirus kill some people and are others mild?

How to protect yourself against COVID-19 infection?

Protection against COVID-19 infection consists in following the rules set out by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health. The main recommendations are, first of all, thorough hand washing – the activity should last at least 15-30 seconds, so that the virus becomes inactive after contact with warm water and soap.

  1. Learn more: Washing your hands can save you from viruses. How to do it effectively?

In addition, it is very important to take precautions when you are outside, keep a distance (at least 2 m) from another person, and use a hand sanitizer.

We also cannot forget about the protective mask. Some people may be carriers of the virus without realizing it. Therefore, the mask will protect, above all, others who could become infected.

  1. Find out about the types of protective masks

Currently, there is no data on how long we will wear the masks, but it will mainly involve vaccinating people, as well as doing as many tests for the presence of coronavirus as possible.

Coronavirus COVID-19 test – what does it look like?

The COVID-19 coronavirus test is a way to verify whether a person has contracted the coronavirus or is suffering from another condition that has similar symptoms. Currently, two types of COVID-19 coronavirus tests are performed: a genetic test and an immunological test. Nasopharyngeal swabs are needed for the genetic test, and the patient’s blood for the immunochromatographic / serological test.

  1. Learn more: Types of coronavirus tests – how do they work and how do they differ?

The same applies to the rapid plate test, in which the patient’s fingertip is pricked with a disposable pipette. A drop of blood is applied to the test plate.


However, the rapid plate test is not intended to detect coronavirus, only IgM and IgG antibodies. The sensitivity of the test is 94%.

When is it worth doing a rapid antibody test?

Genetic and immunological tests are performed among patients of infectious wards, as well as people who have had contact with the infected. Anyone who has symptoms suggestive of an infection or has been in contact with an infected patient can perform a rapid antibody test. People who would like to return to work or just find out if they are carriers can also get a COVID-19 antibody test.

Rapid Antibody Test – Interpretation of Results

Rapid antibody test results are received half an hour after the test was performed. It can be interpreted in two ways:

  1. negative result – lack of antibodies in the blood may be due to the lack of infection or infection in early development;
  2. positive result – the presence of antibodies in the blood may indicate acquired immunity after undergoing COVID-19 or an active infection, which should be confirmed by genetic testing or immunoassay.

In the event of a positive test result, the medical facility is obliged to send it to the nearest sanitary and epidemiological station, which will take the next steps.

Where can I get a quick antibody test?

A quick test for the presence of antibodies is possible in a specially prepared medical facility where all precautions are taken. It can be done throughout Poland after contacting the facility. The price of a quick antibody test is PLN 160.

The editorial board recommends the most important articles about the coronavirus:

  1. Scientists are still looking for an effective COVID-19 treatment. A review of promising therapies
  2. Everything you need to know about coronaviruses
  3. What we don’t know about the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus? There are still many questions

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected] You can find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

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