Country injuries how to treat, country first aid kit

Work began at the dacha. In order not to go from the site to the hospital ward, we recall the ailments that lie in wait for gardeners.

6 May 2015

They turned awkwardly, took too heavy a load, stood bent over for a long time, and then abruptly straightened up? All of this can lead to acute back pain. Most often, it subsides within half an hour, but the stiffness of movements remains. The symptoms go away completely only after two to three days. Sometimes an acute attack reminds of itself for a week.

If pain occurs, lie down on the floor, place a roller or pillow under your knees. Wait for the attack to stop. Pay attention, if the muscles become numb, goose bumps run down the legs, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. These are signs of a herniated disc. It is impossible to cure it yourself.

Too active work in the beds can lead to joint inflammation. Shoulder pain is most common. It can build up over several days. Applying an ice pack several times a day to the site of pain for 10-15 minutes can reduce the discomfort. Of course, you will have to completely abandon physical activity. It is important to avoid sudden movements, beware of drafts.

To protect yourself from problems with the musculoskeletal system, while working in the beds, constantly change your posture. Use a low bench. Get up alternately on one or the other knee. Are you digging or planting? Try on a special corset that you can buy at the pharmacy. This device will reduce the stress on the spine.

Feel pain in the left side of your chest or behind your breastbone? Stop working immediately, go into the shade, or even better – to a country house. Take your medicine and lie down. You need peace. The pain is accompanied by flies before the eyes, nausea, dizziness – call an ambulance. In order not to provoke heart ailments, while working in the country, take a break for yourself every hour. Do not go out to the area without a hat. Try to work in the morning, before 12:00, and in the evening.

Eating disorders are another misfortune that lies in wait for the summer resident. Even if there is a refrigerator in the garden house, when going out of town, do not take salads seasoned with mayonnaise, smoked fish and meat, or dairy products with you. They won’t stand a long trip. Want to pack everything in a cooler bag? Make sure it can keep food for a long time. Don’t expect to be able to tell the freshness of a stock by smell. Dangerous bacteria multiply rapidly under the influence of heat before the unpleasant amber appears. By the way, instead of a refrigerator bag, you can also use a cold accumulator. Before the trip, it must be kept in the freezer for eight hours. After such recharging, the battery will cool the food for up to 12 hours. Please note that one device is designed to store 10-12 liters of food.

There is no drinking water on the site, and you go to the spring for it? It’s safer to bring a store bottle from the city. The fact is that spring water can contain bacteria that give rise to viral diseases, such as hepatitis.

Creon, mezim, festal help with overeating. In the fresh air, appetite increases, and therefore it is better to keep these medicines on hand. It is necessary to take pills with heaviness in the stomach.

Activated carbon, smecta, enterosgel useful for food poisoning. The heaviness in the stomach is accompanied by nausea – take the crushed tablets. For every 10 kg of weight, 1 pill is required.

Antihistamines are also needed if there are no allergy sufferers in the family. The fact is that it is not known how the body can react to a wasp or bee sting. Even a person who knows about allergies only by hearsay may experience Quincke’s edema. Able to cause an attack and pollen.

Nitroglycerin, corvalol, validol will not interfere with the first aid kit if you have heart disease.

Pain relievers (noshpa, baralgin, spazmalgon) will help in case of problems with the lower back. It is necessary to keep them with you and in case of headache or toothache, there is hardly a dentist’s office next to the summer cottage.

Warming ointments it is worth taking with you for those who suffer from sciatica.

Dry ice – an irreplaceable helper in case of bruises. By applying it to the sore spot, you can get rid of the swelling.

Iodine and brilliant green will be needed to clean the skin around the wound. Hydrogen peroxide will help stop bleeding.

Sterile bandage and bactericidal patch best prepared in case of injury.

Ammonia worth putting in the medicine cabinet in case of fainting. This phenomenon is not uncommon with heatstroke.

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