Couperose Skin Care

It is necessary to take care of the skin prone to rosacea with special tenderness. And choose appropriate care products. Preferably after consultation with a beautician.

Features of skin with rosacea

Outwardly, rosacea appears as a network of blood vessels, which is clearly visible through the skin. And it causes not the most pleasant emotions. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from vascular problems than men. And owners of thin light skin are more susceptible to rosacea. Dark skin is denser and better resists negative external influences.

Skin prone to rosacea is often hypersensitive, which manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant burning sensation.

Couperose occurs for various reasons. The vascular wall loses its elasticity, under blood pressure the vessels expand, and they cannot return to their previous state. Remaining expanded, they become noticeable on the face.

Vascular asterisks are a sure sign of rosacea.

Couperose can provoke:

  • excessive exposure to the sun;

  • love for coffee in the morning and a glass of wine in the evening;

  • taking hormonal pills;

  • sudden changes in temperature;

  • stress and even talking in raised tones, during which blood pressure rises.

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Composition of care products

When choosing cosmetics for skin care, make sure that it contains ingredients that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Remember only three letters: C, K, R. These three vitamins are vital for skin with rosacea.

  1. Vitamin PP reduces capillary fragility.

  2. Vitamin K thickens the walls of blood vessels.

  3. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis.

Strengthen the vascular wall, improve microcirculation, have an anti-inflammatory effect, not only these vitamins.
  • Rutin (rutoside) reduces capillary permeability.

  • Escin reduces the fragility of capillaries, restores their permeability.

  • Betulin makes blood vessels more elastic, improves blood flow and reduces swelling.

  • Panthenol (provitamin B5) heals, stimulates skin renewal, fights inflammation, nourishes.

  • Potassium reduces the permeability of blood vessels and increases the density of their walls.

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How to take care of sensitive skin with rosacea

Drinks that are too hot are not suitable for couperose skin.

If you have rosacea, when leaving is not recommended:

  • cleanse the skin with gels and foams, use aggressive scrubs;

  • wash your face with too hot or too cold water;

  • use tonics and other cosmetics containing alcohol;

  • do mechanical and chemical peeling in the salon;

  • use creams with fruit acids, menthol, honey and aloe – they dramatically stimulate blood circulation, which is dangerous for fragile vessels;

  • do a classic facial massage (for skin with rosacea, only plastic massage is acceptable);

  • sunbathing a lot (it is better to avoid the sun altogether).

All you need is to regularly care for your face, using special products for skin with fragile capillaries. They help protect against negative external influences that make the capillaries more brittle. Ingredients that have the ability to strengthen blood vessels will also not be superfluous.


You can only wash with warm water, and after washing it is better to let the skin dry on its own or blot your face with a thin paper towel.

For intensive cleansing, use gentle scrubs with rounded synthetic granules. Apply them with your fingertips, not with a brush or sponge.


Since the skin with rosacea most often needs special care, the recommendation to use a tonic or lotion becomes even more relevant than in other cases.


You can and should use creams that strengthen the skin, and regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks. The skin with fragile vessels is very thin, and mimic wrinkles appear on it early.


Choose creams with oils, omega-3 and -6 fatty acids to restore the lipid mantle of the skin.

Sun protection

At any time of the year, you need to go outside under the cover of a day cream with an SPF of at least 30. And on vacation, use a sunscreen with maximum protection.
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Overview of cosmetics for skin care with couperose

If you know about the tendency of the skin to rosacea, try to minimize the external influences that provoke it and use well-chosen cosmetics.

Moisturizing emulsion for redness-prone skin, Rosaliac UV, SPF 15, La Roche-Posay

The complex of vitamins CG and PP strengthens the walls of blood vessels and soothes reactive skin.

Cream Moisturizing Expert for sensitive skin, L’Oréal Paris

The tool is designed specifically for skin prone to redness. Contains vitamin E, camellia and almond oils. The effect is hydration and a feeling of comfort.

Sheet mask “Moisturizing + Comfort” with chamomile extract, Garnier

Removes redness, eliminates the feeling of discomfort, moisturizes the skin thanks to hyaluronic acid and glycerin.

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Homemade rosacea care recipes

All you need to know: couperose skin doesn’t like experimentation. Just take it for granted and don’t test it with homemade masks. Still don’t believe? Let’s give the arguments.

  1. The shelf life of many hand-made products does not exceed 1-2 days. Preparing a cream for a single application is irrational, so there is always a temptation to use it longer than it is safe for the skin.

  2. Homemade cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator, and the use of cold products for rosacea is dangerous.

  3. If a homemade cream has a too dense texture, and there are a lot of oils in the composition, then the thermoregulation of the skin may be disturbed. This stimulates blood circulation, which is undesirable with rosacea.

If it is vital for you to use homemade cosmetics, do not look on the Internet for recipes for masks against rosacea (they will only aggravate the situation). Better focus on moisturizing – here are some suitable masks for this.

Couperose skin requires professional care.

Berry mask

Act: softens and moisturizes the skin.


  1. a few blueberries, cranberries or lingonberries (5-20 pieces, depending on size);

  2. 1 teaspoon starch.

How to prepare and use:

  • grind the berries in a puree;

  • add starch;

  • cleanse the face;

  • apply tonic;

  • apply a thick layer of the mask;

  • rinse with water after 15 minutes;

  • apply moisturizer.

Editorial opinion. Berries give an excellent refreshing effect. But we advise you to be careful, as some of them contain too many active substances in high concentration, which can cause a negative reaction. When cooking, it is difficult to maintain proportions, so the risk of redness is high, because natural ingredients can be strong allergens. Cosmetic companies have been developing the formula for ready-made creams for years, the ingredients are carefully selected and tested to minimize risk.

Chamomile compress

Act: moisturizes the skin, soothes, relieves redness.


  1. a handful of inflorescences of chamomile officinalis;

  2. gauze for compress.

How to prepare and use:

  • brew chamomile with boiling water;

  • let the broth brew;

  • throw the inflorescences into a colander;

  • soak gauze with decoction;

  • put a compress on the cleansed skin (not hot!), The exposure time is 15 minutes.

Editorial opinion. A good recipe without any reservations. If you like to soothe reactive and sensitive skin in this way, do these compresses regularly. Although we are in any case for a ready-made mask with soothing ingredients like panthenol or the same chamomile extract.

Potato mask

Act: restores, mattifies and brightens the skin.


  1. 1 raw potato tuber;

  2. 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

How to prepare and use:

  • grate potatoes on a fine grater;

  • add oil;

  • mix well;

  • apply a layer of the mask, let it dry a little and apply the rest of the mixture;

  • wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.

Editorial opinion. A completely harmless mask, the preparation of which, however, requires some effort. If you have time, you can do it 2-3 times a week.
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Safety measures

To avoid exacerbation and weakening of the walls of blood vessels, it is worth reviewing your diet and lifestyle.

  • Avoid spicy and overly hot foods and alcohol.

  • Cosmetologists also do not recommend fatty dairy products (sour cream and cheese), chocolate, pickled vegetables, citrus fruits and legumes.

  • Forget about the bath and sauna. Any overheating, like hypothermia, aggravates the fragility of blood vessels.

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