Couples’ problems: what impact on sexuality?
Excessive jealousy, feelings at half mast, breakdown of desire or even boredom: relationship problems are as numerous as they are diverse. If married life is fraught with pitfalls, good communication between partners is often the best way to cope. But how to react when the couple’s problem affects their sexuality?
Detect a torque problem in time
If the first moments of the life of a couple are generally placed under the best omen, the routine settles more or less quickly and the time can have harmful effects on the daily life of the partners. Mutual attentions diminish, personalities assert themselves and each other’s faults can worsen. Beyond these factors, specific events can mark the occurrence of a relationship problem: sudden financial difficulties, the disarming arrival of a child at home, adultery or even an illness.
Prevent couple problems
To mitigate the harmful consequences of a couple problem upstream, it may be wise to identify it early. For this, partners must ensure that they communicate sufficiently, and in the right way. To detect couple problems in time, certain clues can be very useful: a drop in morale in one of the partners, repeated absences from the matrimonial home or even a sex problem within the couple are often heralds of difficulties. This is the moment for lovers to pose the problem in order to find solutions.
Solutions to the couple problem
When relationship problems are caused by a specific event, it can be easier to cope with it. Conversely, when daily routine and boredom are at stake, the solutions are less obvious. It is important to create surprise, of course, to spark renewal. But how ? A getaway for two, a gift without special occasion, sweet words exchanged in writing or a move, for example, can be beneficial solutions. It is up to each couple to find together the best way to rekindle the flame.
Sex within the couple: when sexuality suffers from relationship problems
When it comes to the problem of the couple, sex within the couple acts on all fronts.
Decreased desire: an obstacle to a fulfilling married life
Sometimes the sex itself is a couple’s problem. One or both partner (s) no longer feel enough desire, relations become less and the taboo settles. In this case, it is useful to wonder why the libido of the lovers is found thus reduced. Beyond the factors of a hormonal nature, it can be a loss of the feeling of love, or simply boredom. In this last hypothesis, renewing one’s sexual practices can be a good way to regain the urge. Naughty underwear, unusual places and positions or sex toys come in this sense to help partners throughout their life as a couple.
When couple’s problems affect their sexuality
Conversely, reduced sexual activity can be the consequence of a relationship problem. Money, work and illness are recurring factors in low morale, stress and fatigue, sometimes leading to depression. In this state, the couple has no desire to have sex. In this particular hypothesis, some prefer to solve their relationship problems to resume their sexual activity when others, on the contrary, draw from it the necessary strength to fight.
Sex within the couple: a solution to the problems of the couple
Beneficial in many ways, both physical and psychological, sex can be a good means of decompression for partners who are having difficulties in their married life.
Married life: a perilous exercise
Unanimously, life as a couple is a difficult experience to carry out. Requiring many compromises, it sometimes ends in a rupture, considered as a benefactor or as a failure.
In any case, before reaching the breaking point, the partners can seek together – and with the help of a third party, possibly – solutions to their relationship problems.