Cough, snot, fever in a child, vomiting: the opinion of a pediatrician
A child’s cough, snot and fever are signs of ARVI. A viral infection enters the body in crowded places, most often it is a kindergarten and a school, as well as large shops, metro. The incubation period lasts 2-5 days. The person is already contagious at this time, but does not feel any symptoms.
Such manifestations of the organism are always caused by a virus. If he walked without a hat or got his feet wet and got sick after that, the cause is still a viral infection. The fact is that during hypothermia, the body’s natural defenses are disrupted – immunity is weakened, which allows viruses to easily enter the body.
Cough, snot and fever in a child are a sign of a viral infection
The opinion of pediatricians is that it is not necessary to bring down the temperature below 38,5. The immune system must fight the disease, do not suppress these natural processes.
Symptoms of the disease usually persist for 7-10 days. In the normal course of the disease, the period with high fever lasts no more than 3 days. The rest of the time it can be slightly more than 37 degrees.
A runny nose can last up to 2 weeks. At first, the snot is transparent and liquid, and after a few days it becomes green and thick. The cough may not stop for a month. At the onset of the disease, it is usually dry, later it becomes wet.
When should the child be taken to the doctor
When a child begins to go to the garden, there comes a period of frequent incidence of ARVI. Children catch viruses from each other, and in a year they can get sick up to 8-10 times. If the usual course of the disease is observed, then you can cope with it at home. The main thing is to create good conditions:
- Provide constant ventilation of the room, fresh air is essential when treating a viral infection.
- It is good if the air at home is humid. Use special humidifiers during the heating season. This will make it easier and faster to endure the disease, reduce the intensity of coughs and runny nose.
- It is necessary to treat ARVI with antiviral drugs. Antibiotics will not help in this case. They are used only in case of complications – pneumonia, otitis media, and only as directed by a pediatrician.
- Use saline solutions to relieve a runny nose. This can be normal saline solution or special sprays and drops with sea water. If the child is still small and does not know how to blow his nose, free his nasal passages with an aspirator or a rubber bulb.
The child needs the help of a specialist if:
- All of these symptoms are accompanied by vomiting.
- Temperatures over 38,5 do not go away after 3 days.
- He is not yet 3 months old.
- The cough lasts more than 10 days. An examination is needed to exclude the possibility of complications.
- The child’s condition does not improve within 1 week.
- Ear pain appeared.
- The runny nose did not go away in 2 weeks.
Complications are dangerous for a person and his life, so you cannot treat them yourself at home. It is important to prevent their occurrence, and at the slightest suspicion, show the child to the pediatrician.
Take preventive measures during the season of mass contamination – in autumn and spring. For hygienic purposes, bury or irrigate the nasal cavity with seawater or normal saline solution. Teach your child to wash their hands often, especially after going outside.