Cough – types, causes, which may be evidence. Cough treatment and home remedies

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A cough is an involuntary contraction reaction caused by irritation of the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. This irritation may be caused, inter alia, by the presence of a foreign body in the tract, as well as bacterial and viral infections. Most often, coughing is just a symptom of the disease.

What is a cough?

Coughing is a physiological, unconditional reflex that helps to clear the respiratory tract of any airborne contaminants and mucus. Coughing is the body’s primary defense mechanism. It occurs due to the stimulation of the cough areas located in the larynx, trachea, bronchi and nasopharynx. The cough reflex can also be triggered by stimulating impulses from the lung or pleura tissue and the diaphragm. In some cases, coughing may indicate a more serious illness, especially if it persists for a long time. The causes of cough depend on whether it is acute or chronic, and on the patient’s age.

The cough may be:

  1. productive – then it is even necessary, because thanks to it it is possible to remove accumulated and contaminated bronchial secretions from the respiratory tract. This helps to avoid some complications, although not always productive cough is effective (then it is necessary to eat expectorant syrup);
  2. unproductive – not only does it bring no benefits, but it can even be dangerous, for example in people after abdominal surgery. In addition, it can lead to fainting or rupture of blood vessels in the respiratory mucosa.

Cough – causes

A cough is a defensive reaction of the body – the upper respiratory tract, which task is to remove (cough) the residual harmful substance. Coughing can be caused by:

  1. irritation of the respiratory mucosa as a result of an increased amount of irritating gases, dust, secretions or the influence of other pathogens;
  2. pneumonia – manifested by a fever and a productive cough (bronchial sounds are heard);
  3. irritation of the cortex of the brain not necessarily related to the disease process in the respiratory tract;
  4. reflexes originating in other organs, e.g., gallbladder, pleura, stomach, etc .;
  5. bacterial and viral infections (e.g. bronchitis); then there is a runny nose, sore throat and general malaise,
  6. the presence of a foreign body;
  7. pulmonary embolism – the accompanying symptom is chest pain;
  8. smoking tobacco;
  9. gastroesophageal reflux disease – it most often causes chronic cough; in addition to coughing, there is pain in the chest and abdominal pain; hoarseness and morning and night cough appear;
  10. heart failure – in addition to coughing, there is shortness of breath and crackling sounds when breathing;
  11. flow of discharge from the posterior nostrils down the back wall of the throat – this is often accompanied by headache and throat pain and swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  12. asthma – chronic cough is provoked by various allergens, exercise or low temperature;
  13. chronic bronchitis – there is a productive, wet cough with expectoration of sputum; in addition, there are shortness of breath;
  14. whooping cough is characterized by five or more coughs in a single exhalation; then there is a deep breath in;
  15. supraglottic tumor – there is pain and trouble swallowing; the sick person has a feeling as if something is stuck in his throat; advanced disease is characterized by chronic hoarseness and cough;
  16. cough after respiratory tract infections – it is dry and may persist for several weeks or even months;
  17. tuberculosis – characteristic is the persistence of a cough, which is dry at first, and over time begins to produce sputum (even with blood).

Important symptoms to determine the cause of the cough are whether the cough is acute or chronic, whether it is dry or moist, and is associated with expectoration of the contents of the respiratory tract, and at what time of the day it occurs. Cigarette smoking is a cause of chronic cough in heavy smokers. Often, addiction to nicotine makes it impossible, for example, to cure bronchitis.

If you want to soothe your cough, try CRYSTAL – a herbal-fruit tea that contains products that have a beneficial effect on the throat, such as: elderberry flower, thyme herb, marshmallow root, linden inflorescence, anise fruit, raspberry fruit, wild mallow leaf, chokeberry fruit.

Types of cough:

  1. A dry cough (without sputum production) usually occurs at the beginning of an acute inflammatory process in the airways.
  2. Wet cough accompanied by expectoration is characteristic of chronic inflammatory processes, bronchiectasis, lung abscesses, etc.
  3. A wounded cough, resulting from the accumulation of secretions in the bronchi during the night – may indicate chronic bronchitis.

Causes of acute and chronic cough in children

Among the most common causes of acute cough in children are:

  1. a foreign body in the throat that causes sudden coughing and choking
  2. bacterial tracheitis;
  3. croup, in the course of which a dry cough appears, intensifying especially at night;
  4. upper respiratory tract infection, accompanied by runny nose, sometimes fever and sore throat in addition to coughing;
  5. contact with substances toxic to the lungs (e.g. cigarette smoke);
  6. bronchiolitis – the cough is paroxysmal; additionally there is a runny nose and rapid breathing, sometimes vomiting after a coughing attack;
  7. epiglottitis;
  8. bacterial or viral pneumonia – the cough may be paroxysmal or intermittent with breaths; there is pain in the muscles.

In turn, a child’s chronic cough may be related to, among others:

  1. tuberculosis (asymptomatic in most children);
  2. asthma – episodic coughing attacks;
  3. foreign body in the throat;
  4. cystic fibrosis – characterized by recurrent pneumonia and meconium obstruction;
  5. whooping cough – a cough attack lasts about 2 weeks; the child has no appetite and the infant has periods of apnea.

What does a cough show?

Cough may be associated with a reflex increase in pressure in the respiratory tract, and additionally – by hindering the expulsion of air from the respiratory tract – promote the development of both emphysema and bronchiectasis, and at a later stage – the development of the so-called pulmonary heart failure and right heart failure.

If we observe a chronic cough that cannot be cured, it may be a sign of cardiovascular disease associated with passive congestion (congestion) in the lungs, and therefore one of the first – apart from exercise shortness – symptoms of heart failure.

Cough – home pre-medical aid

Coughing in acute colds or respiratory tract infections can be relieved by:

  1. use of expectorant syrups (3 tablespoon 5-1 times a day),
  2. rubbing warming the chest with camphor or salicylic spirit,
  3. diaphoretic preparations, e.g. infusion of linden flower, elderberry or administration of similar drugs,
  4. application of bubbles.

Prolonged bronchial catarrh, which does not alleviate even after the use of the above-mentioned measures and treatments, should be immediately consulted with a specialist.

For cough it is worth using, among others Organic mint syrup available on Medonet Market. You can also order Cough – a herbal mixture for children, which is currently available at a promotional price.

Treatment of cough

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine the cause of cough, as it is a symptom of many diseases. During the diagnosis, the physician should first determine whether the expectorated discharge is purulent or mucous, thin and thick. The color of the sputum is also important, it can be yellow, green or transparent. If there is blood in the expectorant, it may be pneumonia or other more serious diseases.

Very often, patients find it difficult to distinguish between wet and dry coughs, and the difference is very large. A wet cough usually appears after a few days of infection, i.e. when the secretions begin to drain into our respiratory tract. Then you can feel the discharge. Another aspect is the duration of a wet cough – it usually lasts from a few to several days, while a dry cough lasts up to three days.

The goal of treating a dry cough is to turn it into a wet cough. Antitussive preparations that contain, for example, coltsfoot or thyme are used to soothe unbearable dry cough. It is also important to moisten the rooms where the sick person is. Warming up the body will help to convert from dry to wet cough. For a sore throat – lozenges to relieve pain are recommended.

In order to relieve nocturnal coughing episodes, you can, for example, raise the head of the bed. By lifting the head and torso, there is better ventilation. In addition, it is worth avoiding smoky rooms and smoking.

Best Home Remedies For Wet And Dry Coughs:

1. Onion syrup – onion, like garlic, is considered a natural antibiotic that is perfect for fighting colds. Onion perfectly copes with all symptoms of infection, especially those of the throat and tonsils. It eliminates bacteria and viruses, and thus infections caused by them. Another advantage of onions is its anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, which causes the secretion in the throat to be thinned and thus removed faster. Raw onion is best for the body because it contains the highest amount of natural ingredients and is also better absorbed by the stomach. To prepare the syrup, of course, you need onion and sugar or honey. The combination of all these ingredients gives excellent results.

2. Inhalations – based on herbs, they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. They not only reduce the pain associated with colds, but also accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium.

3. Sage decoction – usually used as an infusion to rinse the sick throat. Rinse your throat several times a day, preferably every three hours. Sage is available at any herbal store or pharmacy. Its leaves contain antibacterial properties.

4. Linseed – infusion prepared on the basis of linseed brings relief to persistent and dry cough. The seed has the properties of moisturizing the mucosa, and regular consumption of the infusion reduces sore throat and also dilutes the secretion in the lungs.

Try licorice for cough. Buy Pukka Three Licorice today – licorice tea that has an expectorant and soothing effect.

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