Country singer writes autobiography

Country singer and rising star Taylor Swift shared with reporters that she plans to create her own biography, for which she makes detailed records of everything that happens around her every day.

The girl has already written a 350-page novel, but it is still unpublished (Swift does not give reasons). However, the singer has high hopes for her second literary work, which will be dedicated to her becoming as the star of the country scene.

In order not to miss anything, Swift keeps a kind of diary every day, in which he describes in detail the events of the past day, so as not to forget anything important in the future.

“Years later, I think it would be cool to write a book about everything that is happening to me now. My life rushes so fast that I have to write it down, otherwise tomorrow I won’t remember what happened today. As for the biography, I will definitely write it, ”the girl said.

One of the chapters of the future book will probably have to be devoted to the relationship with the actor Taylor Lautner, with whom Swift parted ways a few weeks ago, after a short but stormy romance.

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