Couple in crisis: how to save your marriage?
You only want one thing: that this painful crisis turns into a momentary difficulty. How to save your marriage in a crisis? Here are a few things to think about to put the odds in your favor.
Couple in crisis: choose your words carefully
At the height of the crisis, a couple is rarely able to communicate well. Each of the spouses seems to be going through a dense fog that makes it difficult to take a step back. Your words or those of your partner tend to revolve around your suffering, what you blame the other.
Accusations rise and the conflict escalates. Under these conditions, discussing can be extremely trying and sometimes even pointless (because it generates additional tensions). In order not to make the situation worse, there are a few fairly simple principles to apply.
For example, never speak for your partner, but only from your point of view: this avoids generalizations and hidden reproaches. Be sure to listen to what the other is saying, without misinterpreting: what you hear may not be what he meant. And if the exchanges do not flow smoothly, the therapeutic consultation together can be a lifesaver.
Saving your couple: procrastinating decisions
Your relationship is facing a storm and you are not in the best position to make decisions that commit you to the long term. During this difficult period, arguments are frequent, resentments explode and communication is damaged. Don’t try to decide whether to continue or leave.
Remember, time is on your side, and no big decision is ever won out of anger, bitterness, or frustration. For now, the first thing to do is to find a two-way relationship and get rid of the conflicts. You will be able to think about your common future once you have really succeeded in communicating.
“Calm the game” to save your couple
To save your relationship from a conflict situation that is only getting worse, it is essential to put your ego aside. Think about the future of your union rather than responding to that unpleasant thought or that barely masked accusation that your other half has just made to you. To stop this spiral of tension, you have to accept to let go. You can offer a temporary solution to try to ease the tension: leave the room, go for a walk, not speak to you during a party, etc.
However, be sure to explain your approach to your partner so that the latter does not interpret your gesture as an offensive or even a provocation. Explaining that we want everything to go well, that we prefer to move away to reflect and avoid conflict is a reaction that tends to pacify the situation.
Encourage pleasant moments to save your marriage
Whether it’s a violent crisis or crippling weariness, you have two options: let yourself be overwhelmed or try to get out of it together. Establishing small rituals, which allow you to rediscover yourself or to change surroundings, is a wise idea.
For example, you can arrange a regular meeting: a weekly coffee in a pretty square, a monthly walk in the countryside, a workout every ten days, etc. Whatever activity you like to do together, it’s about rediscovering the pleasure of spending time together in order to find a minimum of complicity and release the pressure within your relationship.
Question yourself to get through the relationship crisis
La couple crisis is often the expression of a need for accomplishment. However, very often, conflicts are guided by reproaches that one makes to the other but which reveals something about our own subject. Activate a mirror when you analyze the situation of your couple. Do you think your partner has become boring? Your own inability to direct yourself to what you really like is perhaps at stake. Do you blame your other half for not making you dream anymore? Perhaps you should also question yourself on some points: What is it that you are dissatisfied with in your own life? If you manage to discuss it together, not only will you get out of the blame (since you are trying to understand the origin of it), but you will also open up to your partner. Sharing your feelings and emotions is essential to experience a fulfilling life as a couple.
All couples experience deep crises that do not necessarily spell the end of their story, quite the contrary. Going through this adventure together, as painful as it is, allows you to consolidate your relationship and deepen your mutual love.
Pateicoties Visuma DIEVAM Tas bija brīnums, kad Adu templis palīdzēja man septiņu dienu laikā samierināt manu izjukušo laulību, šeit ir viņa informācija. ( Viņš spēj atrisināt jebkuru dzīves problēmu.
Kopš priesteris ADU man palīdzēja ar savu mīlestības burvestību, mans partneris ir bijis man uzticīgs un tuvāks nekā iepriekš. Es ļoti iesaku priesteri ADU ikvienam, kam nepieciešama palīdzība. sazinieties ar viņu, izmantojot viņa tīmekļa vietni {} (
Kopš priesteris ADU man palīdzēja ar savu mīlestības burvestību, mans partneris ir bijis man uzticīgs un tuvāks nekā iepriekš. Es ļoti iesaku priesteri ADU ikvienam, kam nepieciešama palīdzība. sazinieties ar viņu, izmantojot viņa tīmekļa vietni (solution.temple@mail. com)
Kopš priesteris ADU man palīdzēja ar savu mīlestības burvestību, mans partneris ir bijis man uzticīgs un tuvāks nekā iepriekš. Es ļoti iesaku priesteri ADU ikvienam, kam nepieciešama palīdzība
მსოფლიომ უნდა იცოდეს მართლწერის დიდი „ვუდუს ლორდის“ შესახებ, რომელსაც აქვს იდეალური გადაწყვეტა ურთიერთობის, ქორწინების, ჯანმრთელობის, ფინანსური და სხვა პრობლემებისთვის, რომლებიც აწუხებს კაცობრიობას. მთავარი მიზეზი, რის გამოც ვუდუს ბატონთან მივედი, იყო გამოსავლის პოვნა ქმრის დასაბრუნებლად და დაორსულებისთვის იყო ის, რომ ქმარმა მიმატოვა, რადგან ქორწინების 14 წლის შემდეგ ვერ დავორსულდებოდი. ახლახან ინტერნეტში წავიკითხე ჩვენებები, რომლებიც ზოგმა დაწერა ვუდუ ლორდზე და ძალიან გამიხარდა და გადავწყვიტე დახმარება მეთხოვა. მან დიდი სამუშაო გააკეთა იმით, რომ ჩემი ქმარი ჩემთან დაბრუნდა და პატიება მთხოვა, რამდენიმე თვის შემდეგ მე დავორსულდი. ახლა მე ვარ ტყუპების, ბიჭის და გოგოს, ამაყი დედა, ჩემს ქმარს კი არასოდეს შეუწყვეტია ჩემი სიყვარული და ძალიან ბედნიერად ვცხოვრობდით ერთად. მე არ შემიძლია მისი სახელის ინტერნეტში განთავსება, რადგან მან კარგი საქმე გააკეთა ჩემთვის. ვისაც მისი დახმარება სჭირდება, უნდა დაუკავშირდეს მას ელფოსტით [] ან დაამატოთ WhatsApp-ზე [+234 8097014925] შეგიძლიათ დაუკავშირდეთ მას დღეს, რომ მოაგვაროთ თქვენი პრობლემები და დარჩეთ სამუდამოდ ბედნიერი.