Cough without signs of a cold

Cough without signs of a cold

A cough is a reflex, a reaction of the body to some kind of irritant or inflammatory process. For example, a cough is often a companion to a cold, indicating damage to the trachea or inflammation of the bronchi. Another thing is a cough without a cold. What disease symptom can it be and how to determine it?

It is not yet known which is better: a cough without a cold, or a cold without a cough. In any case, the appearance of a cough without other obvious signs of a cold can signal the development of a serious illness.

Cough without a cold – possible causes

Per se cough without a cold Is a symptom, not a disease. To determine its cause, you need to evaluate other associated symptoms. Any cough, including a cough without a cold, can be productive (i.e., with the release of sputum and mucus) and not productive (dry).

The causes of a productive non-cold cough can be:

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (the ingress of stomach acids into the esophagus), in which cough usually manifests itself during sleep, this cough is often accompanied by heartburn, sour taste in the mouth;

  • symptom of lung damage or irritation of the throat or esophagus caused by prolonged smoking;

  • congestion in the lungs after a viral infection – to get rid of them, the body may need additional time.

Causes of an unproductive cough without a cold:

  • bronchospasm;

  • ACE inhibitors, used to lower blood pressure;

  • exposure to dust and other harmful substances;

  • bronchial asthma.

A non-cold cough can be a symptom of lung cancer, tuberculosis, mediastinal tumor, heart failure, pleurisy, and diseases of the nervous system. In children, a non-cold cough can be caused by croup (acute laryngitis), secondhand smoke (inhalation of tobacco smoke), and emotional problems. In infants, a cough without a cold is sometimes indicative of teething (physiologic rhinitis). In general, any healthy child coughs up to 20 times a day – this is the so-called physiological, natural cough. Unlike a pathological one, which is caused by some kind of disease, a physiological cough without a cold is absolutely normal. With its help, the child clears his respiratory tract from phlegm and any foreign bodies that have fallen into the wrong throat. If the child has a physiological non-cold cough, no treatment is needed.

Treatment for a non-cold cough

You need to treat not the cough itself without a cold, but its cause. However, you can relieve a symptom of a cough if it causes you pain or discomfort:

  • With a productive cough, sputum-thinning agents – including drinking plenty of fluids – can help. It is not necessary to suppress the cough – after all, it arises as a reflex to eliminate the irritant. Disrupt this reflex and phlegm will begin to accumulate in the lower lungs.

  • Relieve a non-cold cough, relieve irritation and sore throat caused by a strong cough, gargle with salt water (½ teaspoon table salt in 1 glass of warm water).

  • Quit smoking – preferably for good, but at least for the duration of the exacerbation of the cough.

  • Moisturize the air – dry air irritates the lungs and may not cause a cold cough.

  • The more effective the cough is, the faster it will go away. The effectiveness of cough is well enhanced by steam inhalation with essential oils – for example, thyme, eucalyptus, frankincense, marjoram.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to run to the doctor for any non-cold cough – perhaps it is a mild allergic reaction to polluted air or a residual phenomenon of a recent cold. But if you feel pain when you cough without a cold, blood appears in the sputum and the cough does not go away within two weeks, you should definitely consult a doctor. You may need a chest x-ray, ECG, lung volume exam, and other procedures and tests that your doctor will order.

Remember that a cough without a cold, too long or accompanied by pain, discomfort, sputum mixed with blood, requires a mandatory visit to a doctor. A non-cold cough can be a symptom of a real serious illness, the course of which will depend on timely diagnosis and treatment.

Most importantly, be sure to consult your doctor.

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