Countdown: how to rejuvenate your neck

A graceful smooth neck is associated with youth and grace. Unfortunately, this delicate part of the body receives unreasonably little attention from us and, earlier than the face, begins to give out age … Let’s figure out how to rejuvenate the neck and décolleté at home.

Causes of neck skin aging

We often hide our neck: under turtlenecks, scarves, coat collars. And from this, perhaps, we forget to care for her as carefully and regularly as, say, for the face, hands and body. Hence the result – usually by the age of 40-45, wrinkles appear on the neck, the skin becomes not as elastic as before. This is explained by several reasons.

In structure, the skin of the neck is very similar to the delicate and delicate skin around the eyes, that is, with thin subcutaneous fat, it is almost devoid of sebaceous glands.

But in addition to the internal causes laid down by nature itself, the following negative factors affect the flabbiness of the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Non-physiological position of the spine

During the day, we constantly nod, tilt our head to the right, then to the left, stretch our neck, press it into our shoulders. For us, this is a manifestation of emotions, but for the neck, or rather, for the cervical spine, a serious burden. Muscles are twisted, then stretched – no rest and relaxation. And the skin either twists or stretches along with them, so it rather loses its elasticity – the same principle applies as in the formation of mimic wrinkles.

Using Gadgets

It is quite difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without them. But they also contribute to the process of early aging of the skin of the neck and décolleté. When browsing the news feed, answering emails on a smartphone, or working at a computer, we tilt our heads. At the same time, the back of the neck is stretched, and what remains of the front? Gather in wrinkles. Hence the signs of aging of the skin of the neck. Plus – a second chin! But this is a separate conversation.

static posture

Watch yourself while you work. We sit in the same position for hours, especially while reading, knitting, sewing, putting together puzzles. This is a huge load on the cervical spine.


Often we forget to apply SPF cream on the neck and décolleté, and hence the loss of elasticity, flabbiness of the skin, wrinkles.

If you want to know how your face will change with age, take our quiz.

How to rejuvenate the skin of the neck at home

It is quite obvious that in order for the skin of the neck to remain beautiful, elastic and even for as long as possible, daily care is required:
  • moisturizing;

  • food;

  • UV protection.

And if we talk about home methods for rejuvenating the skin of the neck and décolleté, there are three of them:

  1. special cosmetics;

  2. massage (self-massage);

  3. gymnastics.

And now let’s dwell on each in more detail.

Cosmetical tools

There are many options, we will tell you about the most worthy, according to the editors of Healthy-Food.

Anti-aging face and neck cream Revitalift, L’Oréal Paris

The composition of the product includes a combination of powerful components of Vitafibrin and Proretinol A. The cream smoothes even deep wrinkles on the skin of the neck, tightens and makes the contours of the face clearer.

Cream for the neck, decollete and oval face Neovadiol Phytosculpt, Vichy

Contains hyaluronic acid, renewing components HEPES, Hydrovance, as well as a phytoactive based on fern extract that stimulates skin renewal, and Vichy thermal water. All together gives the promised effect: skin tone and elasticity increase literally within a few hours. After two months of regular use, wrinkles on the neck and décolleté are noticeably reduced, and the oval of the face looks more toned.

Face cream “Active lifting 45+. Day Care» series Skin Naturals, Garnier

Cream with the complex “Plant Cells of Youth + Shea Butter” acts on the skin in three directions:

  • has an anti-aging effect;

  • reduces wrinkles;

  • strengthens the contours of the face.

Concentrated anti-aging serum in ampoules LiftActiv Specialist Peptide-C, Vichy

Serum with a very light texture absorbs quickly. The active composition includes peptides, vitamin C, hyaluronic acid and other useful components. The result is intense hydration, collagen synthesis for smooth and supple skin. Each ampoule is designed for two applications (morning and evening) on ​​the face, neck and décolleté.

Night face cream Rénergie Multi Glow, Lancôme

Lifting effect, radiance, even tone – such a result is promised on the package. The cream contains red berry extract, which gives the skin radiance, and flax extract, known for its resistance to extreme weather conditions. The cream moisturizes and gives a noticeable lifting effect. Skin appears firmer and facial contours more defined. An even and radiant tone appears, wrinkles are reduced.


Neck massage is a pleasant and very effective procedure, which, if desired, can be done independently.

  • For example, during water procedures. With a jet of water from the shower, stroke in a circular motion. Water should be cool.

  • Or while applying cream. Apply it with stroking movements, moving from the neckline and above – to the neck, and then to the chin.

Well helps to remove puffiness and remove excess fluid lymphatic drainage massage.

  1. With the pads of your fingers, walk along the neck and finish the movement on the collarbones.

  2. In the clavicle cavities, linger and lightly press into the recesses.

  3. Pressing, move from the collarbone to the armpits.

Special exercises

It is unpleasant when the neck becomes numb. Simple but effective exercises come to the rescue, which can be easily performed not only at home, but also in the office.

Exercise 1

Sit up straight. Tilt your head first to the right and at the same time extend your right arm to the side. Stretch the top of your head towards your fingertips. Act without fanaticism, very carefully. Do the exercise 5 times. Rest for 30 seconds and repeat the same, tilting your head to the left.

Exercise 2

Put your hand under the back of your head and turn your head to the side, look up, as if looking at the stars in the sky. Stretch the lateral muscles of the neck for about 10-15 seconds. Do the same for the other side. The number of repetitions is 5-7.

Exercise 3

Grab your left shoulder with your right hand and press your chin on it. Try to feel how the muscles on the front of the neck tense up. Do the exercise in different directions 5-7 times.

Traditional recipes

To rejuvenate the skin of the neck, you can use homemade masks, compresses, tonics. We have already written about this in detail. If you love folk recipes and think that products from the refrigerator can effectively help, read our collection of articles with recipes and videos.

What methods of neck rejuvenation can cosmetology offer?

Of all the anti-aging procedures, the skin of the neck and décolleté most often gets the remains of a night cream. And even then not always. If you need a more drastic approach than home methods to keep your neck from looking wrinkled and dry, you can turn to a beautician. Let’s talk about a few suitable procedures.

  • Plasmolifting – your own blood is taken from a vein and driven in a special centrifuge, and then injected subcutaneously into the face, neck and décolleté. It has already been proven that plasma stimulates collagen synthesis, promotes skin hydration, its density and elasticity. And all at the expense of the body’s own resources. Plasmolifting is carried out twice a year in courses of 3-5 procedures.

  • biorevitalization – injection procedure. Injections with hyaluronic acid and a complex of vitamins, microelements, amino acids and growth factors are injected under the skin. If you carry out the procedure in a course of 3-5 procedures every six months, you can maintain the skin in excellent condition for a very long time.

  • bioreinforcement – With the help of injections of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, wrinkles are filled from the inside. The procedure starts the process of collagenogenesis, and the result lasts long enough.

  • Laser resurfacing – a rather painful procedure that requires rehabilitation within 7-9 days. But the result is beyond praise. In fact, this is a set of controlled laser burns, thanks to which the skin is commanded to overhaul.

  • Mesonites – one of the modern methods of rejuvenation, which gives a fairly stable and long-term result. Special medical threads are inserted under the skin, which strengthen the frame of the face and make its oval more distinct.

Proper care of the skin of the neck and décolleté

Neck rejuvenation at home gives quick results. True, with one caveat – if you act regularly and choose highly effective means. And also follow a special ritual of care.

  • While showering, massage your neck and décolleté with cool water.

  • When applying face cream, be sure to capture the neck and décolleté.

  • Once a week, use a gentle exfoliation or scrub to gently exfoliate your neck.

  • When removing makeup from the face, do not forget to cleanse the skin of the neck.

  • Do special exercises for the neck.

  • Pamper your neck with a mask once a week. Any will do – alginate, cream.

  • Protect your skin from UV rays with SPF.

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