Countries where children live the best. New WHO report

The World Health Organization, in cooperation with UNICEF and The Lancet, has published a report on countries where children live the best. The report’s conclusions are sad – no country adequately protects children, their environment and their future. The report “The future of children in the world?” was published in the journal “The Lancet”.

Every child’s life is at stake

The report “The Future of Children in the World?”, Which includes data from 180 countries, is not very optimistic. It states that the health and future of every child and teenager around the world are directly threatened by ecological degradation and climate change. Experts also point out to harmful marketing activities that push children to reach for fast food, sweetened drinks, alcohol and tobacco.

40 health experts from around the world, led by Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Awa Coll-Secka, Minister from Senegal, worked on the report for almost two years. The aim of the report was to measure the “child’s flowering index” by comparing measures of survival and well-being of children (health, education, diet). Sustainable development (greenhouse gas emissions) and equity or income differences were also taken into account.

Norway came first, followed by South Korea and the Netherlands. It is in these countries, according to the report, that children have the best chance of survival and well-being. Countries such as the Central African Republic, Chad, Somalia, Niger and Mali are at the bottom of the ranking.

The authors of the report also took into account carbon dioxide emissions per capita, and in this ranking, Norway was ranked 156, South Korea – 166, and the Netherlands – 160. Each of these three countries emits 210 percent of the total. more carbon dioxide per capita than the target they want to achieve in 2030.

Over two billion people live in countries where the development of children is hampered by humanitarian crises, conflicts and natural disasters – problems increasingly related to climate change, said Awa Coll-Seck, adding: carbon dioxide emission rates, many of them are exposed to the worst effects of a changing climate.

The only countries that are on track to meet their 2030 CO70 per capita targets and at the same time perform well (top XNUMX) in terms of ‘flowering’ children are: Albania, Armenia, Grenada, Jordan, Moldova, Sri Lanka , Tunisia, Uruguay and Vietnam.

How does Poland fare compared to other countries?

Poland in the ranking of countries where children live the best

Poland ranked at the top of the third ten countries where children live the best. We took 33rd place and we overtook e.g. United States and Our Country. The following countries ranked higher than us: Slovakia, Malta, Hungary, Spain, Israel, Croatia, Estonia and Italy.

In the ranking of countries and territories in terms of the sustainable level of carbon dioxide emissions in relation to the targets for 2030, Poland was ranked 157th. Currently, our country emits 216 percent. more carbon dioxide than the 2030 target.

“This report shows that world policymakers are too often failing today’s children and young people: they are not protecting their health, they are not protecting their rights and are not protecting their planet,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization.

Editors recommend:

  1. Air pollution is a health hazard
  2. Polish children do not breathe air, only smog
  3. Record obesity in children. If we do not stop the epidemic, we will live shorter lives

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