Cough in adults

What is a cough?

Cough occurs due to involuntary forced exhalations, which are due to the fact that irritation is present on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Anything can serve as a reason for coughing, from a speck of dust accidentally flying into the throat to serious illnesses: influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Coughing is also caused by small foreign bodies that have fallen into the throat. With the help of coughing, the child is freed from them.

In recent years, the number of cases of lung cancer and tuberculosis has increased. The hemoptysis syndrome, which often complicates the course of lung cancer and tuberculosis, also requires the appointment of drugs that soothe and suppress cough. Antitussive drugs are also necessary for patients with functional disorders in the respiratory system, with tracheal dyskinesia and reflux disease. Thus, the range of diseases in which effective antitussive drugs are needed is very wide.

Cough begins when there is irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi. That is why, in order to get rid of a cough (not from the cause of the cough, but only from the spasm itself), you just need to remove the irritation, or at least reduce it.

Video: chronic cough – what is its cause and how to defeat it?

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