Cough in children – proven ways to deal with it
Cough in children - proven ways to deal with itCough in children – proven ways to deal with it

The first sign of illness caused by a cold, but also by a viral or bacterial infection, is a cough. What does this cough mean?

Dry cough – about the onset of infection, choking, allergies or pneumonia. A wet cough, which is usually the second phase of a cold, can also be a harbinger of bronchitis. A wheezing cough can mean diseases of the larynx, lungs and asthma. It can be observed if the cough is paroxysmal, then it may be a symptom of allergies, asthma or whooping cough. On the other hand, a barking cough heralds laryngitis and tracheitis, but it can also mean some infectious diseases. As you can see, there are many health hazards to recognize, which is why medical consultation is essential. Especially in the case of little ones. But even adult cough is no joke.

When should you take a coughing child to the doctor?

When dealing with an infant, you need to go to the doctor immediately after observing the first symptoms – cough and usually also fever. Complications can occur very quickly in such small children. It’s easy to confuse bronchitis or pneumonia with the common cold if you don’t consult your doctor. With a child a little older, i.e. a few years old, you can wait 2-3 days, paying attention to whether the health of our child is not rapidly deteriorating.

When, despite home treatment, i.e. resting the baby in the home, after 2 to 3 days, when the child’s condition does not improve and the high fever persists, in addition, additional symptoms appear in the form of a rash or diarrhea, it is already no jokes. Your toddler probably has a persistent dry cough that will sooner or later turn into a wet one. He needs to be examined by a pediatrician who will determine if there are any complications. Only a doctor can fully assess what treatment to use.

When does a child’s cough herald an allergy, and when a cold?

When we see that nothing special is wrong with the child, a cough may be a sign of an allergy. When the general condition of the child is really good and he is tired of coughing, usually the so-called barking, it’s good to notice when your baby is coughing. If it happens mainly while playing with a pet (dog, cat, rabbit), the hair of this quadruped is probably the cause. Such symptoms are a reason to visit a doctor who will prescribe appropriate medications. This should be done as soon as possible, because untreated inhalation allergy can gradually turn into very serious asthma.

In a situation where, in addition to coughing, the child has a runny nose together with an increased temperature, there has probably been an infection of the upper respiratory tract, or one of the childhood diseases, such as rubella or measles, which give similar symptoms.

How to deal with home remedies for a child’s cough?

These tips will come in handy for any parent. Well, the cough that accompanies the common cold, you can try to fight on your own. This does not mean that we will succeed, but if we hit the very early stage of the disease, there is a chance. However, home treatments can only be used when the disease is really mild – when the baby is fine apart from a cold.

One of the main issues that we can have a significant impact on is the care for humidifying the air in the apartment. Dry air irritates the mucous membrane of the throat, so it additionally increases burning and pain in the larynx. Hang water containers or wet towels next to the radiator. Moist air has a soothing effect on a dry cough and facilitates expectoration of secretions. Ventilating the room and maintaining the temperature oscillating around 20°C also positively influences the change of air.

In the case of a very small child, we should take care to put additional pillows under the head. A child in a semi-sitting position will breathe better. The flow of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat will decrease, which in turn will make it easier for him to cough up phlegm.

If you have a sore throat, make sure your child drinks plenty of water. Warm tea with raspberry juice and a small amount of sugar will be the best. A one-year-old toddler can be given tea with scalded honey, dissolved in boiling water to kill any bacteria, and lemon. Older children from 3 years of age can, if they like, give honey in its pure form. Linden flower tea soothes sore throats and sore throats. Doctors very often also recommend inhalations, even from ordinary water vapor. When the child is not allergic, also with the addition of thyme or eucalyptus oil. In addition, patting the back is used when there is a wet cough. Tapping helps to loosen secretions. It is best to ask your doctor for instructions on how to do this.

The doctor most often recommends, in addition to home remedies, also special medications to support expectoration of secretions from the throat. Most often, these are syrups – typical medicines or dietary supplements. Flegamina in syrup (the most popular is strawberry) or tablets is often recommended,, which has an expectorant effect, liquefying secretions from the respiratory tract. This drug facilitates expectoration and clearing of the bronchi. It also occurs Flegamin tablets. However, syrups of various flavors are still available – especially for children – raspberry and strawberry, and mint flavor for adults.

Flegamina raspberry syrup intended for children contains compounds called bromhexine hydrochloride. They cause an expectorant effect and clear the airways. Flegamin helps in acute and chronic respiratory diseases. It has been used successfully for a long time, although there are syrups of other brands available on the market. It is recommended for older children Strawberry Flegamina Junior, with a higher dose of active ingredients.

Cough in children is a delicate matter, but with a little prudence, you can deal with it at any stage, with the help of a doctor’s instructions and home remedies and medicines.

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